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Loving me ain't easy, I'll be the first one to admit this
And I was so wrong to be right, when I loved you

Don't forget this

People can say what they want, and do as they please
People can walk out of your life, and never even leave
Seems to me the pages are getting thinner as the story unfolds
And for the first time, I need someone to hold

Loving you ain't easy, you'll be the last one to admit this
And you were so wrong to be right, when you dumped me

Don't forget this

People can play with your heart, with the greatest of ease
People they can twist your arm, and never touch your sleeve
Seems to me I'm just another rich man in poor boy clothes
But for the first time, I need someone to hold
Song poem.
 Apr 2016 wablah
Ntwari Poetry
What we has was great, wasn't it?
The talks we had, the laughs we shared.
It was like a dream.

But dreams end.
What makes love the exception?
 Apr 2016 wablah
Angela Moreno
I saw the way you smiled at her
And in that moment I realized
That you and I will never be.
Not because you love her so
But because I would never allow it.
Your happiness is always first.
It is all that matters to me.
And in that moment it was clear,
She made you happier than I am ever capable of.
I watched her give you something that I can never give:
Joy upon your face.
All I have ever given you
Is my worry,
Paranoid apologies,
Desperate tears,
And the promise to love you unconditionally
Forever and ever.
But I can not make you happy
So you will never be mine.
 Apr 2016 wablah
Ntwari Poetry
When silence is no longer golden,
When your ears are in need of a laugh,
Let music do the talking.

From the charm of quiet chimes,
To the melodious screams of passion,
The shadows of emotions from ecstatic poets
Will excite your senses.

Through their tunes,
They paint landscapes.
Through their lyrics,
The play the strings of our hearts.
Through their songs,
We find pieces of ourselves.

Through music,
We find shelter from the world outside.
Yes, I'm in love with music
 Apr 2016 wablah
Ntwari Poetry
Your eyes betray me.
Leaving me to drown
In a sea of confusion.
Your lips, laced in euphoria,
Leave me dazed
Trapping me in your embrace

Why must the hue of your copper eyes
Complement the stares of the skies?

Why must the glimmer of the stars,
The abyss of the night,
Be the prisoners of your stare?

Why must I be trapped by your glare,
Demented by the dream of having
Your hand in mine?
 Feb 2016 wablah
Ntwari Poetry
I'm not haunted by horrifying nightmares
I'm reminded of eerie memories that whisper in my sleep

I'm not driven mad by screaming voices in my head
I'm stalked by vivid images that corrupt my past

I'm not demented by the will to die
I'm torn apart by the death of my spirit

I'm not insane
I'm broken
I'm still here so life can't be that bad (written in December of 2015).
 Feb 2016 wablah
We like to decorate the female body
To disguise it with some metaphor in order to prove its validity
To see a woman as a flower that needs to be picked
To see a mother's arms as shelter for our souls
No, my friend.
Do not think that words will come to tuck you in at night
We are flesh and we are bones.
That is beautiful enough

When you are in love
Write an ode comparing your emotions to the weather
But do not speak of her as the fallen leaf of the auburn tree
Do not speak of her as the wind that cracks your window open at night
Do not speak of her as the blood your veins need
Do not speak of her as anything
Other than who she is,
A woman

If you were to compare her to anything
Tell her that her smile, that the life in her eyes
Does for you what love does to the human mind
Inspired by Donte Collins :)
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