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Lost for words Oct 2010
Incessent drumming and the roar of raindrops
Keep me from sleeping past dawn
Welly boots step into the cold, wet day
as the sky weeps for the loss of summer.
The wind takes the wheel,
driving water up trouser legs, into socks, under hats
Blown out beş lira umbrellas discarded on the overpass
A graveyard of useless metal spiders.
Still it rains
Impromptu lakes form from the spontaneous rivers flowing in every street
Bosphorus babies, cleansing the heart of the city
People look like street cats;
Soaked, preening, cowering under any shelter they can find
And still, Istanbul.
Still she rains.
Lucanna Aug 2012
I leafed through the DSM this morning
diagnosing every ******* person in my life
incessent character flaws,
maladaptive responses
that ache in my mind,
and shatter my "normal"
expectancies of human behavior

In all of the descriptors
"has a strong desire to be the center of attention"
"is often inappropriately provocative or sexually seductive"
"Exhibits odd or eccentrive appearance/behavior"
"Seeks excitement and stiumulation, often acting on impulse"

the only person I could really diagnose
was me                                                                        your therapist
Henk Holveck Nov 2015
We all want a partner to dance to the sound of love with,

Unfortunately love is not a dance that is easy to learn.

In fact it's purely a luck game,

your dealt your cards and their is no barter allowed.

I hope your the final card I hold

I'm so afraid to hold that queen of hearts down,

She will hit the table of my soul lost in a dream

Because love knows no caution, it has no  bounds.

I was in love once,

It was the secret to happiness for me,

Until bad blood began to flood our veins

And just like a infectious disease

It killed my hope, my happiness

And filled me with the detest.

I'll just do this life solo,

It's the safest route I can take,

Because I'm afraid,

Afraid my heart might turn to stone.

That would be the worst scenario,

Because rocks sink.

I want to one day swim,

And sink in into the depths of the ocean.
David Sjolander Nov 2010
You began as a dream
Dreamt by leaders with vision
Evolving to surpass
All of man's wildest ambition...

With adventurous men
Like Shepherd and Glenn
You stubbornly strove
To prove, once again
Beyond any doubt
That bounderies could be broken...

Despite mishap and fire
Alas, you did inspire
A generation to dream...

From Mercury to Apollo
The world, it did follow
Your steady pace
To Tranquility Base...

Via Viking and Voyager
Your efforts did prove
That exploration of the universe
Was well on the move...

To Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune...
You tenaciously endeavored
To, your accomplishments, festoon...

Your progress was sure
As you strove to endure
The incessent chatter
Of the grossly short-sighted
Their nonsense did clatter
Proving they were poorly enlightened...

With untold discoveries
Like non-stick surfaces and airtight seals
Through your numerous breakthroughs
You've shown us how it feels
To live better...

From Columbia to Hubbel
You've saved us great trouble
In our daily lives...

With your Space Station mission
You've shown the same vision
And, continue to lead in gaining cognition
Of our universe...

Lead on, great adventurers
Lead on.
Copyright David Sjolander 2010
K Balachandran Apr 2019
Tip toeing spring, hoists her electrifying colors again,
All round, with the attendent scents and sounds sublime!
I find myself mulling over the words my dad uttered,
Etched deep in my psyche, when we were still tiny tots!

"It's each one of us that makes them do it,
The birds on these trees around us, sing"

He made it mysterious, but it rang a bell, revealed things,
We realized each little deed of us, did impact the world.
I see the honeybees in the beehive are a cosmos themselves,
Their hum, cosmic  "Aum" reminds :'You are the universe'
Mom goes out and fills all water containers to the full,
She does this every now and then, very dutifully, I can see
We watch with content, birds making a bee line to each
Fly down and drink water to their fill, day in and day out.
My sister goes around the courtyard sprinkling grains,
In plenty, for all the birds regular and new to our farm.
She keeps crumbs, grains, seeds left overs in open containers
At the places they freequent, convenient for avians to partake.
What we in this farm has to offer, whenever they are here.
All for love , exept for the hope of sonorous moments they gift!
On the patio, all of us sit, together,  our inner ears open,
As if to listen a serenade, just for us,under the open skies,
The pure silence in the begining, gets sweeter by the minute,
The calves run out of the cow pen mirthfully springing
Seeking their mothers' udder, as they graze out on the green.
The mynahs, together in a tone, affectionate, begin
To chat, about the delights they find in our farmsted, I guess.
The bulbuls and sparrows in a similer mood, quickly join in,
Sing aloud the paeans, perrhaps, who knows, all of us.
Nothing new to us, just routine, followed each season.
Yet we sit as if it's a first, soaking in it's incessent rain,
Moments ethereal, full of nature's soulful music!
Melting in a meditative trance we take it all in,
Oh! how sublime is your music, that envalop us like light.
Big jack fruits, ripened on  tall leafy trees,
Exude a dainty scent, most appitizing, it wafts in the air
Hoards of grey squrrirals, it attracts, noisily they descend
As dextrous they are in food finding expeditions on trees ,
Studiously they drill open the big pulpy fruit that hangs heavily,
Skillfully from all sides, as if seking a grand prize hidden in.
Happy chirps, tweets and songs of early birds become
More ecstatic and loud, as time goes by and more join in.
They flit around us, as if to greet and cheer us, becoming bold
As we huddle together feeling closer than ever in their presence.
Our eyes wide open, gleaming bright, hearts full of light,
Grandma who briskly walked past ninety summers,
Happy tears glistenening in her eyes,
Now starts to sing, a lark on her wings..we are overwhelmed!
Transcending joys of many kind, we felt the magic,
Beyond the limits of mind to an intense spot,
A feeling as if we all are gently  holding hands,
Floating on the air, sans wings...
Then again I hear the chant, the words my dad uttered,
Who'd never come back again to put us under his spell.
"Spread love around, you'll be fine and the world"
Every bird joined in the chorus, as if to hail his golden words.
Memories from a childhood spent in a farmstead, speak...
Debbie Lydon Oct 2019
Like a cancer I cling to you when I should turn away,
Darkness, please don't fill this space,
Sorrow, please delay.

An incessent yearning leaking onto my ideas, the colour of dismay,
Suicide, be gone from mind,
Please creation, not decay.

The memory of you, a wound untreated, a jewel I locked away,
Me, a safe for your callous act,
Please, don't you dare stay.

Your company, Vincent's night robbed of stars in the cruelest way,
Myself, a ***** amongst kings,
At least, that's what you would say.

Knowing better and feeling worse, duality in the doorway,
A love you have dispassionately marred,
No more prophetic ray.

The clouds are clearing, no thanks to you and your own ego's way,
Light, within me to be found,
And this is my new day!
Gaurav May 2018
That silly smile you give
With your deep red wine lips
The bubblegum chatter you oblige my days with
They craft out symphonies of mayhem incessently

The jet black ocean dreamers eyes
That blush out the moon in its prime
And once eyes meet
A smile trudges along and greet

Beneath the smooth black sheet of hair
Eyebrows sharpened and with a smiley wink
Th raging velvet satin black hair
That flow like ink out of ****'s imagination

The slender fingers you swing
Look like an aussie serpentine
The incessent wandering eyes
That twist and take you for a ride

The cheeks that radiate with hues of pink
Its like cherries perched on a rosy sheet
Your face is like a razor blade
Melts away the expression it drains

Your face reanimates and moves like the moon
As the sun goes goes only to reappear
You are eternally here
You sparkle along and shine like a precious gem

Your changing mood
Your face expresses like the phases of moon
It Keeps a little beuty
And sometimes a shimmer of mischief

Someday somewhere maybe you will see a snowflake
And someone somewhere might drown in those eyes
Everywhere you go.. You leave a little piece of yourself behind
You envy of davinci, the muse of humbert
Like a dagger with a crystal glaze
You will give cinderella a run for her fame
Keith W Fletcher Jun 2016
Draped across my consciousness
Like a poor and lost.. discarded raincoat Dripping incessent puddles on the ancient floorboards
That gather as they run the cracks
Forming a mystic moat
That surrounds the outer bounds
Of the sad and crumbling Castle
Once built by the sheer force of imagination
Back when nothing held the reins
And the Spirit Ran wild upon the Nation Now in fear we seek to wall the border Bar the windows ..chain the doors Keeping out the rebel forces
Closing in the choking air of despair Reliving bygone glories
Of those Fairytale  stories
About when we once led
The armies of unconventional thinking That sought to expand the borders
Not let those moat puddles
Start us sinking
We once took pride in keeping the castle walls plied
With the hope of fresh new mortar
Walls keep dangerous out ?
Hear me .. yeah maybe so
But a stagnation Nation
Reaches no new elevation
Past being draped across the conscience Like a poor , lost and discarded imagination
Torn down .... by the sheer force of trepidation
Am i blind? What is this? Why have the gods forsaken me? Wait, I see a light. Within the light I see only dark. Where am I? I wake. Thousands of shivers run down my spine as I rise up towards the source. I am alone. The light seems to be moving, does it want me to follow it? The ground beneath me is soft, almost sand like. I follow the light, why is it so dark?
It seems like hours have passed, but time is irrelevant in the eternal darkness, it seems. Even the source is dark, only less dark than it's surroundings. I tire. I reach toward the heavens in prayer, for that is all I have left. No answer. The light beckons. Millions of thoughts run through my mind. Am I dead? Is this limbo? Or purgatory? I shake. I do not even remember who I am. How did I get here? Weird, I don't feel like I'm dead. I still feel pain in my legs and my body from my journey. I pinch myself, what sort of horrible nightmare is this? The pinch hurts. I am sweating. Wake up! I shout, as I bang my head against my hands. It's no use. The only comfort I have, is the presence of this entity, that for some reason is leading me into what seems like oblivion. I become more and more weary of it, yet I'm drawn to it. It is my only hope. But first I must rest. Both my body and mind. Feels like most of the journey is ahead of me. I can't give up. Not now. I fear I will be consumed. It's as if something is watching me, I can almost hear it's breathing. The incessent silence feels louder and louder. It hurts no longer.
The very first thing I have ever written

— The End —