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Off that landspit of stony mouth-plugs,
Eyes rolled by white sticks,
Ears cupping the sea's incoherences,
You house your unnerving head -- God-ball,
Lens of mercies,
Your stooges
Plying their wild cells in my keel's shadow,
Pushing by like hearts,
Red stigmata at the very center,
Riding the rip tide to the nearest point of

Dragging their Jesus hair.
Did I escape, I wonder?
My mind winds to you
Old barnacled umbilicus, Atlantic cable,
Keeping itself, it seems, in a state of miraculous

In any case, you are always there,
Tremulous breath at the end of my line,
Curve of water upleaping
To my water rod, dazzling and grateful,
Touching and *******.
I didn't call you.
I didn't call you at all.
Nevertheless, nevertheless
You steamed to me over the sea,
Fat and red, a placenta

Paralyzing the kicking lovers.
Cobra light
Squeezing the breath from the blood bells
Of the fuchsia. I could draw no breath,
Dead and moneyless,

Overexposed, like an X-ray.
Who do you think you are?
A Communion wafer? Blubbery Mary?
I shall take no bite of your body,
Bottle in which I live,

Ghastly Vatican.
I am sick to death of hot salt.
Green as eunuchs, your wishes
Hiss at my sins.
Off, off, eely tentacle!

There is nothing between us.
where do old people go to find ***? their sagging wrinkling barnacled skin easily torn or bruised thinning wispy hair dry tongues raspy voices gray teeth wobbly legs malformed brittle spines rickety stance shaky hands misshapen arthritic fingers foul stale odors itchy scratchy orifices ***** stained underwear where do old people go to find ***? their vanishing generation locked away in reclusive lonely dusty rooms creaky dim apartments when i was young i thought old people were unburdened of lust no longer bound by libido urges somehow grown free of base desires needs this constant horniness i suffer where do old people go to find *** is it wrong to politely ask or beg a younger person indecent to plead for a little charity where do old people go to find ***?

there is a wooded area outside Paris where some couples drive and park man behind the wheel woman in passenger seat her window down clothed anonymous men approach with exposed penises in hand staring at woman’s fingers massaging between her thighs spread as she watches the men stroke themselves sometimes she kisses licks even ***** these strangers' erections the driver sits composed empowered sharing his companion amused aroused admiring her lasciviousness oh the French they are so ****** with their stinky cheeses pate de foie gras rich sauces refined wines briny scented ***** tresses seductive lingerie licentious literature DeSade Zola Rimbaud Foucault Derrida Deleuze Deneuve Belmondo Goddard Truffaut Depardieu

the oppression of money in every gulp of air we breathe all the secret arrangements sick crooked associations complicated deceitful ***** deals the great divide between gated community and ghetto slum how can we feel proud knowing our insatiable self-absorbed hunger greed oil carried in ocean channels spreading evaporating into atmosphere air rain groundwater rivers lakes vegetation animals us poisoning killing off everything the oppression of money i hang my head

the oppression of time memory longing for that which we once knew felt i remember running into a very **** pretty girl whom i had not seen in a year carrying bag of groceries in her arms on street asking why didn’t i call her back she repeated why didn’t you call me back wide smile tempting eyes ***** blond hair dark roots enticing bush exquisite floppy lips lanky cowgirl physique narrow hips i did not know what to say said nothing simply stood there looking with sad eyes at her i remember several different girls hinting to take them more seriously i thought to reveal i am too weird tainted ****** up do not want to ruin your life each one of you with my wounded heart troubled thoughts twisted feelings searching stumbling soul my uncertainty do not know what to say said nothing just stood there looking in stupid silence the oppression of time memory longing for that which we once knew felt where do old people go to find ***?

dance with me lift your spirit listen to your heartbeat rhythm of your breath lift arms roll shoulders flutter fingers loosen hips wag **** bend knees tap toes make animal sounds pretend we are young with time to waste whirl around until you feel dizzy forget gravity imagine bliss dance with me
They call it the Tall-Ship Pier, because
It hasn’t been used since then,
Its timbers rotted and barnacled,
And black since I don’t know when.
The storms it’s weathered have taken some,
You can’t reach it from the beach,
A hundred yards of its length have gone
The rest is stark at the breach.

But nobody goes there anymore
There’s not much left of the town,
Just a couple of old stone walls
The rest is tumbling down,
It sits forever beyond the Point
Where the sailing ships came in,
A crumbling wreck of years gone by
With a hint of forgotten sin.

The winter storms were a testing time,
The seas flooded over the pier,
The ships sat out in the bay, in line
Rode out, this time of the year,
Til when a black-hulled barquentine
Came in with a Dutch command,
The Captain, Herman van der Brouw
In charge of the ‘Amsterdam’.

They tied her up to the bollards, just
As a storm was coming in,
A woman stood on the quarter-deck
And the lines in her face were grim:
‘You said we’d head to Jakarta,
Not to this god-forsaken place!’
‘I told you, stay in your cabin,’
Was the reply, with little grace.

The Captain turned to the bosun,
‘Make her secure, but down below,
She’s not to come on the deck again
While still in the port, you know!’
The woman struggled, was taken down
But she flung a curse at his head,
‘Your time is limited, van der Brouw,
When Dirk finds out, you’re dead!’

The wind blew up and the storm came in
And the sea began to swell,
The sky was black and the ‘Amsterdam’
Would grind as it rose and fell,
It tore the bollard away from the pier
At the stern end of the barque,
Then slowly swung from the prow out wide
Side-on to the waves, an arc.

It kept on swinging around until
It crashed right into the pier,
Taking a section out with all
The cabins, back at the rear,
The wind was howling around the bow
As the barque sank low at the stern,
A voice screamed, ‘Get me the hell from here,
Or van der Brouw, you’ll burn!’

The crew were swept off the quarter deck
Were drowned right there to a man,
While van der Brouw had leapt to the pier,
The part that continued to stand,
The woman rose to the surface for
One moment more in the storm,
And screamed from the top of a breaking wave,
‘You’ll wish you’d never been born!’

They found him lashed to the planking
After a day or so of dread,
His eyes were staring, his face was white
He was just as surely dead,
But something curious came to pass
As they took his corpse ashore
The flesh on his hands was burned and black
With his fingers shaped like a claw.

And she, her body was swept on out
For she’s not been found ‘til now,
And all that’s left of the sailing ship
Is the figure, set on the prow,
A woman, carved as a figurehead
That creaks and groans in a storm,
And seems to mutter against the pier,
‘You’ll wish you’d never been born!’

David Lewis Paget
zebra Jun 2020
body genre
at a carnal address
sensory and sensuous effects
digital images
anthropology of desire

she tied a knot around his ****
a wedding band made of licorice shoelaces
for the art of tongue and ****
driving it in her pink throat
back and forth
like a shift stick

flared for the retina
a puzzlement and fascination
haptic screen of fiction

adventure of  being pinned down
an unpremeditated punctum
fucktum sucktum

the stadium of desire
a shop window
banality transcending banality
the literal transformed
into the ******
a ****** smiles red

girl in a suitcase
with a hole to ****
a treasure chest
the leaky boundaries of erotica
sing in
musical blood whistles

I packed her up
limbless and threw
her on the bed
and with tender kisses
of endless
wet permutations
three oozing holes
into finger ponds of oblivion

she taunted   
age play- ageless
***** class
a weird ethnicity
from Timbuktu
racially motivated lust for a
conveyance of
fleshy intensities
way past help

a big **** dips
a tender dimple
like a barnacled whale
in a deep dive

the violence of
a preemptive strike
for everything imaginable
across raw lips
in her cosmos
of swinging hips
and cross bone riddles

oh happy *****
suicide ******
at the computer screen
**** bullets birthday cake
in a River Styx of flames
I first tried an oyster at a seafood bar in Melbourne,
and it jarred in that far-away place.
Oysters, so intimate, were meant to find me at home,
And they did.
In the crowds of Borough Market,
A barnacled Titan plunged his pickled hand into ice-water,
And presented me with a real beauty;
Lustrous, mother of pearl shell,  
And at the centre,
A sea-fairy, glittering,
Living, existing for consumption.
A tickle of tabasco, and down he went,
An ocean in my mouth.
I could have been a mermaid
at Neptune’s banquet;
So briny and life-giving,
My mollusc revelation.

An image for you;
A man and a woman, very much in love
Feast on two dozen at an oyster and porter house,
also at the market.
Glowing in the light of a dripping white candle,
They sit at the corner of the counter,
A perfect white wine clinking in their glasses.
Two years ago, an anniversary oyster-fest,
Look how happy we are…
This is the best table in the house.
Now, if we returned,
We might complain about people pushing past,
And the arrogant city-types, drunk and dropping crab shells,
But…That night, it was just us, though busy, it might have been deserted,
Our eyes and the slide of the oysters down our eager throats
Made promises, later to be kept.
These wet rocks where the tide has been,
  Barnacled white and weeded brown
And slimed beneath to a beautiful green,
  These wet rocks where the tide went down
Will show again when the tide is high
  Faint and perilous, far from shore,
No place to dream, but a place to die,—
  The bottom of the sea once more.
There was a child that wandered through
  A giant’s empty house all day,—
House full of wonderful things and new,
  But no fit place for a child to play.
Wanderer Aug 2012
Constantly dipping through gray and black
Wraith like and silent, slipping through undetected
I, Captain Shadow, stand guard at the wheel
Inky hair liquid alive around my shoulders
Whispers back and forth through the mist
Shady Lady glides easily through calm waters
No light penetrates her hull
***** and women a plenty to plunder
But it's knowledge this captain seeks
Traveling the world over for barnacled secrets
Treasures that spark the mind and illuminate the darkness
A bottle of rot gut fits comfortably in my rough hands
Reinforcing sailor's spines grown weary
They all said a woman belonged on land
I ****** in their ale cups
Jumped my rails and set sail
A cold fire in my heart
Weaving through shadows into the night
*Come play in the dark
The black night’s ebbing tide
erased the only remaining hints,  
the cresting long ocean swells
did not cleanse without a trace.

Adrift and lethargically bobbing
seaweed entangled teakwood box
of water-logged photographs, drowning,
surrendered from the heart of the sea

Like molted wild feathers cast ashore with the tide
to the coarse specks of rasping  sands,
Darwin's dream in an emptied  sea-bubble popped,
dissipated into its own haplessness,
bestrewn about an untrodden seashore  

Washed out snapshots of life’s disregarded minutia  
enchained to an ordinary forgotten Kodachrome moment
left out to the consequences of the ever fickle tides,
abandoned happenstance spilled by chance
upon another undiscovered world

The warped and bloated wooden box encasement,
hoary with swollen furrowed woodgrain s,  
wearied by an enduring measureless moment adrift;

as if an ill-fated message in a misbegotten leaky bottle,
corked with marooned good intentions,
and images of disappearing dreams
flung out shipwrecked in barnacled azure glass
beneath a sky so far away

*someone you used to know
Wanderer Mar 2012
A barnacled bow beneath booted feet
Captain's quarters stifling and close tonight
The wind whips through my hair
An inky exspanse of Caribbean ocean lays ahead
Twinkling stars fade out above me
Dawn breaks over a hazy horizon
Dreams have taken root inside a cold heart
I gave up the hope of treasure
Content with the sea and a bottle
Her siren's song pulling me ever farther into the
ocean's expansive wilderness
Anxious for daylight
Salt for veins
Land feels unnatural, unmoving, but I must find you
Scents of coconut and spice penetrate memories of being whole
"Land **, Captain!"
Pulse kicks in
Fire replaces salt
A true treasure hunt begins
Here I belong
amongst the rugged greys and guillemots
my heart in league with the furious sea
as it lashes the desolate shore.

Cries, mournful in their lament
soar through smothered skies
bearing tales of wrecks and lost lobster pots
empty now of precious cargo
ghostly on the ocean floor.

Salt air swirls and dips above the churning foam,
bringing stinging cold to ruddy cheeks and numbed hands.
A distant bell chimes as tides caress barnacled bows
lost at once within the swirling mists
that lay their sheen upon the dusk.
Inspired by a beach walk, for me beaches are always at their best in bad weather.
bosnian bumble bees bounce borrishly
'bout Bambi's barnacled buttocks.
ottaross Oct 2013
Cassie Mae Oct 2016
the sun glints off his wet, dark hair,
the breeze pulls at his sun-bleached, torn shirt,
the kelp brushes his cold, bare toes,
the salt sticks in his still lashes,
the waves reach for his lifeless body,

I watch from behind my rock,
my alcove,
my arch,

waves push my body against barnacled surface,

his first mistake was being alone,
his second was listening to my song,
his last was our kiss,

holding him against my lips,
underneath the white foam,
I took his last breath,
I'll never love again.
(c) Cassie Mae Writings 2016
Alan McClure Apr 2018
Me and Robin
round seaweeded,
barnacled beaches
where the river
shakes hands
with the sea

When up pops an otter.
Straight out the silver waves
it comes
and starts chattering at us
in Japanese.

I scratch my head.
Robin looks baffled.
The otter is urgently

We look around
on the offchance
that a Japanese tourist might be around
and willing to translate,
but we're the only ones there.

"I wish my dad was here,"
I say,
"Or Auntie Lynn,"
adds Robin,
but they're not
and we lack their talent
for languages.

We try our best
with shrugs and gestures
but all we have is apologies.

with a tetchy 'sayonara',
the otter slips back through the waves
leaving us
none the wiser.
You celebrated me
when I was a flower,
but you denied my roots.
When autumn came,
you did not know
what to do about me.
You could only understand
the surface, not the
barnacled fabric in the soil.
Like an empty glass of water,
you drained your feelings
What  you do not see
is the mud I am.
You want glitter and shine.
You want transparency.
You will not
You hollered in glee
when I was shallow.
But you were
treat me
when I was depth.

We are all like that.
Truth is bothersome.
It lacks plastic.
We are afraid.
Always afraid.

Pick up the umbrella
and cover the head.
Protect the surface
from the drops of reality.
eleanor prince Jan 2018
eye of storm
feels good
inanely safe

cloak of unreality
supplanting sense
as trap shuts

butterfly hovers
in silken web

rests stupidly
while harm beckons

illusions numb

battle weary
instincts spent
on long haul

gusts of
warning winds

as incongruent
unworthy of note

but sword will drop
mayhem eclipse
former state

past suspension

as raw reality
severs dreams

to beguiling
beware the weariness that eclipses knowing... and reason... it will exact a price
mel Sep 2023
wounds winding the
drawstrings of my heart
closed shut. sharp tongued
words twisted right into my
tight lipped barnacled edge
trying to pry me open.
cracked ajar salt water flushes
flooding nicked skin bled red
into soft pink flesh tip me
over slid out of shell and
swallow me whole. tell me the
last time someone left a sweet taste in your mouth
and i will eat the clock.
Wanderer Apr 2012
When we met I had passion aplenty
But little experience
My heart knew only the tepid depths of emotion
Wanting desperately to feel the jagged edges all the way down
To know what the space around your tired eyes knows
And to be able to soothe it away with practiced efficiency
The wintery dry call of a Russian desert summer
Lingers in your fingertips
Painting softly, brushing cosmic mysteries in to the shining voice of my soul
Our moonshine syllables weaving in and out of a violent love affair
The aftermath cutting off cold parts of you that would shut down
Into migrating islands of solitude and sand castle suicides
You draw points and theories, advanced,alien intellect
Looking over and around what was always solid, concrete
Embedded into the barnacled underbelly of black sheet melodies
I miss the reflection of heat in your dark corners
Tracing lightly over stitch and bone dreams
I could never get close enough to calm my racing heart
You never asked me to stay
So I never did...leave my body...but I was around
Breathing in your incense and glittering morgue scent
Closing my eyes to savor
Relishing what's its like inside all of your empty spaces
eleanor prince Dec 2020
'Will you be my daddy?'
the girl in the woman whispered
to yet another lover, acquaintance,
man in the street who looked remotely
like he might just step in the phantom's shoes

...and the ache burned on
the searing, tearing
rags aflame

and cold
as dry ice,
as unsuitable
whiskered men
became barnacled

to a little child's longing
to have a better papa than
the one that arrived to bash
all decency out of the fibre of

a life torn
This poem has welled up in response to one I have just reposted, penned by a deeply impacting, candid write by poet Joe Thompson.   Not all have the privilege of having known a decent human father, one we can be proud to call our own.   Of course, it would be unwise to seek to make any adult have to try to fill those shoes. The responsibility for wellness in adulthood rests with the one now no longer a child in calendar years. The 'adult' self needs to protect the 'child' inside and gently and firmly help them heal so that only safe partners are sought, with a view to experiencing and enjoying healthy relationships.   I would be honoured if you could leave a comment on what thoughts and feelings arise in you as you read my poem.  Thank you so much. (P.S. I appreciate knowing of any typos, however in Australia it is correct to write 'fibre' not 'fiber' and 'honoured' not 'honored')
Tupelo Jun 2015
For you who called for a moment,
One filled with seasons of house lightning,
Storms booming in the eyes of sofa cushions,
Splitting a room from chandelier thunder clouds,
This hilltop hierarchy has made mountains of molehills,
Barnacled itself unto the names of our forefathers,
Made porcelain tears in the eyes of mothers,
Do you not see all the spotlight in this tragedy?
All this powder and masquerade,
Simply to be seen whole again
Mitchell Nov 2011
Cracked and caked the streets secrete
Fumes that are frothy with a drip
Of stunning poison

A throne now gold cast in the moonlight
Whimpers with its King now dead; He
Was to be overthrown

And a gown sewn from hippo hides
Crocodile tongues and the forgotten memories
Of past elder's of lore

In the kingdom that bards are sheathed
With kisses from the Devil Himself
Note by note by note

Time pushes on without a need for us
We fill it but we are not necessary
Unless you think the later'

Cans of conquest rattle on the swords
Of barnacled men
Their ocean has washed up

The eye in him is heavy
The heart is still light
The soul gone
Long ago
Mark Lecuona Apr 2015
Oceans morning moon winking, at
sea gate keys rusted pleasures,
opening loves barnacled secrets, clutched
by tentacles intertwined forever silted

Rocks carved by crashing waves,
shadowing moments before instants, of
loves memory building sand castles
in the rain guided by passing masts

What could be drove her into the surf;
it was never the man as he was,
but what her heart told her was waiting
beyond rip tides and winds that didn’t care

Morning after’s had to wait for dawn,
nights alone knew that mornings alone
felt the same; but the hold of a ship at sea
at least carried her memory with him

Birds picking the lustfully heaving waters
at midnight, dodgy flowers in a stormy garden,
she could only wonder about such things,
while he could only wait for the night before

The wash behind drew life near, expectant;
she could feel the life in his wake, including
her own; but he knew what she could not
believe; this bow longs for her port
One by one, individual then group
Faces look up, shine to the sky
Elation rippled, and the town shuttered

A horrible creature, stood once more
Stepping from the sea, building beneath foot
Timber to toothpick, stone ground to sand

It stretched, edge of horizon to edge
Wing tips ripped the sky, lightning crashed
It's eyes, madness dripped from dark orbs

Claws tips fingers, hung on heavy arms
Muscles grew and gathered, ignoring effort
As it dragged tails, seaweeds barnacled and old

It had come to Bon Homme, as legends foretold
Villagers succupiants now, of purest joy; driven mad
Tearing at their hair and flesh, screams announcing its rebirth

It cast its eyes west, as if it's gaze focused on a desire
And it's head turned, toward sea once more
Almost reluctant to leave its womb, cold embrace

It's mouth bellowed, no earthy sound
Tentacled fingers around its mouth, stretching; writhing
That sound, not heard but shattering minds

Eyes began to bleed, then run down
Ichor down faces, ruined with black
Ears drained, sick yellow

One by one, individual then group
As this God strode, once more
Dropped, lifeless bodies shone
bulletcookie Apr 2016
So many ships on those reefs-
taken out on maiden voyage some
others barnacled and water logged
sea warns burrowing into them
after many storm of salted dreams
gone, peasant tunes and dancing jigs
missing fancy rigging, unleashed rags
now just stare at broken ambition
lost harbors, no waiting slip's embrace
She, they, were once strong and main sailed
subdued by years of sailor's hands
with open ocean promises of land
**! thar she is come to port, past

no shortage of familiar metier real
     (material) aye attest
welling up within thy breast
merely a predicament how to winnow

     junk bonded barnacled
     accretion encrusted
     amidst gems buried
     within treasure chest,

yet vigilant to sift,
     viz figurative fine tooth comb
     uprooting excrescence laired plethora
     incognito, sans faux

     couture doggerel habiliment dressed
necessitating painstaking
     poetic rock climbing
     ala scaling Mount Everest

imbedding, hooking, grappling
     fingered duple crampons
     aye con fessed
to myself, the futility

     to wrest Shakespearean nuggets,
     which analogy hyperbole you guessed
nor does modesty allow me feeble effort
     (trite) on par with August bard,

who would rank him,
     the highest allotted value
     upon assigned (absolute)
     value of playing card,

hence tis the gold standard thee
     verse a tile scribe based
     at Stratford on Avon
this here wordsmith wields

     his own literary might always on guard
to stave reprehensible tar tarred plaque
     like encrustation glued hard
akin to a geode methodical
     mother lode extraction jarred

by the slightest distraction,
     thus with bold
ness sigh hermetically
     seal off every cerebral fold
vectors against superfluous mind chatter
     can upend fragile tenuous hold

when merest wisp of nearly
     elusive mental thread escapes,
     i feign scold
ding this paperback
     bestseller wannabe with told

cha so Harris, thus
     keep dreaming envisioning
     an green acred Edenic demesne
     sprawling across wide webbed wold.
Olivia Kent Apr 2016
My expectant pen is blossoming like fresh bloom upon a springtime tree.
It is with a degree of urgency, that it fills me more and more.
Full of words and ideas.
The size of a barnacled blue whale.
I need to write.
To breathe.
To conceive of such imagery.
The mistress of the pen in spring urges the world to write and sing.
And so,
After a sleepless night at work.
Forthwith be drawn a ****** birth.
Inspired by a missing sleep morning.
Friday is dawning.
The poor poet is yawning.
Mary Pear Jul 2016
A heat,
The hearth, the earth.
The beat, the throb, the pulse, the purring engine
Deep within.
The depth, the soul, the core, the strength, the sinew.
The link, the chain, the tie,
The common thread.

Buried deep and barnacled with age or pain , but pulsating still.
Or worn upon the sleeve and open to the elements.
A warm heart giving
Heat, glowing for all
To  share its glow
And swelling in the reflected light of others' glimmer.

A cold heart
Buried deep
Among layers of
Preconceptions, pride
And fear
And shivering in solitude;
Exhausted by its tremors.

A broken heart
Bruised and tender, tending itself
And fending off invaders;
Encased in plaster while the fracture heals
And beating
With a gentler rhythm while the healing

A common core
An essence
That recognises itself in others;
A link
A shared experience
A common aim.
no shortage of familiar metier real
     (material) aye attest
welling up within thy breast
merely a predicament how to winnow

     junk bonded barnacled
     accretion encrusted
     amidst gems buried
     within treasure chest,

yet vigilant to sift,
     viz figurative fine tooth comb
     uprooting excrescence laired plethora
     incognito, sans faux

     couture doggerel habiliment dressed
necessitating painstaking
     poetic rock climbing
     ala scaling Mount Everest

imbedding, hooking, grappling
     fingered duple crampons
     aye con fessed
to myself, the futility

     to wrest Shakespearean nuggets,
     which analogy hyperbole you guessed
nor does modesty allow me feeble effort
     (trite) on par with August bard,

who would rank him,
     the highest allotted value
     upon assigned (absolute)
     value of playing card,

hence tis the gold standard thee
     verse a tile scribe based
     at Stratford on Avon
this here wordsmith wields

     his own literary might always on guard
to stave reprehensible tar tarred plaque
     like encrustation glued hard
akin to a geode methodical
     mother lode extraction jarred

by the slightest distraction,
     thus with bold
ness sigh hermetically
     seal off every cerebral fold
vectors against superfluous mind chatter
     can upend fragile tenuous hold

when merest wisp of nearly
     elusive mental thread escapes,
     i feign scold
ding this paperback
     bestseller wannabe with told

cha so Harris, thus
     keep dreaming envisioning
     an green acred Edenic demesne
     sprawling across wide webbed wold.
Payton Hayes Mar 2021
Barnacled shipwrecks are beautiful in their sundered glory.
Ivy-covered age-old walls are deemed charming and quaint.
The moon is mystifying even with craters that can be seen with the naked eye

Neither age nor imperfections make you any less whole.
Instead, they showcase your closeness with nature and authentic beauty.
This poem was written in 2020.
Robert Brunner Dec 2019
there are small houses
shoulder to shoulder
there are mingling tents
giving poor refuge.
there are tenements
eyeing the traffic.
and suburban havens
with garages and
there are
adobe abodes
in barrios and
indian settlements.
there are high risers
unshaded,  barnacled
by balconies.
there are boundless
estates with
vineyards and stables.
there are balinese huts
on stilts with their
there's life on
the road with
changing addresses.
cole May 2019
She liked mermaids

but not


She liked the briny crash

of incoming waves

the green foam sea foam

bubbling into the sand.

She liked scaly tails

iridescent and barnacled,

the long finger-claws,

hair matted with sea-salt.

She liked the wild mermaid

belonging to the sea.

She liked the wandering mermaid,

because, like the mermaid,

she needed to be free.

— The End —