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  Sep 2020 Spriha Kant
John Destalo
I pricked my skull
and dug around

a little

to find the

hoping to create
a tiny hole

create a leak
where only the

best parts of me
would drip

a tiny hole
from which

I could escape
and leave behind

all the crap I
let build up

before I knew me
Spriha Kant Sep 2020
Some people erase my warm feelings for themselves by their blindness and deafness for my feelings and tell others in my absence that Spriha has changed.
Some people are like this.
Have you ever had such experience with such people ?
Spriha Kant Sep 2020
Love isn't adamantine.
Spriha Kant Sep 2020
Genuine polite and humble men are often misunderstood and tagged as flirty.May be because they are rarest of all the species , I guess.
  Sep 2020 Spriha Kant

waves crashing amidst foam
the sky lost behind cloud
an ocean swelled in my lungs
when her voice spoke aloud
those waters pulled me under
and as i drowned, i gazed above
her magic, unlike any other;
an unspeakable kind of love

Spriha Kant Sep 2020
Love taught me that it's available as printed versions in the form of stories , poetries and novels fascinating its readers with its utopian world.
Taught love printed versions  stories poetries novels readers fascinating utopian world form
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