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ryn Aug 2014
Grey is my pain(t)
Smeared on this tain(t)

Seeping in(k)
Entanglement be my kin(k)
Now I thin(k)
Soon I will sin(k)

My mind ramble(d) on and on
Struggle(d) till I'm almost gone

Overused angular frow(n)
Paint over the brow(n)
That had (s)oiled this painting
(Sp)Oiled by sporadic inking

The (ch)ink in my skin
Sung of battles that reside (with)in
My armour though(t) sturdy
In(side) I only bury


Plan(t) my feet
Swift is my flee(t)
Envision my escape(s)
Beyond the cordoning tape(s)

Shed the armour and reveal the s(h)eep
My vulnerability hid(den) deep
Let loose... The courage I hone(d)
Let them be heard... Voices that groan(ed)

I await... Patient(ly)
Time I bide... Defiant(ly)

Fade(d), bleeding away
Shade(d)... With gloom that stay

Grey is my pain(t)
Only colour, tinting my tain(t)
judy smith Feb 2016
Fashion rarely looks to the Brit awards for style inspiration but somehow fashion finds its way, in dribs and drabs, to its red carpet. These awards are the unwanted stepchild of the red carpet and generally, this means it’s a bric-a-brac of high-end and high street looks. For every Rihanna in couture you have a Little Mix in Asos.

Such is life, though, and there were legitimate trends, aside from the James Bay/Kylie double hatter. First, in the spirit of Angelina Jolie’s 2012 viral, there was a Right Leg – as flashed by model Lily Donaldson and singer Lana Del Rey. Nightwear came in a rather lavish Miss Havisham-esque form via Florence Welch (cream slip, eiderdown wrap, bed-hair) and Rihanna (a lilac slipdress covered with seashell patterns), and which unexpectedly preceded Alexander McQueen’s autumn/winter 2016 collection. Finally, there was a definite nod to The Wizard of Oz’s Emerald City via Jess Glynn’s sparkling green jacquard suit, Kylie’s backless heels and Jack Garratt’s toned down double-breasted suit.

There were the half-successes, too: Adele’s cascading liver-red dress and matching lipstick was grownup, but compared to her memorable 2013 Valentino hit at the Grammy’s, it felt par-cooked. Singer Charli XCX has been a frow regular at this year’s London fashion week, so she went predictably designer in pale green Vivienne Westwood. But she was let down with her slicked-back hair, a styling addendum that somehow overegged the overall effect. She also looked stiff and uneasy, probably because, at 23, she was too young to pull it off.

The menswear was far more experimental. To wit: Labrinth in a blue and pink orchid-print suit which, unaccessorised, had just enough humour to work (it looked like a box of Cadburys Roses). Mark Ronson did his usual trick of pepping a cleanly cut suit with the odd flourish. This time it was a monochrome dogstooth suit covered with a static print. Even JLS’s Marvin Humes, in a Yves Saint Laurent bomber jacket, epitomised the modern man. And what Carl Barât lacked in pizzazz he made up for by wearing a Hedi Slimane suit (although less said about the James Bay hat, the better).

The misses, of course, were plentiful. The mullet dress is the trend that refuses to die (see Cheryl Fernandez-Versini and half of Little Mix in various synthetic horrors). Alexa Chung rarely puts a brogue wrong, but here in a velvet bustier dress, was fairly forgettable (lesson: don’t step out of your style lane). Then, of course, there was Keith Lemon, who pillaged the misses of awards seasons gone (the Pharrell hat, the pseudo-Gucci blazer … everything really). What did you expect from Keith Lemon? The Brits then: a series of blind taste tests on the red carpet, none of which gets full marks.Read more at: |
Adeline Dean Dec 2014
(If there's spelling mistakes I'm sorry , I don't read over things )

Its 8:00 pm. The streets are speckled with cars and airport buses bringing people to and frow, but whether that be to the airport or a nearby hotel is beyond my knowledge, only a flirtation of an idea that's briefly allowed to waltz around my head.

There's only a handful of people on this bus, most people usually drive cars around here. Or is it perhaps a bus doesn't come at a convenient time for them? Or is it that they live in a remote part of the city where buses simply don't venture? Or can it be that theses people are perhaps not old enough to drive and those that are seemingly can't, or wont.  

The bright lights in the bus sting your eyes in comparison to the dark December night, days get shorter and nights so much longer, and colder. Surely the eyes of the drivers passing by must sting from the lights of the bus? Almost like you check your phone in the middle of the night and remember that you never turned the brightness settings down and as a result when you go to check your phone it feels like someones dowsed your delicate eyes with acid and you put your hand over your eyed and reenact a scene from an old 'Dracula' movie as you cry, "The light! It burns!" Ah, I'm morbid.

I remember getting onto the bus. The greeting wasn't something I'd choose to remember. I was met by a round, middle aged man in his fourtys accompanied by a face that could only be described like he was constantly ******* on a lemon. He was bald and had deep, sunken in eyes that were turning a beetroot shade around the bottom. Alcohol? maybe. The own self knowledge that this day would never end ? possible.  The knowledge that this job was, sooner or later, going go lead him to a deep state of depression and eventually he'll get fired for telling an elderly lady in not-so-nice terms to get off "his bus"? Could happen.  The addition of all of the above? Most likely, no offence to any other of you bus drivers.

Oh, his fake gold company name tag told me that 'Gerald' had been the name his parents had written on his birth certificate all those year ago.
The noise of persistent and agonising coughing bleeds through the sound of my headphones and I look up to see the cause of my disruption. The sound seems go be coming from an elderly woman sitting across row from me. At first, as the natural thing for you to presume would be that she has a cold, or perhaps a dry throat, to which you'd be the good citizen and ask if she was alright and offer her your water, but upon further inspection of the situation, I've come to the wrong conclusion.

Her skins crying out for the oxygen its been deprived of for years. All thats left of it now is not something left to be envied, I've seem white towels with brown tea stains on it with less discolouration on that of the skin hang upon her old face.  

The burgundy lipstick she decided to support today was no use in trying to conceal the lines that had taken shape on her  lips, sadly.
Behind those lips I can only imagine what horrific delights might rear their ugly head. I imagine a once pearly, perfect set of teeth now nothing but yellowed decay married with the horrible mix of sugar free gum to try and remove the smell. I wouldn't say it works very well either.

Lastly, her eyes. Something we all have a dreamy tendency to stare at. Hers were grey, almost like that of an artist's 2H pencil. Around her eyes, yellow rimmed the grey scene. The contrast of this and the streak of a one shade purple colour on her eyelids was all to much to bear and I broke my gaze from hers. She was beautiful once.

Beside me was a young mother of 9 and 20 years holding her child. Perhaps he found the rhythmic journey of the bus's adventure soothing and for that I was grateful. Its late and irritated children are the last thing anyone needs on their Tuesday night. She looks tired, but that's to be expected. Whoever said raising children was easy and involved sleep? But what would I know, I don't have children of my own. She didn't wear a wedding ring. Perhaps its of more convenience for her not to wear it. Or maybe she isn't  married. Or maybe she isn't romantically involved with someone. Was she once?

The bus stops outside a middle class looking estate and an impatient looking business man with a a bag carrying his laptop and a very expensive pair of shoes walks out and just before he steps off the bus he turns to the driver and thanks him for his service.
He didn't mean it.

All is quiet and I start to feel tired. My head bounces off the pole standing costumers use when the buses are packed and it doesn't appear that seats even exist. My headphones are in and I look out the window to see the sea, peaceful and graceful on this cold December night, greeting me, almost with open arms.

The lights of the cars rush by like multicoloured fireworks, so close you could almost hold one in the palm of your hand.

And as the night gets longer and the journey seems that ever bit more endlessly scenic I find myself questioning.

Questioning what I'd just been witness to.
Questioning this December.
Questioning this bus.
Questioning this night.

Then the main question swam afloat.

In years to come, when I might once step onto this very same bus again, who will I be?

And then it was my turn to depart.
Waters of Visualizations flow through my soul
Slumbering, peacefully, winds of energies from afar
The call and whisk me away
To those astral planes allowing us to walk
and travel without tolls. without limitations.
As I touched your hands and I looked into your eyes
Your face appeared that it was not of this Earth
It was Human in looks and her beauty was quite breathtaking
She spoke in a language which seemed as if it were from ancient times.
Beautiful sounding words.
At first, my brain could not comprehend the messages that she was trying to convey to me
After holding her right hand, a glow, to my temple
A short while talk and in understandings of each other
We had no limitations and were free.
She spoke of the lack of appreciation
For the gifts of being placed in a new and beautiful world
Underappreciating the intelligence that "our family" was given
However, it had not dared to even tap within the childlike entry into such logic and learning.
How she reached out to me as I had been one of the few who tried to reach above this limits in which our family had been proud to watch me frow and overstep
I realized then.. we were not of this Earth.
We were a race from beyond the stars and were, to the openness to see such, were unwilling.
After strolling for what appeared to be many hours
It, was indeed many years on our real planet, which she spoke the name of "Xinix"
"Remain off course and watch the downfall of your world and extended family through useless wars and power greed. Refuse to see our true native tongue..not in words..but in telekinetic Communual Speech of Connected Minds."
"Spread the word. You have the brain knowledge I shared and the willingness to see our second planet grow. We shall always be in touch. Even past the measurement of stars...Through our Living Souls...
I know, Xenopus (your Xinic Race Name. To slow down or stop this infinite, childlike  insanity...or be the rescued while those about you destroy their own existence."
"I'll be looking after you."
The winds threw me back into my "ordinary and Logical World.."
This time, I "knew such travels were not of a dream"
As looking at my chest in the mirror - I saw the glowing blue heart beating from inside of me...
My true Family crest of one who Shall Help Teach the world. To those who would be able to understand and listen.
So I might be able to save, much more of our family, to reach the joining of a peaceful and loving race, true blue.
I had a weird Astral Travel (dream state). After awaking from this dream, I decided to share, such a miraculous message from it, with you - my loyal readers.
Alex E Feb 2010
The moon is worn out tonight
Tired of metaphors,
Tired of running from poem

to poem

Rushing to and frow
Circling every

For one he's a peacemaker
Having fire for eyes
And -
For the other -
He's actually a woman
Ice cold and solid stone.
Ellie Oct 2012
I see you running through the white snow,
Your ebony black hair whipping around in the wind.
I call out your name, and you spin around, looking to and frow,
This is when most people would stare.

Your honey coloured eyes and porcelain face give you an innocent look,
But I know what is on your mind.
I can read you like a book,
You are wearing a mischievous smile, and I know what that means.

Before I have time to react, my face gets slammed with a snowball,
We end up play-fighting for ages.
And I build a snow wall.
After having an awesome day, we lie down in the snow and talk for hours.

I can see the delicate white snowflakes,
Cascading down your head.
And soon enough, the myriad makes,
A crown upon your hair.

We are friends forever,
Just us against the world.
We will never part, never ever,
Because its been like this for a while now, and nothing has stopped us before.
I don't know why I wrote this poem. I just wrote it because I keep dreaming about it, except I am not the girl who is with the honey-eyed one, she has red hair and blue eyes. Its kind of creepy, the way I keep dreaming about this.
Robert Fox Sep 2013
The wind and rain
Soon to be sleet and snow
These misted moors
Running to and frow

The leaves are falling
Clouds begin calling
For sheets of rain
And blankets of snow

Its winter or fall
Its cold outside for all
So bundle all up
In your blankets and furs

The time for carrols and rakes
And whited out states
Is running our way
But were here to stay
judy smith Mar 2017
Invited guests onto the hallowed ‘frow’ (aka, the front row) have always been magazine editors, global fashion media, all-important buyers, A-list celebrities and ‘friends’ of the brands.

But according to Sydney-based entrepreneur Karim Gharbi, the opportunity is now available for everyone. But it will come at a price.

“What once was only accessible to the rich and famous (and Anna Wintour) can now be yours,” says Gharbi, whose lifestyle concierge company, The VIP Sydney says it can make a front row bucket list wish come true.

“For those with a love of fashion, we have the ultimate experience at the Chanel prêt-à-porter (ready-to-wear) show during Paris fashion week,” Gharbi tells news.

“This access is generally reserved for Anna Wintour, the Beckhams and Beyoncé. Our package includes luxury accommodation, personal chauffeur, front row seating at the show, followed by a personal tour of the apartment of Coco Chanel.

“Sure, there are always tickets for buyers and media at all shows but there are just a very few that are put aside for the top concierge companies in the world, so this is how we have been able to do it.

“If you are a lover of fashion, you can die happy after this once in a lifetime experience for a total cost of 10,000 euro.”

In our money that is just under $14,000, which, for someone with those kind of bucks to chuck around, isn’t actually too bad for what the package promises to deliver.

Mr Gharbi says the package will ‘immerse clients into the world of Coco Chanel and the style of Paris fashion week’.

But if you’re planning on doing it soon, you’ll have to move quick as the Chanel show in Paris this season is happening next Tuesday morning.

After an expansion into the European market with the launch of The VIP Monaco last year, the boss of the Sydney based ‘lifestyle concierge’ company says European contacts and the new Monaco office have made the ‘front row’ experience possible.

The team from The VIP Sydney says it can assist clients from around the world to complete other ‘bucket list’ requirements and according to Gharbi, you could discuss Donald Trump during a private and intimate dinner with Bill Clinton or attend a one-on-one VIP meet and greet with Lady Gaga before her sound check.

“My philosophy is simple,’ 'adds Karim.

“I believe that everyone deserves to be a VIP, how often is up to them. That’s why we are one of the only concierge companies without a membership as we want anyone to contact us at anytime.”

VIP Sydney ‘curates’ packages and experiences for their clients with Ghabi telling has access to events as diverse as the Academy Awards, Met Gala, New York fashion week, Grand Prix races around the world, the MTV Awards, the Victoria’s Secret fashion show and Coachella.Read more at: |****-formal-dresses
Justin Lai Apr 2017
Pretty pester
The fist-bumping champion
Schoolyard jester
My all-time fixation

Classroom walls shake
When you guffaw and laugh
Makes my heart ache
When every tease’s a bluff

Beneath your grin
I long to find your glow
But it’s a sin
So says your burrowed frow

My heart wishes
In another lifetime
Pranks to kisses
With your hand locked in mine
Inspired by 1) Taiwanese high school movies and 2) my own high school memories
Dylan JP Nov 2012
I’m bleeding
and I don’t know why
but it’s killing me
its killing me.
Well you’re running
And you go so far
You go so far away
I’m guessing
That its time to go
'Cause your pushing me
To and Frow
Well don’t you know.
What don’t you know?
Just take me away from this place
Your breaking thinking your a disgrace
So you follow me
You follow me today
Are you leaving
But you just walked in
and I’m wondering
Why are you coming here when you want to die
Do you want to die
Now they're crying
While they're staring at you
And your bleeding
From the cuts that are new
They cant get through
No they cant get through
To you
As they watch you die
They all break down
And they start to cry
Well I'm breaking through
Making my way straight to you
To you.
Anjelica Jul 2013
literally meaning "A godlike state of being"

So when it is questioned,
           where is your divinity?
All that needs to be remembered is that we are god like,
     we were made from the bones of the Earth
        and became the protectors of this domain.
  not that we've done the best at protecting it up till now
We were born within divinity,
       and the only time the God Light stops shining upon us
                 is when we forget how divine We really are.
            And it never really stops shining,
      we just turn our faces to the darkness.
Divine is taking two parts of the whole and joining them together at last.
                the Divine Male and the Divine Female,
                       have we all just assumed that they use this word for the funsies?
Togeather the two halves make the whole of our beings,
             creating the 'godlike' selves incarnated upon the physical plane.
For when we are within the in between,
           we can freely choose the *** of the next body,
                 meaning that we are sexless entities,
                       with that balance within our souls
                           that fill us with the life force of the Gods!
                        We are free to sway to and frow
                  within this omnipresent universe,
            but are still capable of taking form,
     and polarizing to one *** or the other.
Well, most of us that is ;D
     As long as no part of us is trapped within denial,
                          denial of the self,
                                       of the other,
                                            and of our own Divinity on this plane of being.
We must embrace the Mother within us,
     as well as the Father within us,
              and then we shall understand the Yin and the Yong,
                                                                  Black and White,
                                                         Space and Light.
We will be able to open the Space for the true Light to come through us,
              filling the Void that is the Mother.
                   beauty radiating and reflecting from our eyes into one anothers',
                                   and then we will understand love.
                    And we will finally be able to look into each others eyes,
                                   and see ourselves for the first time
On the subject of Divinity with Anubis the Philosomancer.
justis kemka Dec 2011
In my quest to be a man
frow when my life began
i've trudged in marsh and sand
and upon the muddy land
i flick without a wand
but with a conscious plan
i sway my faith around
until my will is found
to make a world i ran
abandoning my clan
my world is all my own
i rule it all alone.
MOTV Dec 2015
High atop a mountain,
fierce steed vigorously breathing clouds.
Came to and frow
to find a challenger so thy may grow.

Leaves the skies in awe.
Inspires to be,
The Grim, that Reaps.

Shining beams of light.
Crimson plate of reflective fine stone brought onto the form by Holy flame lay atop a massive anatomy of muscle to defend with its aura of might.

Vivid, vivid
Eyes deep red, darkened by crown like mask of  fortitude
vigilance in all aspects.
Behemoth in stature.
Standing as high as the Heavens.

Flames hug the creature of blazing hooves and the Crimson Elite of the era.

Swords aflame held in each hand covered in a ruby gauntlet bore by an Elder Demons infernos, made to protect the mouth of the fabled

Amongst the Titan an
Unexplained enigma.
Spew about
An awe a blazing to rule
All land.

Gaia cover by ravening flames
oh might
Dancing vigorously till day
As All Might, It Does Roar With Majestic Sounds
In Tune With Life Leaving Crimson Stains
Where They Might Lay
Upon This
Cedric McClester Dec 2015
By: Cedric McClester

Holidays come
And holidays go
But none are like Christmas
None of ‘em I know
Nothing can compare
With that Christmas atmosphere
Or the gifts that we share
With the ones for whom we care

Holidays come
And holidays go
But not many of ‘em
Do we pray for snow
With sleigh bells ringing
And children’s eyes aglow
Or carolers singing
Familiar songs we know

Holidays come
And holidays go
But none of ‘em have
The same ebb and flow
As Christmas does each year
Which only goes to show
How it’s anticipated
Like we already know

Holidays come
And holidays go
But Christmas is special
Underneath the mistletoe
People are laughing
And shopping to and frow
For just the right gifts
That express the love you show

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2015.  All rights reserved.
Sophie Woods Feb 2014
It was awkward and grim
Together i felt alone siting with him
We watched a movie tonight
No we didnt fight
It was something previous
Together we got mischevious
We played around
No we werent found
It was then we lay
Together we began to play
We were stupid and wrong
No it didnt last long
It would've been the end
Together we wouldnt be a friend
We came close to the brink
No i dont know what he think
It would be nice
Together we awkwardly eat rice
We dont talk about it
No we dont want to admit
It would be weird
Together its both feared
We will never know
No i wont ever go that low
It would be nice though
Together we would go to and frow
We could live together
Know that id make it forever
Nadine Mar 2019
What is anxiety it makes me cry
I'm very withdrawn and so very shy
I keep to myself and I pull away
Far from all people that want me to stay

I don't know why I don't know how
I thought I'd understand long before now
It hides way down deep with in my soul
And in the depth of my heart it burns a hole

It's something that no one can understand
Because we are liabeled we are always band
We not like you we all stand alone
We never choose it how could we of known

There was a time that all seemed ok
But in an instant it was taken away
Then we were faced with a life of hell
And only find comfort inside our shell

We are different not quiet like you
But the sad reality is if you only knew
We are the same just so loving and caring
But something inside is frightening and flaring

It's a horrid mixture of emotions and fears
And we are tossed around in a violent oceans
Of panic and stress and deep down depression
With endless hours of endless sessions

We are stuck on an endless roller coaster ride
With demons and dragons deep down inside
Its ups and downs and mental torture
My mind and emotions is my books author

The anger and agony I keep deep inside
It always comes out I wish I could hide
Away from the world the ones I love most
The ones I love dearly the ones I need close

I live in a world of unimaginable horror
Please make it stop make it go till tomorrow
My emotions keep swirling my mind is a mess
I battle to breathe I have tightness of chest

I clinchs and I murmur I stumbled and stutter
I hurt and I scream and I cry and I mutter
I walk to and frow and I groan and I cry
Oh please someone just help me know why

It comes in an instant just out of no where
My emotions of anger once more does flare
I feel like I boarder on mental insanity
Even my hands are wet and clammy

My head is a whirlpool of fear and frustration
It hurts and it screams am I in damnation
Why can't it stop or subside for a while
Am I been punished it's so evil and vile

What have I done what did I do
Why can't I be normal just like you
Where is my peace and quiet I once had
What went wrong that it ended up so bad

There's no one to turn to there's no safe place
No where to run so the house I'll just pace
I sit and I rock and I cry and I'm steaming
The voice of reason gives me no meaning

That little voice that should guide right
Like all my energy again took flight
Now I'm just left with the voices of evil
It's like my body belongs to the devil

So again I'm hurting I'm ripped apart
Another ones about to start
I close my eyes and try wish it away
But like the rest I know it will stay
Poetress2 Sep 2019
Trees sway in the breeze,
as their leaves blow to and frow;
Autumn is coming.
Jessica Lima Mar 2017
Is your ability to LOVE
NOT who loves you.

What you may GIVE
Not what you may GET
Makes this TRUE.

If I BREAK down
Don't ever FROW,
Play me a SOUND.

Of your HEART beating
To other SHORES.
NeverAgain Jan 2018
warm whisky warns of wows
whimsey witness truth and frow
but, hole i sit around i fell
truths of others, whisky tells
though thoughts of her in which i dwell
peering down my wishing well

pondered sights of empty glass
what changed to make it gone so fast
close friend to me i always thought
a lesson learned is lesson taught
and who's sat inside it's crystal throne
left me dizzy and alone

she left me comfort for the night
she told me things and showed me sights
showed me things objectively
like harmony and simiatry
She tried to help forget the past
but friends like whiskey never last
Amanda Shelton Oct 2018
The path is rocky
full of high hopes
and scarred hearts.

These walls seem to cave in
though underneath its structure
it is well put together.

In my mind I am
always living on the edge,
I totter on my toes,
My legs wobble too and frow
from exhaustion.

This tightrope is tough to walk
but everyone learns how to walk
on the high-rise we call life.

You can't be afraid of the dark
if you want to face your monster's.
You should face your fear
of the dark first.

The anxiety reminds you
of what you think you lack.
Though not many care about
your defaults, they are too busy
thinking about themselves.

Life is like a mystery box,
you never know what you got
until you open the led.

Sometimes you get what you pay for
other times you get more
than you bargained for.

© 2018 By Amanda Shelton
One day I found myself walking in a forest ,
above me the blinding rays of the wood ,
all kinds of creatures moving to and frow,
beside me as best they could .
And there in the distance when i had enough grains and fruits,
to eat ,
I heard a joker  playing to a tune I knew so well..
It went ....

A jester with a fallen crown .
A king who one day wept .

An Angel who once led Gods  choir in song ,
who fell in full sight of our Lord ,
who should have burnt in the flame and the sword ,
Instead he spoke in beautiful song .

A Queen who I once loved ,
who now in some rotting cell ,
has been banished by my heart to dwell .
To no food or water must she drink ,
or my love for her should grow ,
with every banquet I lay before her feet .

And who is left in this life of mine ,
that I should idoly pass my time ,
to nibble corn in the noon days sun ?

The joker in my life how could I forget ?
Who  speaks well of a doe  I had loved ,
yet how she failed to light her gas lamp for me ,
so I might take that which she holds so timidly ,

and lead her to my bed .

Who  plays a tune to where I must follow ,
where everything either creeps or hollows ,
somewhere where there are no tomorrow’s ,
where the branches grow thick in sorrow ,
to the darker. end of the wood..
Where the barn owl once swollowed  me whole ,
just because he could.

So as the Forrest all sings to the jokers tune  as the birds of prey are fed ,
on everything that moves in the darkest part of the woods ,
It is said !

— The End —