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Bekah Halle Aug 9
Every cut, every scrape,
Every tear and every 
misgivings we have;
Each heartbreak,
Are etched into our bodies.

The first time I had brain surgery,
At 10 months young,
Mum said she had to hold me so tight,
for hours after,
I screamed until I was done.
Fighting the body tremors.
Eventually, I calmed as she sang.

Other scars came, later in life,
heroes of sporting accidents,
But I didn't notice.
Until the AVM surgery in my 30’s
Resulting in a devastating stroke,
After a novel surgeon made a wrong poke,
And a 40-day coma ensued.

Eventually, waking up numb, in shock,
All senses lost;
I couldn't hear,
See, walk or talk.
Shut down; hell.
No tears, murmurs, gargles or squawks,
Just numbness.

Even now, as I write, my body remembers, 
Sending shivers and tremors 
Of that dreadful season.
Eventually, I walked,
Re-learned how to talk,
Accept my pain, and joy, as I regained 
Mobility, hearing and eyesight,
But the grief is still stored in my heart.

Through poetry, I've tried,
To make sense of and write
Every grain and offence,
To help me build in strength.

I pay homage.
To you, my body,
Tested and true,
Though no beauty queen,
You are a machine,
That doesn't give up,
But writes a new score;
One of the treasures I adore
When I open my eyes and see
The wonders in this world.
Aug 8 · 1.1k
The frogs‘ melody
Bekah Halle Aug 8
It was the frogs’ croak
That greeted me as I walked this morn,
Oh nature, how lovely is your cloak
All varieties with it are adorned.
Aug 5 · 126
Poetry in the everyday
Bekah Halle Aug 5
Poetry can be found anywhere;
In the simple and sublime.
In a tweeting Talaud Kingfisher,
Or a dry, dead gum leaf in your backyard or mine
Be inspired to look around,
And you can find provocation for every line.
Aug 4 · 98
Bekah Halle Aug 4
The first one whom we compare,
That can drive apart the bond we despair
Until we admit we truly care
We’re as separate as the endless stare:
At her hair, height, weight and flare,
Compassion frees us, so we can truly share
The life we’re born to live, she with me, here.
Aug 4 · 136
deadly winter
Bekah Halle Aug 4
winter produces
dead leaves,
that when raked
life in the soil
that creates trees
in months to come,
air in my lungs now; reprieve.
Aug 3 · 78
The complex self
Bekah Halle Aug 3
Why is it that I've tried so hard
to forget?
When I've spent so long
trying to remember.
Then, when I stop,
it all catches up with me.
You catch up with me.
I catch up with myself.
When did I lose you?
And how did I find myself in this place again?
The place of wanting to run,
Run so fast, hard and away.
From myself, from you, and from the world.
I break,
I'm shattered.
I fear all these little pieces
can't be put back together,
No matter how talented the artist is,
I'm broken.
But then I remind myself of the
Beauty in the broken places.
Breathing again, I walk on into
A new dawn,
A new day,
A new life.
Jul 31 · 201
Healing means waiting
Bekah Halle Jul 31
Life's paradox;
healing means waiting.
Jul 29 · 44
To Haiku
Bekah Halle Jul 29
To Haiku or not,
We wrangle words for a sport,
No need to stop short.
Jul 27 · 44
"The work"
Bekah Halle Jul 27
Line for line,
I write my thoughts down,
Scripting my inner

Thought by thought
I turn them over
My motivations and intentions;
My driving dialogue.

I poke, I ****,
Scrutinise and summarise.
I leave them and walk away
And then I catalogue.

I cry out on the inside:
Why can't it just come easy
But that's perfectionism
The *****, I want to flog!

This road doesn't grow thin,
But gets deeper within.
Or is it like a diamond, 
Compressed within in the smog?
Jul 26 · 46
Turn up the volume
Bekah Halle Jul 26
Life is but a whisper,
The volume is built in the heart,
Long before it enters the mouth, and
Henceforth carried by the atmosphere.
Jul 25 · 67
I am enough*
Bekah Halle Jul 25
I am enough,
I am tough,
I won’t lay down without a fight,
I am bright,
And if you don’t stop, I’m going to get rough!

You are nothing,
You are smothering,
You try to spread lies,
To make me panic and cry.
You think you're big, but I know the One who is enduring.

So I look to Him,
Breaths calm, anxiety falls back from the brim,
I can change,
I will focus on the feelings that don’t feel strange,
But on the One deep within.
Jul 21 · 69
Rethinking joy
Bekah Halle Jul 21
I used to think,
Joy was the absence of sadness;
Of fear, suffering, and
But now,
I see joy as
Embracing pleasures in the pain;
The simple and sublime,
The now and not yet.
Jul 20 · 142
Bekah Halle Jul 20
People, people everywhere, but
No life I enjoy.
Disinterest feigns my heartbeat,
Where is my joy?
Jul 17 · 57
Loving kindness
Bekah Halle Jul 17
What am I beyond my industry?
Are we not building another Babel?
We babble on beyond comprehension, big-noting ourselves into oblivion,
in an attempt to reclaim the lost,
Our lost selves...
Could the career path lead us back to ourselves? Beyond ourselves?
To our true selves?
To be selfless, seeing others in loving kindness?
Jul 17 · 101
Bekah Halle Jul 17
I was really sick
But not anymore.
I'm just tired,
Tired of playing small.
I don't know how to be
But that's all I wish for.
I keep trying,
And trying,
But I stumble back
And fall.
How can I change?
And stand tall,
Be not shameful
Live fully and give it my all!
Jul 15 · 81
Bekah Halle Jul 15
no, don't stop.
go. go farther and further than you've ever been before...
don't stop,
Jul 15 · 102
Rage against the machine
Bekah Halle Jul 15
Make money;
Make more money.
Sell yourself to this world!
This world, run by thugs;
political puppetry.
Self promote; share and gloat,
On Facebook & the ‘Gram
To get more likes,
And fuel the adrenaline spikes,
You’re a slave to this world!
Doom and gloom **** you dry,
Until there is no more.
The drugs run out,
The emptiness overwhelms me.
But, there is much more...
So much more!
If only you would turn,
From the vortex,
Rebound with your reflexes,
And rage against the machine.
You’ll need to detox,
It may take some time,
But see the light,
Don’t turn in fright,
Rest, and follow thee!
Jul 14 · 41
Bekah Halle Jul 14
Have you ever felt unsafe in your own skin?
If you haven’t, I don’t even know where to begin.
To get you to fathom,
The deep and lonely chasm.
When you speak,
Sounding only like a squeak,
Yet rattles around in the dark,
Trying to find the harbour with Your mark.
Jul 11 · 121
Bird Song
Bekah Halle Jul 11
In the heart of the secret garden,
On my morning walking track,
Kokoburras crack the darkness
And sing a love song, cajoling
Other birds to cackle back in return.
Jul 11 · 48
Move & Groove…Always
Bekah Halle Jul 11
I've got to protect myself
from myself -
get up and move
and groove -
Jul 9 · 173
Bekah Halle Jul 9
life is a series of edits
and re-edits.
nothing uneditable;
life's not over, yet
so I will allow myself
to keep editing.
Jul 7 · 69
Bekah Halle Jul 7
I don’t feel seen,
which he doesn’t mean,
he just doesn’t know,
how his pain affects me so.
Nurtured by a narcissist, he bleeds
his pain all over us without knowing his greed.
As his air dries up, he uses it not to love,
but to slip subliminal slime:
I am never enough.
Jul 5 · 65
Misty Mornings
Bekah Halle Jul 5
Morning rises with a misty mirage
welcoming the brittle breeze,
Knowing the stiff chills could stifle life
and courage before it receives
The promise of warmth to wear down
The freeze; worries and self-protection, reprieve?
to grow again; try again
Bekah Halle Jul 2
Sitting in the Aged Care Pastoral Care room,
Drinking a warm milky tea and eating a Monte Carlo.
There are beeps outside from staff going in and out of ‘secure’ rooms,
The hum of the dishwasher in the kitchen nearby,
Gentle clanging of knives and forks being sorted,
Staff chatter going in and out of Residents’ rooms.
Life in an Aged Care Center.
Taking in this precious moment; I am here,
I'll never have this moment again,
A moment I've been working towards for years through study and practicum.
I am a spiritual carer!
Walking alongside the life-full residents;
Their crinkly, sagging skin, lines that tell a thousand stories
Of love, loss, despair, and hope for repair
oscillating between the past lives and future selves
Some are only just here for the minute.
So much they can teach me,
And like my younger self eager to learn,
I listen hopefully.
Jun 29 · 298
I miss her
Bekah Halle Jun 29
I miss my best friend;
She brought adventure to my life
We hiked Machu Picchu and Kokoda,
Tasted dumplings at Holy Duck! in Kensington.
We were close for eight years:
Preempting needs - bringing her back coffee
after my morning walk around the Kirribilli shoreline.
But somewhere along the way
I lost myself in her
Love turned to hate
She didn't see me, need me anymore
And it became too late…
I miss her,
Well, the idea of her anyway.
Jun 28 · 54
Totally Addicted
Bekah Halle Jun 28
poetry has become my drug.
when did this happen?
what was once a source of healing,
now causes scorn.
three times of torture;
I write, re-rite and write again
but like an addiction,
it soon loses its thorn.
did anyone read it?
I check, re-check, triple-check.
do they like it?
will it 'trend'?
what was once my life source
I now mourn.
Jun 28 · 114
Sharp point
Bekah Halle Jun 28
As the world waits, expectantly,
For that unruly, invisible strain
Of fear to seep back from whence it came,
Or obliterated, vaccinated intelligently.
Jun 26 · 137
Wondrous love
Bekah Halle Jun 26
Doubt, an insidious strain of
Forgetfulness, wrestling with the wonder of
Jun 25 · 165
Bekah Halle Jun 25
If miracles haven't happened yet...
Hold the tension,
Of the now and not yet.
Jun 22 · 290
The Hospital Room
Bekah Halle Jun 22
"What's your name?"
Rebekah Halle ***
13 November 1XXX
"What are you here for today?:
Eye surgery
'Okay, you're going to feel a freeze go through your veins
and then start to feel very sleepy..."
I wake to....
Beep, beep
Buzz the machines
Whee, whoosh, voodoo
Whirl goes the blood pressure
knock knock on the door
The nurses peer into check.
Silence, for a second,
Beep, beep
And then…
Knock, knock, knock
"Your eyes are looking great,
I'll come back in the morning,"
Beep, Beep, Beep
I sleep...
And then…
Knock, knock, knock
“Do you want your dinner now?!”
Inquires the hospitality staff.
Darkness strangles light
Again nurses wheel in their trollies…
Volumous voices viscerate silence
All In
the hospital room.
Bekah Halle Jun 20
Standing alone in a clothes room,
Looking in the mirror directly.
Crying out on the inside;
I still haven’t found what I’m looking for!

Is it just me?
Or is it the world?
When will the mirror show completeness;
When will it show joy?
Standing alone in a world full of people,
But when will I find the second half?
Is it Your plan,
Or is it just for laughs?

Still haven’t found what I’m looking for!

In a city of rushing,
And everybody pushing
There's no stopping
To smell the roses,
We’re all glammed up,
Putting in the poses.

Still haven’t found what I’m looking for!

But as I quieten
The inner me,
That no one can see
No longer am I frightened,
I will just be.

Standing alone in a clothes room,
Satisfied with the journey
Releasing the bags of gloom.

What I've been looking for
Was here all along
You are what,
I've been looking for!
Jun 19 · 248
Bekah Halle Jun 19
Reckless abandonment;
Wild love, sunshine stretched out
Overall, no monthly contracts,
Uninhibited; so we can be.
Jun 17 · 100
Rise Again
Bekah Halle Jun 17
Strain, after strain, causing pain with no gain.
Fight it with love, patience,  
kindness. Rise again.
Jun 14 · 277
Bekah Halle Jun 14
Suppression and revelation,
two entwined masters of destiny?
Jun 14 · 54
Bekah Halle Jun 14
I’ve got nothing 'cept grit,
You told me: need nothing 'cept believing it.
But doubt overshadows me,
And I crumble rather than being resilient.

I need faith; in the end You'll make it alright
Hope, when I can’t see it,
But doubt locks me...
So I flake and fawn, and fake it.

Somewhere, deep inside a voice full of trite,
Says: get over this ****.
And doubt blinds me,
So I quieten my ego and have a go of it.
Jun 11 · 389
One’s heart
Bekah Halle Jun 11
To know one's heart is to unlock yourself from the darkness of the mind; freeing the soul to live Its true self.
Jun 10 · 74
the morning after
Bekah Halle Jun 10
from tiredness,
sleepless as I lay in weight,
heavy heart, blurry brain;
a complete mess.
brittle bones, dull tones, life lost,
courage scattered from the night before.
Trying to remember, "I am not less!"
One way to get unstuck,
own your truth, not give a f@#k,
and be gentleness,
to myself and all around,
which is the most profound
of this journey, I profess.
it's not over.
It's just begun!
In response to a poem titled: Q as F@#ck
Jun 9 · 367
Q as f#*k?
Bekah Halle Jun 9
"I want to know what love is,"
The ballads croon, a yearning I can't dismiss.
seeking love in all the ‘right’ places,
but come up short, heart strewn, finding no traces.
I have strayed in dares and curiosity,
overwhelming sensations birth animosity.
Pushed down, down, down deep below,
dormant, to 'fit in’, the ‘pill’ I swallow.
Much older now, can I claim my truth?
A Christian? Does that free me: a rebirth?
Am I ‘queer as ****’?!
Can I love without feeling stuck?
The heart requires courage,
but weak am I, keep praying for marriage.
Am I a hopeless case?
Or will I live and embrace?
Will I ever be free?
To be me?
Or will I keep denying,
it and keep trying,
to fit the mould
of this world?
This is a tortuous personal piece that I want to delete but I am trying to find the courage to sit in this time and place; space, and grow my capacity.
Jun 8 · 112
Bekah Halle Jun 8
Our culture places little value on resting,
resting is vital to replenish.
Our twenty-four / seven treadmill lifestyle still falls short.
Blinds us to the fruit of stillness needed by our nephesh.
Be still,
Feel the beat
It’s calling all of us to one.
Jun 8 · 206
Walk upon the water
Bekah Halle Jun 8
Possessed with the urge to do;
Can't settle until things ensue.
Reminding myself of the past; all shall be fine,
You can play, you have time!
Life ebbs and flows,
release the shakes, and go,
Wade in the waters,
Go where there are no borders.
And believe.
Jun 5 · 136
Sluggish suffering
Bekah Halle Jun 5
In the valley, isolation befriends,
Death knocks; a welcoming relief from suffering.
The joy that once bloomed, suffering now looms.
Nipping at our heels, pain doesn’t rest, but
Lingers around every simple pleasure.
Jun 4 · 172
Sitting at the table
Bekah Halle Jun 4
I have a seat at the table,
I will feast til I'm unable!
Jun 3 · 51
Whispered taunts
Bekah Halle Jun 3
You’re not going to make it,
You can’t,
You won’t.
Give up.
The expectations are too high,
You'll have to fake it!
Come back down to earth.
The ego taunts me with dreams,
And I feign interest by capturing their record.
But why bother?
What will they amount to?
Jun 2 · 78
white flag
Bekah Halle Jun 2
I surrender.
The wars of my ego,
Exhaust me.
I look back
And remember victory,
Because looking forward
Just seems like fantasy.
What is this state of being, exile?!
Life, call me back.
Help me, plant my hope again.
Jun 2 · 50
Bekah Halle Jun 2
You numbered me!
My hair, quirks, looks and glares,
What a great mystery!
Held and aware, even trials you permit as fair.
Jun 2 · 50
Lazy Sundays
Bekah Halle Jun 2
As I poured my second steamy, frothy coffee,
Pyjamas wrapped, Uggs tapped as I waddled back.
Bed called, not its usual mantra: hide, but confide,
Laid down respectfully, trusting, heeding not to thoughts of lack,
But dreamingly inventing new worlds, opening my heart beyond now, but being very much present.
Jun 1 · 243
Live Now!
Bekah Halle Jun 1
Live, right now,
You're awake,
And healing.
Live now!

The leaves change colour all the time,
All the time, all the time.
The leaves change, so live, now!

You're alive
And living,
Grab it,
Embrace it,
Relish all things.
Live now!

The leaves change colour all the time,
All the time, all the time.
The leaves change, so live, now!

Don't waste time,
Dwelling on the past,
When you weren't perfect;
They were wasted worries,
They added no life,
But subtracted,
From the promises of pure possibilities.
Live now!

The leaves change colour all the time,
All the time, all the time.
The leaves change, so live, now!

Live now!
And not in the future,
When you're a mother,
Lover, poet and peaceful.
Live now!
May 31 · 135
Bekah Halle May 31
When you bounced across my path
The other day, you caught me
By surprise.
Seeing you up so close made me laugh
With joy, reminding me to be
Present with open eyes.
Your majestic body, mastercraft!
One kick, deathly.
Present moment, realise!
May 31 · 108
Bekah Halle May 31
Throw away the net
of protection
in this world:
jobs, material possessions,
health and fall,
fall into the arms of love.
Trust you will be held,
Held in deep security,
by the Maker,
who wrote your days

You are my safety net.
May 29 · 77
My curlz
Bekah Halle May 29
My curls, full and voluminous, I treasure
Each one tells a story.
People flock to touch,
Grasping them like gold,
They ask: “How did you get them such?”
“Are they natural?” Some scold,
In a world full of fakes, that hits like a punch.
“Yes!” I reply with pride,
My curls are my mane, grabbing them, I scrunch,
Jealousy can slide!
My curls are my shield;
They mask my doubt, comparisons
Much profit they yield!
You can tell a lot from my curls:
When I am tired and lazy,
When I treat them like 'my girls,'
When I'm sassy and crazy.
When they’re not washed for weeks,
My mental health radar
Send me obvious tweaks -
“Don’t disconnect, come back, savour,
Reconnect with yourself and the world,”
My curls are my most significant feature;
My crown of glory.
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