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Ansley Popov May 2016
They broke me, they broke me so many times, there are so many holes, so many pieces missing.
And this, this is how the light gets out.
Ansley Popov May 2016
There are broken chords in the hearts of the most restless and at the ends they curl up oh so pretty
Ansley Popov May 2016
Sometimes I dream about traveling the world,
all of the world,
    traveling it so fast that I can make it to each new timezone before it breaks noon,
  then nighttime will never come;
I'll never sleep alone again.
Ansley Popov Sep 2015
only options were fight or flight.
couldn't do either....
You didn't even scar me man.
It's an open wound;
but I swear no one else can see it.
I'm going crazy.
Ansley Popov Sep 2015
Freedom in my eyes, my perfume in your lungs.
Ansley Popov Sep 2015
I'm not sure why I'm staying here
You aren't my home
I know my home,
I've been planning it since i was a child,
Decorations in my mind like a bachelorette's Pinterest
You could never be my home
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