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Spriha Kant Oct 2020
My ineffable feelings are those voids inside me that can only be filled with my designed cluster of words.
Spriha Kant Oct 2020
I am not stubborn. Rather , I am
  nothing beyond a soul who can't
  dare to rebel against her own inner    
Spriha Kant Oct 2020
When clusters of anxieties roam inside me i try to read the blank last page of my life.
Spriha Kant Oct 2020
For concealing myself from the wicked eyes of melancholy , I tightly hug reverie and melt into its fragrance on intertwining with it as a twinkling soul.
  Oct 2020 Spriha Kant
Carlo C Gomez
I dreamt of lighter fluid
As desert rain

Stricken against the wind

Building into a phosphorus

A smiling inferno
In the fast lane

Hot cinder rims
Giving joyride the third degree

With fiscal intentions
Of burning this

Right off the map
This mountain pass is an important link from Los Angeles to Las Vegas.
Spriha Kant Sep 2020
Social media's intent was to spread authentic information among people but a few motivated by their selfish motives used it to generate those flocks which easily form conjectures just on the basis of baseless accusations disseminated from unknown sources and keep on barking with profanities on others.
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