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Nov 2017 · 429
Deppres me not
Weronika Piela Nov 2017
The sadness comes by
Anxiety passes
Excitement is brief
Happinness for masses

You laugh and you sleep
-Maybe for too long-
You cry and you weep
You seem to be wrong
About all your hobbies
Your dreams and desires
Cause none of them
Make you
Happy, it tires!
And it pains you to CORE
How these ******* people
Keep saying your a bore
Your lazy and almost fetal
Laying in your bed
It's Lethal! It's Lethal!
May 2015 · 2.2k
Weronika Piela May 2015
Her vintage sunglasses were lying on the shelf
When she brushed her hair
Oh Annabelle
Why did you did this to me?
You are so beautiful
So Beautiful

Your eyes
Your hair
Your heart
Your guts
Your lungs
Your blood

Oh Annabelle! - I shouted
And I took her vintage sunglasses
When she was lying in the bathtub;
Weronika Piela May 2015
Her guts were spilling
Through her open mouth
As she moaned giving her last breath
Annabelle's skin started getting pale
Her eyes Stopped
She was looking at me
When I gently stroke her silky hair

      I felt the light breeze on my skin...
   -I like the sound of the wind-
I thought to myself
And left the room
Hope you like poems like this. ;)
May 2015 · 315
Weronika Piela May 2015
There is a glass of water
Some say it is half empty
Some say it is half full
I say its clearly empty!
And then I drink it all
May 2015 · 574
When Dogs get unleashed
Weronika Piela May 2015
The radio is buzzing from time to time
I see only darkness
I feel only warmth
The radio stops singing
Now, Im getting scared

The darkness is eating
Is eating my mind!
The leash is sure broken
But Can it be kind!?

I repeat and repeat:
It's all in my head
But now there's a cage
A cage in my bed
My imaginaton was thought to misbehave
May 2015 · 607
Who am I?
Weronika Piela May 2015
Look into My eyes
Now tell me, who I am
Look at my faint smile
Now tell me is it real

You tell me you don't know
I say  I need the answer
You ask me why is that
Cause clueless kills like cancer
I'm really confused about my personality, being clueless about myself is killing me, one day I act like this but the other thay I think that how I acted yesterday wasn't how I really am, and how I should act
May 2015 · 744
Everyday Therapy
Weronika Piela May 2015
The Shot
The Gun
The Bullet
The Fear

Everything is trembling
The Death is near

The awakening
The shock
The confusion
The dread

The sun shines bright
Are you really dead?

Then the conclusion
Then understanding
Then fear is gone
Then this mad grin

The world wakes up
It was just a Dream

— The End —