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Azad Akkash Apr 2015
To Jody;
My five years old friend and nephew

I put down the telephone,
entering a nap of elation,
till the echo of your sweet utterance
On the back of expatriation's wind
Swims away, dims.
By then, medusas of melancholy with their thick sorrow
fill up my throat
and my heart
would blindfolded fall on the knees and
die down…

With good and bad big wolves
tracing lost children or stuffing shaking goat kids into their paunch.
With ravenous bears, malignant hyenas
and crude giants,
garrulous  gracious squirrels, laborious ants
and active voracious hares.
With them, the two of us
had upholstered the land and sky of the wonderland,
and with their voices and whoops all,
we had irritated the dreamland's walls.

No matter how many times
we were building the villages for stories of straw, furze sticks and bricks,
I would only visit your house of mattresses and pillows.

Only for you,
I did revived the dead wolf
in order to revenge the "predatory" lumberjack.
With no regret I kept sending "wolfy" to the roasted chicken's shop
to defeat the hunger,
So that he won't eat the trapped little girl.
And before your smile,
the wolf in walrus moustache would play with the girl till daddy comes and takes her home.

And you are …
popping out, never closing the wide eyes of yours,
waiting for grandpa to take us to the village.
Up from the houses' roofs,
with Qarmeetlak's1 rabbits,
beyond the barbwires and in secret,
we stick the tongues out to the Turkish barracks.
Along with goat kids,
in tracking smugglers' traces,
we fool the landmines,
sneak to the other side of the border.
With smiley faces and hidden bleats,
We ****** the poppies and the grass that grow out from the edges of spring and the craters.
We hide from smuggler's ghosts who
in the  labyrinths of landmines
because of the unclaimed hands and legs are grabbing the collars.
We taunt the jackals' yowling and the patrolmen.
And in front of the rumbling sky, we do our best to look prettier;
Isn't  it "God taking photos of us"?
And like coward puppies we flee and go back to the safe village,
just before the dusk's winds could carry our smell to the angry spirit of Salan2
who is scouring the Kurmanj's Mountain3,
pursuing his endless vengeances.

Till the break of day,
with your slim clever squirreliness,
out of the branches of the most interlocked sorrowful stories,
you were shaking the attached laughs and guffaws
on the  hair of the deceiver Ashrafieh and the grumpy Sheikh Maksood's4 night.
Eventually, in taking its revenge,
the night would stuff you in a small basket and throw you away into the waves of sleep and dream
accompanied with all that eager to see the giants' kingdom and the mice's storehouses,
squirrels' village, their dances and bridals,
the departure will lead you to the waterfalls' cliffs of a dreamy sparrow's new day.
With the beaming love out from our eyes,
you dry up your tousled feathers and
take into the open.

Nevertheless, how simple-hearted the lies were when I kept telling you:
"Dog is a dog, a wolf is a wolf and the kitty is a kitty, and what are we, my Jody?
We are humans!"

I didn't want you to know
how in the world, could a dozen of
rabid armed dogs
smash down the door
and out from your eleven months old eyes,
with a persistent thronged barking,
they did take your dad away to the deepest liars of the ranch of malevolence,
introducing him to all kinds of animality.

How might I explained to you
why in the world, they reduced 'dad' for you
to that thing which every month
from behind a doubled bars
keep sending you a tearful laugh?
Why did they minimized the ancient capital for you into
both of the Political Security Branch and Siednaya's Jail5?

Your fingers had just started taking to writing and drawing.
You had just started
cantering your own stories
along with unsaddled breezes' foals
when herds of jackals with dark mouths
deported 'your Azad' into a fool refuge.
an orphan.

Inside the brushwood of the story and the wilderness of the epic,
since neither your fingers have become able to rise the sign of victory correctly,
nor could your throat match the letters of 'Kurdistan' properly,
whatever cave you step in,
no matter how shiny is the globe in the witch's hands,
she would never be able to tell you,
these lacrimatory mist and clouds,
with the emerging of every spring,
from which valleys of the ranch of malevolence  
did they come to overflow the Kurdish neighborhoods.
How did they vilely with no permission go up to the third floor
in order to join you in a poisoned feverish soiree.
And since when
the creatures of darkness
that they had brought
have been grazing their hyenas
among our fresh hopes.

when I tell you that
I'll come back with the snowfall,
it is nothing but a lie!
When you ask me to come back in summer
in order to hang on my back
and swim together
along with the little fishes,
such an imagination!
When you are not sleeping in my empty bed anymore
Intending to let my pillow and blanket await for
my return,
only a childish dream!!
Yet, when you
in the sweet and soft Afrini accent of yours
say to me
'Ozod, I mithed you thoo thoo thoo much',
my heart
would blindfolded fall on the knees and
die down…

Azad Ekkaş
Erbil: 3-1-2011
1-The village that Jody's family decsends from. It is located on the very Syrian Turkish borders.
2-  A traditional hero of the region.
3- Kurds in Afrin district in the remote north western corner of Syria call their region the Kurmanj's Mountain
4- The two largest Kurdish neighborhoods in the Syrian city of Aleppo.
5- The largest political and militaty prison in Syria where Jody's father was imprisoned. It is located in namesake town near to the Damascus.
up in the high country the wild horses run free
they've done so for nigh on a century
not a saddle upon their backs
enabling them to gallop unchecked around its tract

in the Guy Fawkes National park there is a harass of them
trotting through its blue hued wends
their days are numbered in the park
park authorities want end to their spirited lark

up in the high country the wild horses run free
they've done so for nigh on a century
not a saddle upon their backs
enabling them to gallop unchecked around its tract

to sight the wild horses in full cantering step
is exhilarating and fills one's heart with miles of pep
their hooves thundering and pelting along
to the wind's strong liberating throng

up in the high country the wild horses run free
they've done so for nigh on a century
not a saddle upon their backs
enabling them to gallop unchecked around its tract

down the steep ravines and o'er the hills they stride
without the reins of a man holding their ranging pride
the wild horses have need of open lands to caper and pace
they are a breed which must be allowed to freely race

up in the high country the wild horses run free
they've done so for nigh on a century
not a saddle upon their backs
enabling them to gallop unchecked around its tract
Megan Sherman Feb 2017
The Musician has a cantering lilt -
Like horses astir
Tis muse's buoyant love song
Accentuated whir -
Without fault or flaw
It begs the heart to adore
And beseech for more

When sounds knell out - joy strikes
Like thunder bolt to head
Song bonds to mind
An endearing tune
To which hearts swoon
Sensing soul refined
R J Coman Oct 2018
You can go there.
It’s easy, really.
But once there, you
cannot tell anyone
what it was like.

An experience
must be felt in
order to be believed.
Otherwise it’s just
an idea in my head.

But like a horse
shying at shadows
some of us flee,
cantering away
when our time comes.

The setting sun
sings me to sleep,
the dark morning fog
welcomes a new day.
A new day to try.

And fail.

We cannot see it
without light, yet
the light itself casts
the fearful shadows.
So we hide from it.

What was it like?
You cannot tell me,
once you were there.
It’s easy, really.
Why can’t I do it?
Why can’t I?
Megan Sherman Mar 2017
The cantering word astir on the breeze
Doth the children and the bards ears please
Awakening souls to revelation
A sweet and sure and true sensation
That doth righteousness appease

These are my words. They are chosen pained
To make potent and powerful my refrain
My poetry strives and works to train
My mind to sing to relieve world's pain

For hacks have thrown it down the drain
So I want to see their plans slain
This is a paean to the life of the bards
Who learn to deal and play cosmic cards
To see evil lost, the end of the bane
Glistening through shafts of sunlight, I spy the silvery dragonfly,

Hovering above the clovered knoll,

Swaying like wheat in speckled sun.

Cantering up grassy hills, away from the stream,

The bleating goats exchange existential crises,

Brushing past the whispering tulips ablaze in the sunset.

Behind me,

In the shade of oaks, in spiraling dusts,

Decaying logs half buried in the windbreak

Rekindle and animate in the orange beams.

I stand up and sip my beer, as the stars blink and stutter.

A snowy owl whooshes past, wishing for rain.

Somebody loves me.
Imitation of “Lying in a Hammock at William Duffy’s Farm in Pine Island, Minnesota” by James Wright
Of the pestilence, I write
in spite of or because of my love of
the equine
and not of the ***** swine,
the one of the four who sit on the hilltop,taking their fill until we drop and then they carry us away.

The four horsemen they say,you only see on the day,when at the end of your tether,you find yourself tethered to a weakening heart and as you gasp out your last,you can hear as they start,cantering slowly your way.

Pestilence and disease sit easily at ease on the saddle,and on his fingers cut with sores are the spores of my destruction which I cannot obstruct,
I'm ****** if I can and what was once a fine man is brought to his knees,by one of the four.

Now eaten away and the core of me being exposed,I compose a write,a light,a decomposition given the position I'm in and the position is this,
I can hear a pin drop as an ant pops the question
I can see the sky shy away as the night comes on out to play and the twilight does not have a say
in this, the slaying of a man,where only heaven can help me and only the devil would bother.

Give them oats,brush their coats and curry their favour,whatever you do will win you no favours,
The cantering horse will appear when the time of your end is quite near,
you cannot appease the one known as the pestilence who brings in the disease
known as death.
Ralph Akintan Nov 2019
Kutupa kutupa
Eshin dodo
Kutupa kutupa
Eshin dodo

Gaiting out of the prescient of
      the stable with pride.
Galloping for space on the polo course.
Hooves trotting on the footmark
      of strength.
Now cantering for span with the
      shield of victory.
White tail of strength flapping
      the cognomen of success.

Kutupa kutupa
Eshin dodo
Kutupa kutupa
Eshin dodo

Immaculate white mane arrays
      against the ants of winds,
Absorbing the residuum of the
      hardened breeze with relish.
Whitening coloured cresty neck,
White head, brown eyes,
White legs, blackened hooves,
Colourless long shaft holding the
      ***** of procreation.
Swinging like pendulum of nature.

Kutupa kutupa
Eshin dodo
Kutupa kutupa
Eshin dodo.

Submissive strength clocked under
      the apron of the stableman.
Cantering with honour.
Galloping  in royalty.
Head collar rope ordering the
      pace of strength.
Hostler tightly chained on the
      tray of stableman.

Kutupa kutupa
Eshin dodo
Kutupa kutupa
Eshin dodo.
K Balachandran Apr 2013
The waters are languid, in a thoughtful mood,
the waves reluctant to touch the shores,
the beach is deserted with last evening's sounds
still lingering in disguise as seagulls' calls.

The cove has let you take it over as a whole,
you are the daughter of the freedom's waves,
standing waist deep in water, let the waves-
play with you like the fluffy kittens you love.
Your eyes droop, with happiness, a sweep
of emotions beyond words dab your face with a glow,
mate call of gulls, unhurried caresses of the waves,
salty taste on your lips, ethereal is this moment.

You gently give yourself to the cantering waves,
they take you around few times on their back,
when you emerge from the waves adorned by
pearls of water beads, sun's purple fingers
gently so gently tickle your naked *******.
Avalon's Respite Nov 2015
Cause of such a weighty plight
yet worthy of each new bulge.
Prepping is most of the simple delight
to a confection so rarely indulged.

Thank God for "Sammy's Gym & Sauna!

Sweet Belgium chocolate, melted and
cooled to fingers delicate touch.
Spooned in a slow perfect dribble,
covering in a shroud of flowing sweetness
the perfectly rounded mound, centered upon my dish.
Hardening...encasing within my final sumptuous goal.

Fresh whipping cream, beaten to
frothy clouds of mouth watering heaven.
Newly roasted pistachios, shaved coconut,
and the final crowning glory.
Candied cherries adorning
the mounded delectable height.
Not one, not two, but a few.

Still not nearly enough
my conscience won't be bothered.
Gluttonous greed must be snuffed.
With self-dedicated glee
I make me another.

A couple more hours in the sauna tomorrow.

One final decoration...
for presentation's sake.
A newly budded rose
centered for my eye to behold.

My pleasure mostly done
I am ready to partake.
Mouth salivating,
taste buds anticipating,
I reach for my spoon.
Just as...

Warming flesh...
Streams flow the valley of your breast...
Cherry cascading down a descending
river of melting cream...
A rolling boulder of passion's anticipation.
Tickling and enticing heated flesh.
It's cantering end at the pooling pit of your navel.

My spoon is tossed away.
With luxurious sublimity
I dine from your hallowed plate.
My pleasure is most certainly won.

Yours, my tasty,
"Sunday Morning Delight"...
not nearly done, only just begun.  

©  S.Loeding
All Rights Reserved
Zani Jan 2018
Cry not beautiful sister
For although you might now miss her
Our equine friend will live in us
The entropy of justice thus
Will make her but immortal

Bring forth the divine wings of tragedy
Laced with rainbow droplet fantasy
Cantering our memories
Through this vigil ceremony
To a time before the dust

May the gods caress her noble spirit
For they witnessed every single minute
The love you share so magically
This mare has spun reality
To make our lives worth dreaming

Let her magic gather the herd
To bring one thousand just like her
To serve so loyally and gratefully
For the grace of our integrity
We owe all this to Pegasus

Long live the angel steed
Long live the carrier of dreams
Reminder of mortality
Unending in our memories
We did not lose sweet Pegasus

We gained all the things she brought to us
My beautiful friend lost a beautiful vehicle which through its service changed her life. These words commemorate the passing of a true dream carrier ❤
Martin Narrod Jan 2017
The cold is my commander, it taunts me, while it steals my sheaths of warmer cleaving skin sections exposed by its notions and collected conscious. The sounds are complicated, the moons azurean hue resembles the coldness of my cigarette's embers blue, and then the commander shucks my final breath away. It isn't something that I barely feel, but rather something that lightly see. It's hoarfrost births its fickle shell of hardrime on the last of those interstices I once called my fingers. And from this choke, this frozen voice is detained by the vox ice amplifier that steals each noise. Besides, in an interruption I hear our whorish neighbors score of shouting scripted shouts, and screaming scripted screams. Each day she becomes less and less like any real human being. It's hard to believe that behind these walls that shield me from the albicant and atrocious heraldry winter casts me through, these sounds are concentric like limited Earth words written in the prompts that some ill and wanton succubus would. If only to lure herself from the pains she gained while lying to those amidst her closest ties. I am further distressed, though fully dressed narrowly watching bits of frozen water interlace themselves beneath freezing in the corners of my mind. When until the shaking and commandeering of my mortal sounds, disperse amidst the ferocity that Spring white snow absconds. The tremulent vocal chords are hailed by a hard-rimed ****, who ensuingly rips the cantering spirit from each last place it stood. Only those who know this wind could speak about the way it genuflects and obsesses on these rules. This freezing genuflection hails to every servant of its rein, I can barely exhale the inspiration that rises from the head, until any skin exposed to air is reclaimed by my commander for good. Then each neighbor's head may lilt upon the piste, and pray for something more balmy than negative eleven degrees.
Anika Festrog Apr 2012
I mount my steed
I caress her hard, round reins
I pat her side lovingly
I back her out of her stall
and race off into a new day.

We merge into The Great Race
and jockey for position.  
She is a magnificent specimen
both hardy and powerful
though difficult to handle sometimes.

I move with her through
the turns, curves, and hilly stretches.
We leap as one over bumps and holes.
I have never yet called her to halt too late.

My friend tells me that she has limits
with regard to speed,
but as I urge her on,
she never makes any noticeable complaint,
always eager, willing, and easy in her acceleration.

This guy cantering ahead of us is too slow.
I flick my head to the side, glancing over my shoulder,
to make sure no one is next to me and my steed.
With the same movement, we slide over to gallop
Nishu Mathur Jul 2016
Like a stream that meanders
Cantering music sweet
Caprice treads whimsical
Lightly on her feet.

Like the wind that doesn't know
Where to gently breeze
Caprice breathes here, then there
... the air touched 'n teased.

Like the midnight stars that twinkle 
Through the darkness peer
Caprice in a wink
Appears to disappear.

Like the morning sunlight
That hides, then lights up hills
Caprice scampers up and down
Never a moment still.

Like waves and ocean tides
That ebb, rise and flow
Caprice heaves night and day..
Between her joys and woes.

Like raindrops and the rainbow
That hold the other's hand
Caprice sighs and smiles
In but a single glance.        

I wonder... if you sense her
Her murmurs, feel her warm breath
Caprice... right behind you..
Though you haven't seen her yet.
RRaaccoonn Jun 2015
Aimless walking rocky shores ...

Luminous stoops,  picks up pretty rock.

"This marvel marble has found his crown angel chariot prince".
honey sweet
ripest purple beet
gleaming silver sword raised to the Sun."

All hair perfect cantering horse
Sarah Wilson Feb 2010
She can find freedom here.
She can be happy here.
She wishes to stay forever here.

Galloping, cantering, chaotically awry.
Flying as one, two beings, seamless lines.
She can find freedom here.

The sun slips gently from the sky.
Her fingers tangled in copper mane.
She wishes to stay forever here.

A whinny, a nicker, a smile as she cries.
She loves what this means to her.
She can find freedom here.

She talks to him, because his eyes don’t lie.
Ears swept forward, and those gentle honey eyes.
She wishes to stay forever here.

Twelve hundred pounds of unbridled energy.
He’s her biggest, closest friend.
She can find freedom here.
a creative writing assignment from october 2009. completely forget the name of the form. this one was pretty difficult. i've been doctoring it every once in awhile since i first wrote it, still not quite happy with it. but it's getting there.
Mark Lecuona Feb 2012
The genius heart
Restless in repose
Sighing as it waits
The thorn ****** the rose
As the world intrudes
It drowns in its own blood
Logic the lifeline it rejects
Preferring the rising flood
Of pain and sorrow
Never counting a blessing
Unable to satiate itself
In constant need of caressing
Will the mind rule
As it refuses to relent
Will the heart play the fool
And always give its consent?
The genius heart
In glorious suffering
Perfect form
Dignified cantering
Tomorrow’s promise
Today’s hope
The genius heart
Will forever cope
And always walk
Towards its oasis
Even in delusion
With no basis
For expectation
Yet in the waiting
Its sad life
Impatiently creating
Teary eyed
Seeing life as art
And art as life
The genius heart
Lives as it dies
In love alone
A solitary romance
Uncaring what was sown
Unwilling to listen
Ready to conceive
Living even for a moment
Will it always believe?
Amber Bent Mar 2014
An urban cowboy wanders his concrete jungle, unable to take his mind off of something... or rather, someone. Those thoughts and feelings, all tracing back to her; the one that he was sure was the one, right from the start. For years, he trailed in her path, trying to fix the turmoil while staying upon his own stallion.
    Such a simple idea, that stallion. Just a word, lost in most hearts. Gone, without a trace. But... For those, where it remains... It tortures. Torments. Causes pain, only to vanish again. It's a stallion... Unbroken, impossible to train but by the best. Cantering wildly, in the fields of the mind and the soul; causing havoc, clashing mind and heart together.

   But there's another. Waiting, drifting from shadow to shadow. Wallowing in sorrow, relying on nostalgia and fleeting glances of what it could be. Struggling with self-hatred, only to learn to hate more. Not given a second thought, no chance given to prove herself. Wanting to escape.... Fly away, free of a body, a drifting soul in the night. The only thing acting as a thread... The one person that pulls her together while tearing her apart. A paradox in such a complex feeling.
As I walk across a pathway a heartbeat's width across a floor,
A peculiar sensation finds me wanting of an explanation to adore,
Not a feeling of a feeling, I don't have those anymore,
I can rip open my chest cavity to find nothing at its core.
I saw a young fine thing come cantering to a score,
And in her eyes I saw reflected back my lust for gore,
I didn't think of love or courting, that I do stately implore,
I have no idea how I could have had emotion before.
Incurring inferences upon  deranged insanity,
I deny the charges and insist I must be free,
With my generation crawling at my likeminded feet,
I find myself unable to believe in humanity.
An algorithmic synapse of my mind's forward encryption,
Once brought about my failure of a heart's lonely submission,
And to this day I do wish that bitter was a real decision,
But I find something close to comfort with indifference as religion.
RRaaccoonn Jun 2015
Aimless walking rocky shores thinking of his higher self...

Luminous stoops,  picks up pretty rock.

"This marvel marble has found his crown angel chariot prince".
honey sweet
ripest purple beet
gleaming silver sword raising to the Sun."

All hair perfect cantering horse
Rory Nunn Feb 2017
We are comets
Engaged in a widening reel
On the edge of the night
Cheered on by the envious stars
Pin ****** in the curtain of space
Bright buoys anchored firmly in place
By the ice of a vast frozen ocean

We are ribbons
Cut loose in the cantering wind
Thrown high into flight
Untied and unbridled at speed
Set free by the fingers that bound us
At war with the force that compels
To cling to the surface of Earth

We are seconds
Ticked off by the fingers of time
In front then behind
A domino rally of ones
As each fades another becomes
The edge of the present ablaze
Snuffed out by the tide of the past

We are fossils
Found deep in the folds of the Earth
Dull nuggets displayed
On rockfaces rippled with age
The cold sedimentary stone
Encasing our traces of bone
And the echoes of all we once were
Amber Bent Dec 2014
An urban cowboy wanders his concrete jungle, unable to take his mind off of something... or rather, someone. Those thoughts and feelings, all tracing back to her; the one that he was sure was the one, right from the start. For years, he trailed in her path, trying to fix the turmoil while staying upon his own stallion.
    Such a simple idea, that stallion. Just a word, lost in most hearts. Gone, without a trace. But... For those, where it remains... It tortures. Torments. Causes pain, only to vanish again. It's a stallion... Unbroken, impossible to train but by the best. Cantering wildly, in the fields of the mind and the soul; causing havoc, clashing mind and heart together.

   But there's another. Waiting, drifting from shadow to shadow. Wallowing in sorrow, relying on nostalgia and fleeting glances of what it could be. Struggling with self-hatred, only to learn to hate more. Not given a second thought, no chance given to prove herself. Wanting to escape.... Fly away, free of a body, a drifting soul in the night. The only thing acting as a thread... The one person that pulls her together while tearing her apart. A paradox in such a complex feeling...
Megan Sherman Dec 2016
I've slept a little, but not a lot
For being overwhelmed by thoughts
Cantering like a runaway train
Insomnia is my disdain
I've slept a little, but not a lot

I've slept a little, but not a lot
Of how to sleep, I can't be taught
Awake consumed by my regrets
Hearing voices filled with threats
I've slept a little, but not a lot

I've had some sleep, but not a lot
I'm lying, left here in my bed to rot
Wondering how best to cope
With this hellish Kaleidoscope
I've had some sleep, but not a lot

I've had some sleep, but not a lot
A Ghost is bothering my cot
I'm terrified and sick from stress
I wonder how I did regress
I've had some sleep, but not a lot
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
I am the majestic black panther resting upon a tree limb as I observe the cantering wildlife below. They know who I am.  I am beyotchcé.
alaric7 Jan 2018
Keening Iraqi rpg koranic crumbles heaven’s.  Enkidu kills the god, decapitates forest’s guardian.  Against girl-groping monk Sharvan said truth ******, choot ******, on the Matara Express headed toward Colombo. Egyptian acres scent ***** where Hanuman dropped moly mountain into naga kovil’s backyard.  Caramel tethers artery, never speaks in word-simple.  Father’s thrush to go plucked flensed singer, lashes silken, cuts drafted ghost-voiced achtungtexte in elongated black ink.  Affirming unchecked fluent grit refresh eagle standard, lost legion trollops ******* like Catullus.  Cantering
predicate broidered domine dismissal, does not prevent smatter, and boozed brought fools alongside.  Murderers cremating vulgate rob black willow mosque.  Dappled spent commands a beautiful that is no place.  Squirming myrmidons march honey trail to the western sea.  Disregard lack, loss, and overrule morose placental hayride.  Mint golden sluggish essays.   Snaring nearness generously urinate, anticipate licks of *****.
RRaaccoonn Sep 2015
if you like to go.
climb on top the steed
Will be cantering afar
to a place restart
find a spot sit like a stray
beside the gleaming stream
settle in like monarchs
sitting in thine empirial chairs
Linkuya Nov 2017
Striding forth from his mountain in the sky,
He came to us with speed and haste,
Cantering forward with mist and rains, clouds on high,
He gave to us this fertile soil, our hunger he erased.

He left as soon as he came, his work finished,
Our thankless beings scurried about with nary a peep,
Our stores full, our fields and crops replenished,
With even peace of mind gifted to us as we sleep.

Seasons shift and change, he came to us once again,
Bringing a chill in the air as he arrived, our mirth went cold,
Once gifting life and prosperity, he now came with fury and pain,
Biting frost and snows grasped us in a ceaseless stranglehold.

On these white fields we rest,
Wind howling as though possessed,
We then begged for the end,
And one by one, we would ascend.
Shaun Yee Apr 2023
Follow me far, far away, in search
Of a mystic wonderland sublime,
We'll find the map of ancient design,
Lost through the ages of our time;

The map is used in the spirit world,
By goblins, elves, gnomes and fairies too,
With a dozen fantastic places,
Where human beings haven't a clue;

Grinning griffins, cantering centaurs,
Laughing leprechauns, dancing dragons,
Hippogriffs, unicorns, imps and all,
We'll find them in the magic gardens;

Does this dauntless dimension exist?
It sometimes appears in our dreams,
We have to translate the secret signs,
And follow the shining silvered streams.
positive fantasy
david mitchell Jan 2017
Sad, half-jazz songs.
Smokey table views.
Dimly lit cantering, cigars lit,
Softly droning drums,
Rhythmic, longing-filled voices,
And a silently humming pianist.
All, hard at sloth, least at work.
Megan Sherman Feb 2017
Love is a realm is of experience that must not be repressed
By the dictums and strictures of Reason
On Love's planes the luscious light of passion manifests
The flower of mutual care in perennial season
O'er the planes on cantering hoove
Go the loyalists of Heart
By emotion stirred and feelings moved
Perceiving compassion's exquisite art
Towards setting Suns they rove and rage
A torrent of torrid blisses
Love knows what is best, she is sage
Her percipient insight never misses
     On what distant shores or sands
     Does Love work magic of her hands
SR Nirmal Kumar Jul 2019
Leggy, slender
Ascending, cantering, vaulting
Vertically gifted, vertically challenged
Descending, craving, scampering
Small framed, compact
Madeline Clow Aug 2017
Cantering to my prize with no time to devise I cater queerly to confabulate.
Courageous as concerning consonantly discerning the real cognitive carnation contrived by a nation- to cognitive dissociation freedom at the hands of
the behavioral disorder of cans.
Louise Aug 2024
But do you know that all of these takes time?
That you simply can't just wake up good?
That this is one thing you can't do online?
That this is more than wearing boots?
But do you know how much time is mine?
That you might wanna share perhaps?
But do you know how long must I ride?
Before you enter the arena and do laps?
But do you know that all of these takes time?
That even the greatest cowboy can fall?
That if you think it could be anywhere,
could it possibly be on my bed or hall?
Do you know that it takes hell of a practice?
But then if it's the art of cantering,
my body is but one masterpiece,
you are a renaissance artist.
But if a horse is poetry in motion,
your legs writes classic novels
I don't wish to ever end.
And if this little tryst is all but a play,
then we better make it worthwhile
do it best more than a playwright.
yee to the haw. 🤠
Megan Sherman Feb 2017
Drifting on a wayward beam
Borne aloft on Heaven's zephyrs
A vision vivid and supreme
Whose truth could be sung along to lyres
A sage I saw, transcending time
With a magnificent and majestic voice
Whose Heart was blossoming in its prime
Begetting words to make children rejoice
In to my spirit he struck his truth
And awoke my own vocation
So now I go cantering on enchanted hoof
Towards exalted destination
Wk kortas Jan 2021
He’d found himself restlessly housebound
(All men being the creators of their own comfort,
As well as the progenitors of their confinement)
And as the snow was on the lighter side,
Though tending toward the wet as well,
The type which renders the sidewalks in the town below
A bit, as the local parlance would have it, on the slippy side,
But his boots had sturdy uppers and decent tread,
And a walk this time of year less threatening than most,
What with the bobcats napping at midday
And the timber rattlers under the frost line for the winter,
The only threat to his well-being the potential discovery
Of some heretofore unseen red-ribboned stakes
Announcing the intention of some new **** fool
Who, in service of some desire to get closer to Mother Nature,
Was seeking to build in some spot
Where she offered him little more
Than a future of cracked foundations
And wind-sheared roofing misadventures.
Fortunately, his stroll was uninterrupted
By such man-made foolishness, his reverie undisturbed
Until such time as he happened upon a whitetail doe
Seemingly caught between flip and fly,
Her ilk all somewhat more comfortable
With their human counterparts
As they lived more cheek-to-jowl,
(But black-powder season had just ended a couple of days back,
So a certain skittish wariness was to be expected.)
He’d raised his hands in a gesture of what he supposed
Was non-threatening, knowing such a thing to be utter foolishness
Even as he raised his arms skyward,
But the beast backed away slowly, haltingly,
Before turning and cantering off,
And he figured that made it as good a time as any
To head back down toward the house,
Not to mention the snow had picked up in intensity,
A grainy, sleety issue which had filled in his footprints,
Leaving them barely perceptible in the waning daylight.

— The End —