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Dec 2024 · 66
Vivi Dec 2024
I know how this story ends,
I've been here before, all too well.

I love, you tear apart.
I forgive, you take control.
A chain we never take off.

I held it close, grasping.
You pushed it, it snapped.
I’m collecting every piece until it’s full—
but it never is.

I shake my shackles.
You tell me to be quiet.
When it’s just us—
why am I too loud?

Every step, every drop, you're there to catch.
It’s not your fault.
Your hands were never made for something so fragile.

I scream silently,
your eyes avoiding me.
What did I ever do
to drown in both your presence and absence?

I hate it here.
All my flaws, all your mistakes,
shattering my soul, stealing all my hope.

My hands could slip free,
yet I refuse to take them off.
I stare at them, grieving.

Where would I go, if not with you?
We’re both trapped in here.
Dec 2024 · 54
seeping trough
Vivi Dec 2024
feeling the cracks in the walls. watching the floor crumble. my life is unraveling.
im not crying. i cannot yet. ill have to wait for a different stage - its not how denial works.
running my fingers along the lines. it cuts. it cuts deeper. deeper still. i see the blood but i dont feel it yet.

why do we hold onto ruins? to the ashes of things we never had? i try to keep it all together. i want to scream and rush to hold the base together - but i cant move. im just standing still with the slowly settling emptiness.

it was never there. it was all in my head. i knew that already and i know it now, more than i ever did. reality is seeping trough the gaps but i dont want to look.
why is it so difficult to face something youve faced many times before? and why is it so hard if you knew it was there all along?
i want the rubble to bury me. i want to take me with the rest. i want this life i could have never had, these walls i painted with love knowing it would fall.

i want to be free, trapped under all that never really was.
Feb 2021 · 237
Vivi Feb 2021
let me fall into your arms like a leaf
hold me close enough that I can taste your soul
let me drown in the galaxy inside you
devour everything I am, claim it as yours
let all my senses revolve around you
feel that it's only us in this universe
let my thighs shiver from your touch
stop my breath with your gaze
let me drift far far away with you
kiss the broken traces on my heart
let my skin burn from your fingers
light my being on fire
because I could never go back to the world I lived in
after feeling your lips on mine
Nov 2020 · 165
Vivi Nov 2020
let the rain fall heavy on me
as from the moment i was born
i was meant to fall out of grace
Aug 2020 · 151
Vivi Aug 2020
Floating in space
A lonely star with a dying light
Where does it end
Where am I going

Seen so many miracles
And so many stars
Without shine
When did they all
Fall apart

Kept flying,

But what happens if two stars collide
Maybe that's how
Beautiful explosions are created
Forever lasting

Maybe that was my destination
All along
To be broken and reformed
By your light
Oct 2019 · 12.5k
Vivi Oct 2019
he's here

and once again i fall slowly
light as a feather
gravitating to the river
to be washed away
by the peaceful flow
Oct 2019 · 215
Vivi Oct 2019
The lack of sound creates
a pressure on my body
my skin, my flesh,
it doesn't exist
my bones are silently fading
as my soul has less and less space
to stay

I don't move
the world is floating around me
but I'm chained to the ground
they don't make a sound
I'm powerless

I'm laying down
letting the void devour all
I look at the light
from the tiny lamp
but I can feel how silent it is

Do I exist?
Did I even exist at all?
I could make a sound
but I couldn't hear a thing
I'm shouting in my mind
hoping for an echo

Sep 2019 · 254
Vivi Sep 2019
Yov've lost my respect
I would have
Died for you
And come back

I would have
Walked trough hell
Living and buried
To see your light again

I wasn't scared
Of the universe
I was shouting
From the top of my lungs

But you chose fear
Over me
My throat hurts now
And you left your lips covered
Aug 2019 · 328
Vivi Aug 2019
It's been a while
Since I came here
It's been a while
Since I thought about you

If flowers are supposed to bloom
Why have I always been dead
If love is supposed to last forever
Why am I all alone
Jul 2019 · 208
To you
Vivi Jul 2019
I remember the night
You became my best friend
The night I always want to remember

Fighting my tears
Drowning by the pain
But you held my hand all along

Told me you're here
Told me that I'm the most important
And nothing could make that change

Thank you for all of it
Because you're the one who
Gave me a reason to go forward

Thank you for
Being who you are
And always being there

Thank you, Me
For fighting by my side
Despite how much I've hurt you
Love yourself first
Jun 2019 · 233
Vivi Jun 2019
f    o    t    n
    l    a    i    g

a hole in my soul
craving a piece
on this earth
longing to my own hell

keeping me from bleeding
there's more love than blood
it drowns all
everything i touch

holding me
it's only us
i breathe you in
and i sink

not sealing
it's expanding
i'm drowning
so softly

ready to leave
finally understood
i see the deep
nothing left to hold me here

falling apart
turning to ashes
i'll hold you in
until it's over
Jun 2019 · 251
My Immortal
Vivi Jun 2019
"I think I'll miss you forever
Like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky"

I'm not in pain, nor in grief
It's something else

It's the first ray of sunshine

It's the pink in the sky at dawn

It's a baby's smile on the street

It's the plane at night I see as a shooting star

And I make my wish
But it never lingers

Neither do you
love hurt pain longing miss wish star forever you sky
Jun 2019 · 1.2k
Vivi Jun 2019
You told me you admire how confident I was about who I am
And you wished you could be so strong

Little did you know that inside
I'm just a little girl with tears in her eyes
Begging you not to leave me alone

Hiding behind a sarcastic smile
Jun 2019 · 290
Vivi Jun 2019
I'm watching his back
It's really warm in here
A drop of sweat slowly forms and slides down the middle
In the line of his spine
Touching every bit of skin it can on it's way

People are beautiful

I want to be that drop of sweat
Being able to form and vanish within him
And maybe I want someone to see my back
In the warm room
And think that people are beautiful
Jun 2019 · 587
Vivi Jun 2019
I remember from years ago
We were quiet
In the dark
How I only heard my heart

I think you were looking at me

I remember last month
Sitting next to you
Listening to the music
But still hearing my heart

I know you were looking at me
In the dark

You were looking at my soul
Jun 2019 · 587
Let me go
Vivi Jun 2019
You have been holding me
Like a flower in your palms
I tried to wither but
You held me tighter

I felt like I'm slippery
Like a fish you want to tame
I tried to jump back to the water
But you didn't let me

Now your embrace hurts
Your grip is drowning me
In my own tears of sorrow
And not the ground underneath

I want to be one with the stars
I want the moon to comfort me
I want it to take me where I belong
Two feet under a bouquet of rose

I never asked for you
But you came anyway
Thank you for the chance, Life
But I would now walk away
Jun 2019 · 467
Vivi Jun 2019
I open my eyes slightly and stare blankly at the window.
My mind is empty as I start feeling the sun on my skin.
All there is is regret.
Why didn't I close the curfew?
I turn over in hope that closing my eyes will make the world disappear again.
It doesn't.
It never does.
I cover myself with the blanket, hoping the darkness will tell me the story
of this warm feeling of memory.
Ah, it was a dream.
It must've been.
A dream about touch and peace.
Once again I try to calm myself.
Maybe I can go back to sleep and feel it again.
A small sigh with a silent prayer slips trough my lips.
I hope the dark gives my dreams back.
It doesn't.
It never does.

— The End —