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Gwen Pimentel Dec 2015
12mn: I was babaw. I made a "funny" joke. You didn't laugh. Usual. I made a funner joke. And this time, you laughed.

1am: I changed our chat emoji to a nose. You realized you were turning 17 in 23 hours. I asked you what you learned from this year, and you said "I hate people", and I wished you didn't hate me.

2am: I was asking you what picture I should tweet for your birthday. Why didn't we get a picture last night. You're laughing at me for wearing the huge *** NASA shirt you gave me. (Thank you a bunch for that.)

3am: I asked you how the Mcdo was. You said "good". My tummy grumbled.

4am: You asked me if I was up and honestly I wasn't – you just woke me up. But conversations at this hour are the best so why not? You sent me some songs. And my groggy self listened to them half asleep. You said 20 hours til you turn 17.

5am: Kuya Soy just left. I am sad. You said jmsn at this hour is great – and he is. You're now gonna try to sleep (**** it, just when I was awake). I asked you what time you were born so I could greet you on that time. But **** it was at 7 am, still, I set my alarm. Goodnight and goodbye, for the mean time.

6am: I write because you exist. Woah that dramatic effect though (just kidding). But really, I am awake, writing my greeting for you. I fell asleep with my notes open.

10am: I was still asleep, you messaged me in reply to "I write because you exist", you said same.

12nn: I just woke up and I just saw your message.

1pm: I followed you with my 2016 account. You followed me back.

2pm: You sent me a hugot quote about walking away or trying harder. I think I'm going for the try harder option. You never know how close you actually are to your goal, right? You said you're turning 17 in less than 12 hours.

3pm: Easy to talk to, hard to understand.

4pm: I learned that your mom's name is Nilda. Hi Tita pls like me half jk. Actually not jk.

5pm: You told me everyone was making 365 accounts. Actually, it's 366.

6pm: I told you I was sad about kinder eggs having genders. "idk lol ugh HAHAHA"

7pm: I asked you if you were okay, you said yes. (And I wished that you'd never lie to me whenever I ask if you're okay)

8pm: Some ungrateful btch be tweeting about not wanting to get food for Christmas. You say "BRUH FOOD IS ONE OF THE GOOD GIFTS MY *****", I laughed.

9pm: You made me listen to Jidenna (aheheh ahas) and I'm reminded of your great music taste.

11pm: You told me your family was fighting. This is your "worst christmas". I want so desperately to do anything to make you feel better, and I am trying to help you.

12mn: Still trying. I wanna hug you to absorb all your sadness.
hbd jm
Nicole Brown Sep 2013
Sometimes I wonder
when I look into the stars,
back to when I was younger,
back to when I was drunker,
back to when I was funner,
back to when we weren't at war.

I think about the details in your face
and how you talked with such grace
and how your hugs felt like forever,
didn't we have so much fun together?

Then my head started to ache
while my heart started to break.
Were your feelings all fake?
But now I'm so awake
my fingertips shake,
as the bottle falls,
I just miss you above all.
Geno Cattouse Aug 2013
More joy than the last time.. or what you are having.

Instantly gratify my desire for higher.
Dummer.not as you wuz last summer.
My brains bigger than yours...or where did you get that idea.

******.that is definatly not funner.
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
I no longer fight my demons
It's really a hopeless battle
And I have not the willpower
To sustain a constant war

My body has been scared
My soul has been stretched
My mind has been scratched
And all three are exhausted

I no longer fight the darkness
I let it in, let it envelope me
It's not nearly as cold as I thought it'd be
And unlike the light, it still lets me see

I am done with all fighting
I've resigned myself to peace
Despite others calling it evil,
I love my inner devil

I'm on the winning side here,
True good can never win
I'm on the funner side here,
No restrictions on my pleasure

Can't you see, this is what's best for me?
I'm too fragile for your constant war
Too delicate for the inner struggle
I can't weather the storm of your faith any longer
I was raised Christian, but find that I can't blindly commit myself to it like most people seem to be able to. My family still calls themselves Christian.
Im Wiccan. I love the faith, I choose it for a reason. It promotes good will and peace without all the strict rules. I know some call it satanist, but that's because they don't realize the facts. Wiccan is a new term for paganism. Paganism was here long before Christianity was ever even conceived. It is thousands of years older than Christianity. It is not and can not be satanist, as we do not believe in Satan at all. It is simply a nature based religion, a spiritual energy that dwells in us all being realized and reveled in. We simply follow another light.
Another note, while I do not care for the religion of Christianity much, I hold nothing against those that follow it properly. It can be a wonderful thing for some when followed properly, it's just not the light for me.
Brent Kincaid May 2018
Gooder and Badder
Bedder and fadder
What are Americans saying?
Boddle of wadder
Mudder and fodder
What is this game we are playing?

Funner and betterer,
Pitcher and ledder
They expect folks to unnerstan
Gimmes and wannabes
Mundees though Sundees
A hunnert and ten grand.

Gooder and Badder
Bedder and fadder
What are Americans saying?

Reedikullis and eeleegull
Furrin kinds of peepul
Should learn American English
Even when it’s ignernt,
And sounds  a bit differnt,
A definite ***** to distinguish.

Boddle of wadder
Mudder and fodder
What is this game we are playing?

Inneresting innerlopers
Drunky ***** goat ropers
That’s what they think strangers are.
Our dippy high schoo dropouts
Don’t care what education’s about
And only care about today’s sports stars.

Gooder and Badder
Bedder and fadder
What are Americans saying?
Boddle of wadder
Mudder and fodder
What is this game we are playing?
Helen Oct 2013
she hears every word
as music
and every emotion
is a dance
her laughter
is a spring breeze
on a hot day
there are no
obstacles in life
every blocked path
is a chance

to see what's on the other side

tears are releasing fears
dripping like diamonds
from sapphire eyes
she scoops them up
and tucks them into
her pocket
because her locket
is full
of her heart
she sees no negativity
just a clearer sunset
as her eyes dry

her poetry, childishly written
pours from an old soul
it speaks of beauty
and emotion
Jealousy, Friendships
Love and Unhappiness
Joy, Comfort
and a sense of Home

she'll always skips
instead of walking
"It's a funner way
to get from B to A"

she'll twirl in circles
if she's been standing still
too long
"It's boring standing still
all day"

When she is smiling
I know all is right
in her world
When she cries
it's heartbreaking
But she knows
she knows
she can line her pockets
full of diamonds
and open her locket
to find a Pearl
She's 10 :)
I remember, road trips in the astro,
Times were always great but the trips were never fast though
Such a hassle, wishing it'd be faster,
Looking like a box turtle, moved just as slow.
We'd leave almost every weekend in the summer,
I never thought any of the trips we took were ******,
In my mind were fun, they probably were funner,
Man, we loved that van, what I'd do for another.

Many great times, sand, beach and sun
Some taboo nights, lustful and fun
Thanks for the times, van,
****, what a run.
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
She was broke & had no folks.
He never says any funny jokes.
A drunk scavenging for junk.
I have a hatchback not a trunk.
A foul stench of funk.
Robbed by some punk.
A resort never reports escorts.
They don't dispute petitions in court.
A feud with people sued.
Abortions are fetal extortion.
A security guard trys to act all hard.
Civil service makes me nervous.
The summer could've been more funner.
Starstruck celebrity hype.
Articles magazines can type.
Gossip to thee extreme.
CELEBRITY schemes & scandals.
Misbehaved & manhandled.
Images & looks to copy & swipe.
Identities to wipe.
Fortune & Fame that is not yet ripe.
Author Notes


© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved,
Junebug Oct 2014
Every girl loves you
They are hotter than me smarter funner
Every popular girl likes you
Girls with blond golden hair that sparkles in the sunlight
They always wear the latest fashion of clothing
They have the voice of an angel sweet like honey
The money that every boy would want
Instead you chose  me over all of them but why
Im too skinny and not popular
I do not have long blond golden hair that sparkles in the sunlight
I dont wear the latest fashion of clothing
I dont have the voice of an angel that is sweet like honey
I dont have much money just enough to buy a piece of gum
But still you turn  them down and came to me
Are you playing a joke on me or do you  really love me
Who would turn down the greatest opportunity in the world to own millions
Why did you choose me why
saige Nov 2018
First it was pancakes
Then strawberry milk
Then frozen mini pizzas
Didn't taste the way
They always had

But I sure kept trying
With apple juice from a glass
Then a box and swirly straw
But the crust
Still wasn't soft enough

So I gave microwaving a shot
Years and years of beeps
But the cheese was crunchy
The centers, icy

So I tried thawing, soaking
Kids Cuisine and Lean Cuisine
And even Lunchables
Just in case the companies
Had fooled me, ruined the recipe
But none of them were bad
Just not great
Like they used to be

So I blamed my taste buds
For maturing
Copying my imaginiation
Christmas used to be funner
Summer used to be longer
Mini pizzas used to be delicious

Today I cracked the code
I was in a rush
Like Mama used to be
Didn't let the oven preheat
Just slid in a tray of
Frozen mini pizzas
Kicking myself for procrastinating grocery shopping yet again and -

The timer blared, the smoke alarm
I burned my finger, then my tongue
But didn't care because
My taste buds
Hadn't forsaken me
After all

The crust was chewy
The cheese was gooey
I'd done it
I was six years old again

Now if only
I can find a trick
That works for Christmas
Gwen May 2015
Is it part of my past if I can't quite get rid of it?
gone in time and no longer existing

So maybe all of the things that I thought were done with,
are part of my present,
the period of time now occurring.

Still able to show up at any moment and remind me that it never truly left;
only decided to give me a break for a while.
Maybe I am pitted against myself in the most dangerous way possible.
Taking myself to the breaking point,
but never going past it, because it's always funner the longer it goes on.
When will the low hit? Will the low hit?
Is it more fun to watch myself panic during the night wondering how things will fall apart, always walking on broken glass because even a small cut in the fabric would mean being torn to shreds. The ends being pulled until I am finally undone. Until I am finally done.
kind of long?
Sebastian VL May 2020
Got designer belt it’s black Ferragamo
And I’m still reminiscin from the time I said “la amo”
And everytime they come around me I am sayin “Vamos"
I Glowed up and I showed up while skrrting in a lambo

Fake friends they pull up and I still callem fammo
97 cents a sale profits going down low
Player with a victim mindset they wanna know mo
Actin like a guru played the shordy feeling down low

Played the game got brain and I prayed holy Trinity
Muhfucas denying my only abilities
Start a business then, deny its feasibility
Turn 18 then, deny my credibility

My life like the stocks, detached from reality
Meet me seem blessed look closer insanity
A young dude who cares, only bout his vanity
Wanna blow up no boom just raise my personality

Date one just to leave one and hop to another
A lot of hearts gon break this whole **** summer
Feeling tired like I just got out of a slumber
Leave em in their feelings while they askin for my number

Wanna make money while biking down the humber
Wanna get a time machine to make my life funner
Wanna lose my weight, but I am not a runner
Can't trust nobody these days so money is my lover
Sani Jun 2019
I took drugs all by myself
Thought that it would help my brain
But that don't know what's caring
Knows that hurting is funner
And now I'm a stoner

Sorry, dad.
My drunk custom haircut attracts much
Dogs bark at my so called smoke such

Sorry, mom.
The boy you chose me to marry
Ran away from me scarred
My lady killers are like me
Don't do lovely, we do hard

Sorry, brother.
I unlocked my chains
Snuck through the drains
Sped up crossing lanes
Stripped with Lil Wayne

I was forced to see the looks of me
Every colors that I had been
There were fakes, there were doses
I saw expired written over my faces
back at writing again after a long time~
ardza Jun 2011
was the day of today when it was the whole summer
i lived it alone, its been funner
much better than watching a group of friends
dressed for love scream hate through silence
as the bubbles rose up from a burner.

sure we are all special children demanding respect
who will get it because Talent is musing around, as
it should, almost sad that it hasnt found two hearts
to jump back and forth from yet...

I gave it a shot, and what he brought back to me was
beautiful and suiting, try after try.
until all the chances fell high and at once
into the sky, they are there still I can see.

Talent never found the young lad for me
and now Time is hovering around angry.
Saying to talent, dont waste your time
why cant any of these people Make Up
their minds

and talent replied

(well if it counts for something one little goose
went loose
like a madman she threw her shouts and arms
and admitted that all this time she pretended to
like the charms)
SophiaAtlas Feb 2019
I'll be lost inside my head.
Bad thoughts till 4 A.M.
Then i'll try to sleep.
And I can't tell anyone
I'm so scared they'll get up and run
So I don't speak.
And oh, I miss when we were younger,
The days were so much funner.
Weren't they?
Oh, I book a new appointment...
It's another disappointment....
They're all the same same same...
When the doctor says i'm fine,
One at morning one at night,
These pills will help you remember how to smile.
But what does he know..?
Cuz I feel so alone.....
And my mom and dad both tell me "You're alright"
"Cause the doctor said you're fine."
My own mind can't lie to me.
They all say it's anxiety...
But I just think it's me.
Now iv'e lost so many years...
My pillow's a tissue for my tears....
But you never see...
And now, I can't even eat my dinner....
Mom says i'm getting thinner...
Am I?
Oh, I book a new appointment....
Yet another disappointment...
They're all the same same same.....
When the doctor says i'm fine,
One at morning, one at night,
These pills will help you remember how to smile....
But what does he know...?
Cuz I feel so alone....
And my mom and dad both tell me "You're alright...cuz the doctor said you're fine.."
But he don't care about me.....
He'll just go home to his family...
Why can no one see
I'm not the girl that I wish I could be....
Cuz the doctor said i'm fine,
One at morning, one at night,
These pills will help you remember how to smile....
But what does he know...?
Cuz I feel so alone...
And my mom and dad both tell me i'm alright....
Cuz the doctor said i'm fine.
Ken Pepiton Jul 2020
In my magic library I find old Carl Jung,
read by voice
I may imagine my own,
reading in a polished Oxford accent, with the
or made an uh at every opportunity,
and no e ever unspoken {save after lone stretched vowles stretching}
each word forming as from a bubble of thought, with one
tangentle anchor point,
stretching down from that thought cloud emerging from the bubbles
in your magmatic earthly being,
at the heart of you
where your fire
I speak, with authority, I hear me say,
I shall know I know
as much or more
of such thoughts
as these
Memories, Dreams, Reflections.
Old man visions loosed into ever, like
the preacher making many books,
vain, but enjoyable,
all the same,
mediating between me and the others,
out there, free in the sea
of opinions, bound only by fear of death,

to lives of quiet desparation, to ti esti in
separation from secret knowledge unearnible,
in one mortal life's longest
state of steady
on the point
of being.
at all
or having any part in this production,
blooming, ******
of my heart, oh, hell no, hello

we come with words formed in defeat,
defeat repeats the message
as follows
d'toes knows ken yond some kinda ying
yang warworths lisp ship cult prize thang.
Shib-o-let slow belly lethargy,
feel it in your big
toe, touch a stone and turn the cool side up

A papal bullishit bell curve

clang, gong.... wrong... good guess, give'er another go

****** right, too right, mate, take th'prize
reality position superimposed over life as imagined

before the internet, but after TV... the inbetween time

seedtime, not harvest. Seed sown, unknown seed sown,
for better living, through science.

Side track: Bayer is famous for...
Xyclon B.
Right. The game of knowing going on as we wander, wondering
waht subtle subtility what keen sence of sharpness,

pointing a way, see... that pixel, upper left quadrant, in the per
edgy bit out of focus, can you

blink? Give us a clue, are we ludicrous by nature?
Are we only here to play,
to enjoy the grace of knowing God shat on all our filthy rags

and laughed as we danced around the fire,
lost in re
very very ify verity of varieties un en visioned until the release

The Alamogordo bit of my myth with you in it.

Initial response of any heroic application is denial.
No real hero wishes to be a real hero,
the day to day existence in a virtual eden, is fine.

When we get down to where jewels form latices far funner
than the jungle gym
or monkey bars of my youth, a prewar preparation,
proven to myself,
I can do this, grip and swing, and reach and grip and swing,

command the callouses to form, command the cells to signal,

more blood, more O, too. Oh, you,
wisdom coos, in that sweet way she does when we leave
those sure
bonds of earth and take a stake in heaven's will being done
in wisdom's main domain.

whole heart or no heart, the hero code,
probabble babble babble on and on an in fun

item left to fuggetchewwitcher doubus ****** haecceity

Score. Thats the point of anything piercing everything.
It looks different from out here.
Ah, Jung, if we ever met, I would laugh and call you a figment in my quantum foam.
Joseph Margus Jan 2017

the world is filled with nothing

the seeds and the roots are growing

being high above everyone breathing

the world is nothing

the summer is suppose to be eventful and funner
but there are places but hot weather
and children suffering

the winter is for the trees to freeze
but the human being works in all weather
how can you stop something from moving

life is nothing

how about the person walking in the rain
when ur in the car just passing

everyone says im thankful for what i cherish
but dont have much for themselves
not even a parent to chat with.

life is nothing

but everything is supposed to be amazing with what they look at
you never think about the person looking at it
they could be witnissing someone success and wishing to grab it

its a shame jeoulousy is an emotion
because everyone has the same potential
but see's someone else and wonders how to do it.

art being a subject is a lie
every day if you look closely
you'll realise everything has to be alive

life is nothing

why do i walk with depression
because in my mind someone is getting messed with

still a world of hate
and a world of fake peace

life is nothing
and people take advantage to breathe

life is nothing
and this is so blantly any eye can see

life is nothing
but filled with you and me.

how can you say you have faith in me while i dont have faith in myself
you're pushing your everything into somethings just because you want to help
but sometimes life is nothing so just be another book on the shelf.

my writing will never be **** but impressions
and i guess i have to take this as another life lesson

that i am truly blessed with being in the center of everything so perfectly connected.

life is nothing
mostly motion
that noone even notices

life is nothing
can't even try to control it

life is nothing
but the boatship in the titanic
and your thoughts being washed up on the surface

i hate how it might be a crime by the way im thinking
like im listening to the radio
or is it just a redcording

life is not nothing
bryn Jun 2017
the simpler,
nicer times.
the times when we could
sit back,
and play,
in the playground times.
Jasmine dryer Aug 2018
She never really knew what to think
But she learned fast
That everything she loved
Could be gone in a blink

She found misery love
And beauty in misery
And it was hard
She thought she was crazy
And maybe she was

But she didnt mind
Yes the thought scared her
But she tried not to care
After all, these days
True sanity
Is scarce

She waked outside
Notebook in hand
Pencil in the other
She walked to the edge of  the road
Sat on rock
Sat and thought

Thought of wonderful words
Terrible words
Any words
Every word

Then she saw an ant
Probably stepped on by a person
People don't care

She stared at it and cried

I know they don't care, and now you have to pay
The ant limped some more
So she sat there and stared
for the rest of the day

She told the ant
Existence is pain sometimes
I dont what to do
And maybe I can't end my pain
But ill try to stay strong
Just for you

More hours past
She named it gubber
At first she called it alex
But this name was funner

Gubber I can't stand to watch this any longer
She picked up a rock and said
I'm sorry
I really am
But i can't watch  you die slowly
I won't let anyone watch you die slowy

Existence is pain
And I know its true
I feel pain and so do you
But your pain is worse

She picked up the rock
Took a small swing


Id rather put you out of our misery
Then see you in pain
How can something so cruel be so kind, I wish I could be someones ant
Jay M Wong Aug 2018
All good things inevitably come to an end,
Cause I’m now done trying to understand,
When the door closes, we’ll make no amends,
And know sometimes things don’t go as planned.
Darling, I’ll see you in passing maybe once or twice,
And hear you’ve found someone else to maul,
Because today I’m done playing nice,
When being bad is easier and funner after all.

— The End —