I know how this story ends,
I've been here before, all too well.
I love, you tear apart.
I forgive, you take control.
A chain we never take off.
I held it close, grasping.
You pushed it, it snapped.
I’m collecting every piece until it’s full—
but it never is.
I shake my shackles.
You tell me to be quiet.
When it’s just us—
why am I too loud?
Every step, every drop, you're there to catch.
It’s not your fault.
Your hands were never made for something so fragile.
I scream silently,
your eyes avoiding me.
What did I ever do
to drown in both your presence and absence?
I hate it here.
All my flaws, all your mistakes,
shattering my soul, stealing all my hope.
My hands could slip free,
yet I refuse to take them off.
I stare at them, grieving.
Where would I go, if not with you?
We’re both trapped in here.