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B Jul 2020
I see the older generations say
“I miss the good ole days”
“I miss the America I grew up in”
Do they fail to realize that their generation did this?
Their generation ruined the economy
Their generation poisoned the earth
Their generation drained the Earth of her resources
Their generation segregated people of color
Their generation disowns their children for being gay
Their generation is full of hate
But go on, please,
tell me how my generation is ruining the world.
My generation who is chanting Black Lives Mater
My generation who is trying to reduce their plastic usage
My generation who is fighting for LGBT+ rights
My generation who is fighting for women to have the right to their body
My generation who is still in school
My generation who is mentally unstable
But still is trying to make things right.
My generation is doing the things their generation failed to.
Their generation had their time, and they failed their children
Their grandchildren
So now it’s time for a new generation
My generation
MdAsadullah Dec 2014
These wicked ones,
disguised in color green.
Commit atrocities horrible
, unheard, unseen.
Use symbols of noble cause
to serve their ulterior ends.
Tarnish the image of
religion difficult to mend.
They **** innocent souls
with bombs and guns.
Youths must stay away
from these wicked ones.
We condemn your evil acts
, your number is few.
Islam is religion of peace,
community disowns you.
I admit the briar
Entangled in my hair
Did not injure me;
My blenching and trembling,
Nothing but dissembling,
Nothing but coquetry.

I long for truth, and yet
I cannot stay from that
My better self disowns,
For a man's attention
Brings such satisfaction
To the craving in my bones.

Brightness that I pull back
From the Zodiac,
Why those questioning eyes
That are fixed upon me?
What can they do but shun me
If empty night replies?
Love trusts, lust twists
Love rains, lust drains
Love reaches, lust catches
Love couples, lust combines

Love retains, lust detains
Love relies, lust relays
Love cares, lust caresses
Love binds, lust blinds

Love floats, lust flees
Love belongs, lust longs
Love ascends, lust descends
Love fames, lust defames

Love creates, lust recreates
Love commands, lust demands
Love chooses, lust chases
Love boosts,  lust boasts

Love at heart
Lust in mind
Love in lust is good
Lust in love is better
Love likes privacy
Lust looks for piracy
Love opens lust
Lust closes love

Love is slow, lust is fast
Love is steady and stable
Lust is mobile and fragile
Love is reliable, lust is liable
Love is long, lust is short
Love is homogeneous
Lust is heterogeneous
Love is defensive
Lust is offensive
Love is precious
Lust is pernicious
Love is supportive
Lust is supplementary
Love is refined
Lust is defined
Love betters life
Lust batters it.
Love has character
Lust has conduct
Love wins over
Lust weans out
Love combines
Lust divides
Love is cool
Lust is crazy
Love is peaceful
Lust is pleasant
Love is wholesome
Lust is piecemeal
Lust comes first
Love becomes best

Love is progressive
Lust is aggressive
Lust laminates
Love illuminates

Love is slow n steady
Lust is hasty n nasty
Love is dense, lust is tense
Lust is conditioned,
Love is air-conditioned
Lust is lovely to begin with
Love is lustrous to end up
Love heals, lust wounds
Love owns, lust disowns
Love is onus, lust is onerous
Love is basic, lust is allowance
Love conforms, lust confuses
Love binds, lust blinds

Be aware of love
Beware of lust
That comes like
wolf in sheep’s clothing

Let the fair blend
of love and lust
rule  the roost
Stevie Nov 2020
This generation is the selfie nation,
Taking pictures of the dying, digitization,
This generation is the generic nation,
Cancelling history and subjects, Salvation,
This generation is the death nation,
Being overweight is healthy, becoming purgation,
This generation is the stronger nation,
Deeming everything offensive, becoming manipulation,
This generation is the hateful nation,
Hating the own agnations,
This gerenation is the end nation,
Pushing and pushing, damnation,
This generation is the promoting nation,
Gender Swap, ***, paedophilia, pushing all these, Arbitration.
This genernation is the activism nation,
Save the Earth, making change that still damages the Earth, ruination.
This generation is the we won't do this nation,
Won't go to war to fight for others, pure negation,
This generation is the nation,
The eldery generation regrets fighting for their foundation,
This generation is the Anti-Homosexuality nation,
That still disowns there child for there sexuaility, Affirmation,
This generation who is fighting LGBTQ Rights Nation,
Hating those who refuse to date the same *** hating religion, so **** condamnation.
This generation scream Black Lives Matter Nation,
Reducing Police Brutality, improving lot more crimes, congratulation,
This generation fighting for women right nation,
Taking away male rights, instead of alterations and collaborations.
This generation is the older nation,
Bullying, lies and caring nation, Allocation,
This generation is the end nation,
Death filtration of the world's creation.
This generation buid this nation,
They have to learn to live with the cermation.
SHE hears me strike the board and say
That she is under ban
Of all good men and women,
Being mentioned with a man
That has the worst of all bad names;
And thereupon replies
That his hair is beautiful,
Cold as the March wind his eyes.


IF I make the lashes dark
And the eyes more bright
And the lips more scarlet,
Or ask if all be right
From mirror after mirror,
No vanity's displayed:
I'm looking for the face I had
Before the world was made.
What if I look upon a man
As though on my beloved,
And my blood be cold the while
And my heart unmoved?
Why should he think me cruel
Or that he is betrayed?
I'd have him love the thing that was
Before the world was made.


I ADMIT the briar
Entangled in my hair
Did not injure me;
My blenching and trembling,
Nothing but dissembling,
Nothing but coquetry.
I long for truth, and yet
I cannot stay from that
My better self disowns,
For a man's attention
Brings such satisfaction
To the craving in my bones.
Brightness that I pull back
From the Zodiac,
Why those questioning eyes
That are fixed upon me?
What can they do but shun me
If empty night replies?


I DID the dragon's will until you came
Because I had fancied love a casual
Improvisation, or a settled game
That followed if I let the kerchief fall:
Those deeds were best that gave the minute wings
And heavenly music if they gave it wit;
And then you stood among the dragon-rings.
I mocked, being crazy, but you mastered it
And broke the chain and set my ankles free,
Saint George or else a pagan Perseus;
And now we stare astonished at the sea,
And a miraculous strange bird shrieks at us.



O BUT there is wisdom
In what the sages said;
But stretch that body for a while
And lay down that head
Till I have told the sages
Where man is comforted.
How could passion run so deep
Had I never thought
That the crime of being born
Blackens all our lot?
But where the crime's committed
The crime can be forgot.


THE lot of love is chosen.  I learnt that much
Struggling for an image on the track
Of the whirling Zodiac.
Scarce did he my body touch,
Scarce sank he from the west
Or found a subtetranean rest
On the maternal midnight of my breast
Before I had marked him on his northern way,
And seemed to stand although in bed I lay.
I struggled with the horror of daybreak,
I chose it for my lot! If questioned on
My utmost pleasure with a man
By some new-married bride, I take
That stillness for a theme
Where his heart my heart did seem
And both adrift on the miraculous stream
Where -- wrote a learned astrologer --
The Zodiac is changed into a sphere.

He. Dear, I must be gone
While night Shuts the eyes
Of the household spies;
That song announces dawn.
She. No, night's bird and love's
Bids all true lovers rest,
While his loud song reproves
The murderous stealth of day.
He. Daylight already flies
From mountain crest to crest
She. That light is from the moom.
He. That bird...
She. Let him sing on,
I offer to love's play
My dark declivities.


DRY timber under that rich foliage,
At wine-dark midnight in the sacred wood,
Too old for a man's love I stood in rage
Imagining men.  Imagining that I could
A greater with a lesser pang assuage
Or but to find if withered vein ran blood,
I tore my body that its wine might cover
Whatever could rccall the lip of lover.
And after that I held my fingers up,
Stared at the wine-dark nail, or dark that ran
Down every withered finger from the top;
But the dark changed to red, and torches shone,
And deafening music shook the leaves; a troop
Shouldered a litter with a wounded man,
Or smote upon the string and to the sound
Sang of the beast that gave the fatal wound.
All stately women moving to a song
With loosened hair or foreheads grief-distraught,
It seemed a Quattrocento painter's throng,
A thoughtless image of Mantegna's thought --
Why should they think that are for ever young?
Till suddenly in grief's contagion caught,
I stared upon his blood-bedabbled breast
And sang my malediction with the rest.
That thing all blood and mire, that beast-torn wreck,
Half turned and fixed a glazing eye on mine,
And, though love's bitter-sweet had all come back,
Those bodies from a picture or a coin
Nor saw my body fall nor heard it shriek,
Nor knew, drunken with singing as with wine,
That they had brought no fabulous symbol there
But my heart's victim and its torturer.


WHAT lively lad most pleasured me
Of all that with me lay?
I answer that I gave my soul
And loved in misery,
But had great pleasure with a lad
That I loved ******.
Flinging from his arms I laughed
To think his passion such
He fancied that I gave a soul
Did but our bodies touch,
And laughed upon his breast to think
Beast gave beast as much.
I gave what other women gave
"That stepped out of their clothes.
But when this soul, its body off,
Naked to naked goes,
He it has found shall find therein
What none other knows,
And give his own and take his own
And rule in his own right;
And though it loved in misery
Close and cling so tight,
There's not a bird of day that dare
Extinguish that delight.


HIDDEN by old age awhile
In masker's cloak and hood,
Each hating what the other loved,
Face to face we stood:
"That I have met with such,' said he,
"Bodes me little good.'
"Let others boast their fill,' said I,
"But never dare to boast
That such as I had such a man
For lover in the past;
Say that of living men I hate
Such a man the most.'
'A loony'd boast of such a love,'
He in his rage declared:
But such as he for such as me --
Could we both discard
This beggarly habiliment --
Had found a sweeter word.


OVERCOME -- O bitter sweetness,
Inhabitant of the soft cheek of a girl --
The rich man and his affairs,
The fat flocks and the fields' fatness,
Mariners, rough harvesters;
Overcome Gods upon Parnassus;
Overcome the Empyrean; hurl
Heaven and Earth out of their places,
That in the Same calamity
Brother and brother, friend and friend,
Family and family,
City and city may contend,
By that great glory driven wild.
Pray I will and sing I must,
And yet I weep -- Oedipus' child
Descends into the loveless dust.
maybella snow Aug 2013
innuendo sushi is usher asking Sienese disowns shown plops aside ask dud
                    NCOs debs downwind UBS mayo Iowa. Laos Nissan seis *** so enemies Sandusky snails used iOS somehow Owen haikus eye owl ensues diss worsens skinned unique.
     ushers witted hub woman's newish naval cavity sis wish lend USB

[rage typing doesn't work with auto correct]
Donall Dempsey Feb 2018
( for J.L )

"I like birds
more than books."

a young Edward
Thomas thinks

scribbling it
in bad Latin

on the fly leaf of
an algebra book.

A chaffinch chuckles.

"Vink...vink...vink!" it urges
in a regional accent.

"Fringilla Coelebs!"
Edward addresses it.

" cap!"
the bird disowns its names

content with being
itself and itself


It looks as if it has
just stepped out of the 15th century

illuminated maunuscript
The Shelbourne Missal.

"A caterpillar skeletonising a leaf
mmm...breakfast mefinks!"

The year  1895
madly in love with its own

never such sunlight

as this
the window holds the scene

as if it were
a living painting.

The bird behind the glass
poetry in just being.

The torture of
an algebra class

"Quod erat demonstrandum."
***Reading Jean Moorcroft Wilson's wonderful biography EDWARD THOMAS -FROM ADLESTROP TO ARRAS. I was struck by the tiny detail of the algebra book. A chaffinch had just landed on our bird table and had its fill of suet. So I imagined Thomas longing for escape from algebra in the glory of this common bird. The chaffinch is of course busy being a chaffinch and busy eating its favourite food...a juicy defoliating caterpillar. It has no notion of its human names and only knows the poetry of being itself.

The title comes from the Greek translation of the phrase rather than the Latin ( which yields, "what was to be demonstrated")which methinks is more apt.

To myself in the De La Salle Academy in Kildare in an equally sunny day in my own was always...Quite Easily Done! Alas Algebra and all its Mathematical kin were never kind to me and it was never easily done.

The chaffinch was once popular as a caged song bird and large numbers of wild birds were trapped and sold. At the end of the 19th century trapping even depleted the number of birds in London parks. In Britain the practice of keeping chaffinches as pets declined after the trapping of wild birds was outlawed by the Wild Birds Protection Acts of 1880 to 1896.

In 1882 the English publisher Samuel Orchart Beeton issued a guide on the care of caged birds and included the recommendation:

"To parents and guardians plagued with a morose and sulky boy, my advice is, buy him a chaffinch."

Competitions were held where bets were placed on which caged chaffinch would repeat its song the greatest number of times. The birds were sometimes blinded with a hot needle in the belief that this encouraged them to sing.

The chaffinch is still a popular pet bird in some European countries. In Belgium, for example, the traditional sport of Vinkenzetting pits male chaffinches against one another in a contest for the most bird calls in an hour.

Hardy's THE BLINDED BIRD rails against this habit of blinding in order to sing more fully.

"Who hath charity? This bird.
Who suffereth long and is kind,
Is not provoked, though blind
And alive ensepulchred?
Who hopeth, endureth all things?
Who thinketh no evil, but sings?
Who is divine? This bird."

In Irish it is Rí king or king of the wild. As well as it's blue crown it has rusty red underparts or underpants as my Uncle Michael called them which would account for the rusty or red part of its name.

For half a day there was now a world of snow, a myriad flakes falling, a myriad rising, and nothing more than the sound of rivers; and now a world of green undulating hills that smiled in the lap of the grey mountains, over which moved large clouds, sometimes tumultuous and grey,  sometimes  white and slow, but always fringed with fire. When the snow came, the mountains dissolved and were not. When the mountains were born again out of the snow, the snow seemed but to have polished the grass,  and put a sharper sweetness in the song of the thrush and the call of the curlew, and left the  thinnest of cirrus clouds upon the bare field, where it clung only to the weeds.

Edward Thomas – BEAUTIFUL WALES( 1905)

“….words of landscape…landscapes are what I seem to be  made for…nearly all  of it without humanity except what it may owe to a lanky shadow of myself – I stretch over big landscapes just as my shadow does at dawn…”

Letter to Bottomley
Hatred and vengence--my eternal portion
Scarce can endure delay of execution--
Wait with impatient readiness to seize my
Soul in a moment.

****** below Judas; more abhorred than he was,
Who for a few pence sold his holy Master!
Twice betrayed, Jesus me, the last delinquent,
Deems the profanest.

Man disavows, and Deity disowns me:
Hell might afford my miseries a shelter;
Therefore Hell keeps her ever-hungry mouths all
Bolted against me.

Hard lot! encompassed with a thousand dangers;
Weary, faint, trembling with a thousand terrors,
I'm called, if vanquished, to receive a sentence
Worse than Abiram's.

Him the vindictive rod of angry Justice
Sent quick and howling to the centre headlong;
I, fed with judgment, in a fleshy tomb am
Buried above ground.
Shashi Sep 2010
The blanket I wear on all occasions
Is gathering patches of pain by day
And every night when I throw it off
It moves on from the night sky to dawn
Gathering more patches of pain.

Some times stars
Sprinkle their desires on the rough pattern
That my blanket carries
Some times
Dawn, leave traces of dew drops
In the wild passionate love
That the night makes in the cosmic fabric.

Some times, the Sun disowns the love
It has for night and its stars
Some times, love does not even know
when its lost in the passions of physical pounding,
Loving, cries being merged on a negative staff.
Some times loving, the being
Does not know whether its an insect
Or a butterfly, thats lost among the lotus pond.
@Shashi 08/2010
Meghan Marie Aug 2010
For every sad song on the radio
I hope you think about me,
For every time you said you cared
I hope you’re doused in gasoline!

I hope bugs always clutter your windshield,
I hope the brakes on your stupid car stick,
I hope it’s dark and raining wheelbarrows
And you drive headfirst into the ditch!

I hope the doctors forget anesthesia,
I hope the scalpel slips,
I hope the surgeon’s hands are sloppy
And he cuts something you need to live!

Because I hate you
Like a crayon too short to sharpen
So you have to buy a whole new pack,
Yeah, I hate you
Like that pair of **** jeans
You can’t fit in because you’re too fat,
Oh I hate you
More than yogurt or stale banana bread,
I hate you like only a lover can.

One of your hipster smoker friends
Can put a cigarette out on your tongue,
I hope the ashes collect in your mouth,
The taste of kisses, regret, and poison!

I hope your family disowns you,
I hope your plants all wither and die,
May the road you walk crumble to pieces
Or at least be uphill on both sides!

I hope none of your children turn out to be yours
Because your best friend is better in bed,
And if your honeymoon is with anyone else,
I hope your plane crashes into the Caribbean!

Because I hate you
Like a crayon too short to sharpen
So you have to buy a whole new pack,
Yeah, I hate you
Like that pair of **** jeans
You can’t fit in because you’re too fat,
Oh I hate you
More than sleeping in a hot room with no fan,
I hate you like only a lover can.
Hatred and vengeance, my eternal portion,
Scarce can endure delay of execution,
Wait, with impatient readiness, to seize my
Soul in a moment.

****** below Judas:more abhorred than he was,
Who for a few pence sold his holy Master.
Twice betrayed Jesus me, this last delinquent,
Deems the profanest.

Man disavows, and Deity disowns me:
Hell might afford my miseries a shelter;
Therefore hell keeps her ever hungry mouths all
Bolted against me.

Hard lot! encompassed with a thousand dangers;
Weary, faint, trembling with a thousand terrors;
I'm called, if vanquished, to receive a sentence
Worse than Abiram's.

Him the vindictive rod of angry justice
Sent quick and howling to the center headlong;
I, fed with judgment, in a fleshly tomb, am
Buried above ground.
Sienna Burroughs Dec 2013
Winds whipping certainties into,
Tiny hurricanes,
Spinning around every drop of thought she
Disowns, discounts.
This turmoil, the only survival she's ever known,
Keeps her in the air, suspended, ambiguous, beautiful or terrifying?
So she shakes and cries in fear,
Of the day she stops spinning.

Surrounded by biting cold fronts,
Pushed around by sparks of warm relief,
She's a hot mess, sticky, humid, and alive with electric charge.

Her pleas bellowed into thunder,
Static shock breaking her voice,
Into something massively engulfing.
The kind of sound that makes a grown man feel small.

You can feel her coming from miles away.
She knows the weight of her presence better than anyone.
So lonely and heavy is her grief,
So bright and menacing is her capability.

Ironically, just the right balance of
           And cold,
                                                     And negativity,
Swiftly reacting, turning, changing her,
Into this rain ridden,
Angst swollen,
Ferociously complex storm system,
Stealing the heat she can,
Clinging to any energy she once drew on.
Never releasing her festerings.
Standing above a world she cannot touch,
Without destroying.
Alex Oct 2013
waking up in the shadow days of the endless tragedies,
the sun shining brightly beside me.
a mother who disowns her daughter,
and a bunch of profanities towards each other.

a family that has multiple problems,
cannot be solved for a father leaving.
here i am with the blame of everything,
and the friends with no clue as we smile together.

being a rebel, that's who i am
my mom hates me more
and she disowns me as well.
one more strike,
and i'll be out of this place
where the devils are drowning me
down to hell.

you know i always loved you,
but it's time for me to leave.
i'm really tired of everything
that's been putting against me.
when it's not entirely my fault
in this endless tragedy.
xavier thomas Jan 2022
Privilege child
Actions foul
***** lifestyle
Poor decisions made as he smiles

Black home
Friends gone
Parents tired
Of him using folks, then disowns

Choices bad
Women mad
Memphis child
Lost the trust that he had

Spending cash
$100 stacks
Behavior uncontrolled
Finance is where his knowledge lacks

Lack of care
Pulling back each layer
The pain he hides
Someone come send a prayer

Man-child is grown
Leaving a trail of loans
Selfish son
Refuse to pay back what he owes

Stays equip
Snorting strips
High all the time
On cloud 9 taking another trip
Dear best friend. You will lose everyone, including me, if you continue down this path.
But I guess you could care less huh…
Sad you’ll lose everything you have between now & in the future.
I can dissect;
break it down to the smallest molecule
But you wouldn't see where and what i mean
My deepest pain, excruciating, blood boiling anger
Wouldn't be justified in your eyes
Categorized and stereotyped into something
With which you would never be able to sympathize or relate
But if i opened my thighs your attention would quickly shift
To see where and how long you could fit
When you look into my eyes don't you see more than that
The pain i carry from constantly being called ugly and fat
A child beyond her years
Into an adult who disowns her tears
From seeing the blood pour from my lips
And the welts on my hips
Self taught the language  of rejection
Because it replaced affection
Seeking anything to fill the void left
From s mentally, physically, verbally abusive father
And an intangible mother
It's so much easier to ignore and dismiss me that
If you sought  to truly understand me
It still would not expand your vision of me
W Winchester Oct 2016
Shouldn't have to go to rehab.

They shouldn't have to spend a month,
surrounded by other ****-ups who are ruining their lives,
to get their **** together before their family disowns them

Girls your age shouldn't be addicts.

They shouldn't have drinking problems,
manic spending,
or a coke problem

Girls your age
shouldn't have problems.

You're seventeen. Shut up and get a job.
I am seventeen and I'm so so sick.
dead bodies moving dead bodies
you know the theme, the scheme,
the thought and the idea

the bodies, dead, paying the bills,
moving dead past the dawn
eyeballs rolling up as windows
closing and doors close and open

the bodies, mass production,
lots of bodies
Monday, Tuesday, Shitday
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
and Christday

Neighbor Allah never greets anyone
and he talks to himself in echoes
Buddha is all smiles and virtues
but no muscle, Buddha's daughters
are out clubbing tonight ******* their
oriental curves, selling their oriental
scents and cold white skin
to Allah's *** deprived sons

Christ is the only father and
he disowns his nieces and nephews,
I knew years back that I am a distant relative

just dead bodies, yours and mine
produce, corporate livestock,
labels from the heaviest bills handed
over in sinister alleyways,
sinister exchanges, hitman to hitman,
extraction to extraction, fraction by fraction,
bodies serves as platforms,
nonliving chopping boards for the butchers
dressed up as elves

the bodies, limb by limb, sagging skins,
rivers of hairfalls, scratch marks,
Ms. Universe stretch marks, the *** tapes
of the cheerleaders whom silent and wise
boys yearned for all through years of fading

Closeted gay professionals keeping their pointed ******* when nothing's wrong with them until consent turns from probationary to mandatory and hate and red and blue and green and yellow flags and pedophiles and bigots and white supremacists and Allah whisperers and Allah fanatics and Buddha hypocrites and China takes over the world and feminists, and third and fourth and fifth and so on genders and Trump and memes and Filipinos and mental health and memes and mental health and memes and literature and literature and activists and who ****** who and politicians and what Americans, Australians, Chinese, Japanese, British, Candian, Irish and and North Koreans and K-Pop plastic lips and hips who young girls and boys from isolated islands gets ****** for and hipsters and the nine to fives and the ***** to give and the snobbish *** girls in parties, in clubs, in alleys who wants to get ****** by all the celebrity status ***** all just becomes a tiny pinch for the dead bodies not to see and point the flower and shoot the gun to end the human war.
powerlessness is the fuel to either create or destroy.
SALaprade Jul 2013
There are no doors on the seventeenth floor,
For the seventeenth floor is mine.
I've awakened here every morn
Since nineteen-seventy-nine

I wear no clothes, and I have no shoes
I've bid farewell to lust,
Because here I live on the seventeenth floor
With nothing but bugs and dust

My family now disowns me
And I have no friends these days
For their sights are keen, and they have seen
That I have set my ways

My head shrink says I'm crazy
He said that’s why I'm in this place
And on a whim, I agreed with him
It's a crazy even pills can't erase

I take my meds every morning
And then again at noon
I've been taking these pills daily in good faith
And still I'm loony as a toon!

When at first they locked me up here
Before they totally gave up on me
They said that if I would be as good as I could
That someday I might even go free

 Then one fine day they brought me a gift
Said it was a jacket made specially for me
They helped put it on, (wait! The sleeves are too long!)
And they ran away laughing as they threw away the key

Days into weeks, and weeks became months
The months eventually turned into years
It's been so long since I've seen any one
Do they even remember I'm here?!!?

There are no doors on the seventeenth floor
For the seventeenth floor is all mine
To be perfectly clear, I've been locked up here
Since July of nineteen seventy-nine
Annie McLaughlin Mar 2016
I don't like who I am
I smile at dents in my skin
I search and I long for a sin
I don't like who I am
I turn all the boys into bloodbaths
Then I cry at the touch of their sharp wrath
I don't like who I am
I walk around reckless and staid
I would **** for my soul to just fade
I don't like who I am
I torture myself unconsensually
No wonder my mother disowns me
I don't like who I am
I hurt too much for too many reasons
I am punished as if committed treason
I don't like who I am
And I know you don't either
I don't like who I am
I can't stand my mind's seether
I don't like who I am.
An angelic smile
On a brave-heart's face
Insomniac eyes
Starve for their presence.

Great heights attained
But still so forlorn
Hushed laughter
Ruptures the still air.

A bleak feeble aversion
The dainty lady in blue
Took a solemn oath
To live and to let go.

Fidelity to one's own soul
A wavering step
Yet a resolute hope
For an eloquent entry,once more.

Jovial face
greets the world
Aching, shackled valor
She slowly disowns.
Growing up
I was taught that hate is such a big word
I was taught that I only hated the devil
That I only hated what kills me
That I hated what harms everyone
That I only “disliked” things
That it is not hate that I feel all the time.
Until I turned 16..
When I looked at myself in the mirror
And decided that hate.. is not a big word
That the anger and sorrow inside me
Is not sadness
The anger and sorrow inside me
Transformed me into a person
That love disowns.
I learned that the rage burning within me
Killed the soul I once had
And replaced it by the demonic thoughts that
I thought I hated.
I understood that the regret I had
Killed every cell in me and nothing-
Nothing in this universe could ever get them back.
I realized that hate was not something taught
it was something you develop
it is something that slowly takes over you
engulfs you until you find no justification
except in it’s corners.
I learned that slowly I became the devil
I once hated.
I became the person my mother
asked me to stay away from
because the hate inside me
hurt no one
except my own dying soul.
I realized that the rage, the sorrow, the betrayal
Transformed the love I once had
Into a never ending lump of darkness and hate.
Lee Jan 2013
I want to invent a religion.
It can't be that hard,
seeing that
All religions serve to answer
only four questions:

1) How was the world made.
{possibly when}

2) What is the human purpose ie.
Why are we here ie.
What makes us better than,
and able to **** everything else.

3) What happens when you die.
{preferably a cheery conclusion, also one that disowns other religions or acts}

4) When, how, and why the world will end
{ its comforting to know when and why you'll be ******}
Any ideas friends? Names for deities? Name of the religion itself? Hows it going to end people? Why did it start? How? Team effort!
sam h Dec 2012
cracking codes
within my bones
my tendencies
my brain disowns
I'll never sleep
I'll never cry
just stare and weep
until the day is nigh
I often cut myself on
'Occam's razor' and
in the future I'll be sure to
burn myself by listening in
Occams Laser
is self evident,
but not to me

in space
looking for
the easiest place
to park a star.

Where the light is
the night is not,
of that
I used to be sure,
cured me of the notion
that bumps and grinds
are equal to devotion,

just going through the
like the river to the
oceans and
I drown
each time I see
'Occam's razor'
before me,

The solution and the easy way
is take one day at a time
until time disowns me
and then
I'll complain all the way
to the cemetery.
Donall Dempsey Feb 2023
( for Jeremy )

"I like birds
more than books."

a young Edward
Thomas thinks

scribbling it
in bad Latin

on the fly leaf of
an algebra book.

A chaffinch chuckles.

"Vink...vink...vink!" it urges
in a regional accent.

"Fringilla Coelebs!"
Edward addresses it.

" cap!"
the bird disowns its names

content with being
itself and itself


It looks as if it has
just stepped out of the 15th century

illuminated maunuscript
The Shelbourne Missal.

"A caterpillar skeletonising a leaf
mmm...breakfast mefinks!"

The year  1895
madly in love with its own

never such sunlight

as this
the window holds the scene

as if it were
a living painting.

The bird behind the glass
poetry in just being.

The torture of
an algebra class

"Quod erat demonstrandum."
Aayush Vasudeva Apr 2018
Why was i born,
In a world so torn
So sexist, so cold
How about i just let my story unfold

Expectations shattered, as my parents wanted a boy
But they were stuck with the next best thing, a high maintenance toy
That is born to be married away, neglecting her education
And if they dare to go astray, society disowns them, and kills them in the name of retribution

And if that wasnt enough, we are also subject to ****
Whether we wear shorts, a burkha or a completely concealing cape
Looks like our only choice now, is to step up our game
Teach ourselves to defend, fight, attack, to be the decider of our own fates
Oh wicked world, here is a challenge for you; stop us females if you can,
Once we decide that its enough, none can stop us, no animal nor any man.
Kideía Tou Vernarth, The sky was lost in colors; everything was snowy white, shimmering with white clouds that were arranged on top of other pearly ones, which tend to break from above the stupor brought by the Cherubim and Seraphim to receive Vernarth and Alikantus. Arriving at the highest plain, Vernarth spotted the Mashiach who was guarding him, he was wearing a white garment, and on his neck was an ornament that the Hoplite Soldiers of Arbela had given them. When Vernarth dismounted he saw on his Lynothorax a Hoplomachus, which was the same medallion worn by warriors to face the divine death in combat, given by a Thraex, who always accompanied him with the Kantabroi with the sulfur mists after the battles, oxidized wore a manica in the arm that seemed to signal with the tip of the finger the XIX chapter of the Apocalypse of San Juan Apóstol, in both legs an ocrea labeling the chorus of hexameters that chanted the Sybils to revive them. And on his head that turned three hundred and sixty degrees, he carried the Leonatus with another Elbmo under his arms with eyepieces with grid and crest, on his right leg, a Xiphos hung like the telamo that he took from both angles of his legs to approximate to carrying his steed pulled by his hands.

His belly heaved with anxiety, in his hands came to the folder that Drestnia and Etrestles had written that he had condescended to from the Koumeterium of Messolonghi, saying:

"All the cities of the world will be called Athens... because from there you will reach Patmos where you are in all places." Everything is ancient because soon it gets dark, and the funeral speech is the first death that you saw when you were an infant..., all the people who are with your majesty yearn for civil that you implicate in the legacy of the deep Christmas in Patmos, with mantles, wines, rolls and thick Corinthian wines in his credible creation Patmiana leaving them in the corridor that reaches the end, where the alabaster replaces the burning manger..., as a tale of two stories and struggle, which are exalted narrating the wars after which their dominated lands are suspended in the waters of the Aegean, and tinged with the apparent unrealized pact.

The whole world will be called Patmos, where nothing and no one will defeat you without first a dirge when the gargoyles of your veins sob, when their capitulation is filled with culture that swirls between the white tablecloths of Kissamos and Kímolos, this is where the Sarissas They will parade through the pantheon like thousands of solitary spears towards the perpetuity of the heritage that doubles the clouds pregnant with liquid bronze, to be scattered throughout Athens like stoles of marble chaff that the Meltemi carries with the prudence of ennobling the first shocks of the storms that predict your departure. Nothing of minimalism or arbitrariness that cannot be resolved in loopholes that are hidden among the requirements, in which all the threats have been admonished from the fallen canopy on your integrity, on the Cherub that fights with his empty hands like a beautiful fallen angel at the dawn of Miletus, already being a state governed by the Hoplomachus with his dyed sword, where you can see what and you can be more than a convention of gladiators, such as this and in fact disposed towards the courage of what the courage produces with the infamy of seeing you pray alone in its black stretch. In everything you were left alone, favorable only to the disagreement of what you should be or do because you will not be able to return, you are already a legionnaire who carries the world on his back struck down with his Kantabroi Corinth. Why did you sully yourselves with your weathered hands, why somehow the Nikephoros bring victories that are slow to come and soon gone? Thirsty for victories they bring vessels and flows incapable of satisfying you in the immensity of their anguish, and everything is done just when what fits in my thinking fills my belly, and what saturates the belly is tied to the Rudder of your precocious olive trees, from so much that the atabal sounds, it turns it into empires of stones that do not coin the subsidiary complaints of their war, if you dare of hostiles that bring food for dinner and of everything that pours the tediousness of piling up leftovers where nothing is enormous anymore What a grievance to sigh. Vernarth, the world of Messolonghi and its eternity comes to give you the admission of a Commander!, who deals with greatness and simplicity, as you can understand from sixty-four springs that have closed the eyes of Pericles just like yours, where the laws will have to indemnify and fill vessels that remain empty for this toast "Stin iyia sas o Khaire" from Elpenor to your house and health from a Nikephoros prayer book or conquest to win over everything, ... but continue drunk alive and reborn in other taps condescending of mythological swings, where the laws revive the second or third vigils of treats that lead into the orbit of a Hoplite.

I see you comfortable in the klimós that take you to the Empyrium, where the scattered saliva mixed with wine is confused with models of taking you to your new home? Do it again. In the eighth Cemetery of Messolonghi a great revolt has been made, she prescribes to pay you honors with Markos Botsaris at the head of which all the gold spilled on the table will be made with bows and arrows, shields, and spears to take them to Patmos and Athens, for fluvial sounds that sound like the Hékein or formality of lavishing to do or utter, so that everything is in favor of desolate places that will not be felt throughout Greece when they understand that you carry all the laments of the Warriors who hide behind the moor so as not to see them sob, still feeling the drums of the compass of a victory where wine runs that is written in the stands of Epidaurus, signing the chaste peace with its Medical Wars. It seems good to you that the ghosts speak of democracies, and that they also govern them with the spill of the satisfaction of public ovation that only does it with two or three flags, Oh Brother, I dress in foreign attire that enlivens your lightness from head to toe, I want to see you revived on the plains without stopping riding with Alikantus, free from all stratagem and fantastic scents of lavender, and summer-roasted grasses from the hall of the Athens oven. Do not be afraid, we have distances that are difficult to overcome, it will be the expulsion of our hearts if we allow ourselves to be overtaken by the watering of their rudeness that always complains of open will, do not be afraid, Pericles trusts your departure just like you at sixty-four, of such a Syntagma double 32 who appreciates you right and left in our companies, with courage obsequiously in becoming where the wind rises in Abdera.

We can dare to say that we are a group of seven, in the association of 25 men from the Syntagma who will accompany us, divided... but not divided! That it is nothing more than death as a double life that is put in front of you, that shows its opposite face of the Syntagma where victory and defeat offer omens of revival in both battles, not all of us are saved by our annihilation, nor by its quality of picking ourselves up even among the vanquished of invisible conflagrations or just because of the excessive feeling that is not imbued with beauty in what ends or begins, we know that you will come in Solstices and Equinoxes free from its austere plagues, and reborn from Aspasia or social life of gatherings that draw your eyes from seeing so much beauty light up in the theater that never ends, for this we know that we will measure what fits in your bladder, and the wine that we are ashamed to recognize in order to satisfy you, Oh Brother, receive from a whole nation and from the buried of Messolonghi how happy they will see you to come to visit us, whose boasting Homer eulogy disowns, with plausible lightning strikes from all frontiers if a Sycamore makes your initial on its bark, granting a new star to Greece where you will be able to observe that it bears fruit from where you will not be able to taste it, otherwise you will be able to affirm yourselves well from the trunk where you will be able to write values that resemble it by virtue of the Kashmar that points to the Aegean Sea .

An immortal never affirms him about a sycamore, rather he affirms himself with probity that resembles the richness of a story written by locals who know well that they are spring harvests. No one can have more praise than Drestnia, and I to receive you in our land cleared of enemies and sit at our table for the sole fact of avenging challenges that speak of saving and falling back, of counterattacking with perseverance carrying in your hand what breaks the Light and becomes your subject "The Sword Xiphos". In the end, the voices are filled with hope and fortune of your sword that could stop time, and bring you made of meat in the herd of Mosul as a weak naughty, for this equivalent with our parents who enjoyed our votes, such cenotaphs and that The weak have to live protected by strong walls that have to record in their narrow urns, empty and perplexed by Freedom from other unfortunates who will not enjoy it, who will not be afraid to die in the land that does not recognize martyrs who are still destined to live gloriously declining. How foolish it seems to you when the mouthful of bodies from the battlefield rise with it to the sky of all, and of evils that are made benevolent by so many miracles to live next to them, fearful right there before the city bailiff who does not dare to dare to bury you in their domains, to see you resurrected in the domains or district of the fearful ruler. Now wear your halo, take it with your five senses, and make of them courageous thirds where your precinct declares that no one will erase or forget it”
Kideía Tou Vernarth
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2023
An orphan of destiny
whose birthmark disowns
A life spent indentured
his spirit on loan

Caught in a time warp
unable to leave
The future in chains
contentment bereaved

A child of the moment
left on the streets
Time as his captor
in shoes of concrete

Forever unwelcome
a foster relayed
From instant to instant
his memory replays

An orphan of destiny
whose grief is reborn
In weeks unrelenting
his calendar scorned

Last chance at adoption
it calls from within
The voice of acceptance
—from him unto him

(Dreamsleep: June, 2023)
Salmabanu Hatim Nov 2018
I must have done something good in my life,
When in strife,
I try to drown,
Me, the sea disowns,
And the waves throw me back to the shore,
You are needed in the world more.
Like petals
Under the first light
Of a new day
As the open arms
Of love
And welcoming
Until the petals
Begin to fall
Gently at first
To the soft earth
Nature soon disowns you
As vampire bees
Pass you bye
As you age
And rot
And eventually die

by Jemia
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2021
I said it all long ago
once in a poem
Nothing to restate,
no words to explain
The waters have traveled,
my ship has long sailed
Your curious intention
brings only refrain

All thoughts into memory
whose feelings have gone
The property of others
my words now belong
Wishing and hoping
the spirit disowns
All wisdom diverted
—to skip that last stone

(Dreamsleep: October, 2021)
Bina Mukherjee Jun 2020
When she doesn't remember for the good you have done to her someday
Just smile!
When your friend disowns you because of your meagre networth
Just smile!
When there is a look of derision for your clothes
Just smile!
When your house is the only measurement of your heartfelt hospitality
Just smile!
Smile...since you have learnt some basic lessons of the world!!
Michael Marchese Feb 2019
What haven't I added yet
To my collection
What shapes have I not taken
Form of a question?
Incarnate my presence
Needs none to acknowledge
And far from the world
And its wars
I seek solace
To soldier along
To a song of disharmony
Weapons continue to prosper
Disarming me
Warming the globe
To a strobe-litter grave
That my cosmic illogical
Alien probe
Does not know
How to save
Droves of people
Driven on to
A critical
Mass-approach grave
Such a craving to sate
For what we automate
To replace us, supplant
And depose
So it goes
And what grows
From the dust
And the ashes
Any trace of us lost to
The space in between
What is you?
What is me?
What is life?
But a dream
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2019
Time not only seems to be speeding up…
  it actually is

Perception trumping reality looking forward,
  not looking back

Undercooked moments blow into the future,
  their aroma unsettling

As tomorrow disowns today
   —lamenting the past

(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2019)

— The End —