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the mind has no limits
it slips beyond all your theories
there is no magical hypothesis
that can contain your thesis or antithesis
all of our stories are limitless prisms
engaged to refract the light
but photons do not dance for just one party
they are infinite slivers of eternal consciousness
biologically inclined to dine upon your reason
all our satiated afterthoughts
are but the decadent crumbs leftover
from another lunchtime philosophy session
time to clean the dishes of your mind
and find the china that sparkles
beyond your wildest imagination
insight and clarity, the luminous perspicacity
to really see anything clearly
i adore you but if you choose ignorance
i will have to head for the hills
like a lonely gambler in a movie
forms are poems left in stone
and our setting souls know no remorse
yet still i moan and count the colors of you laughter
One need to
Believe the magic
Of a gravitational endeavor
For the union
Of souls

The Moon wispered
To the Sun

It makes sense
The Sun nodded
Genre: Observational
Theme: Here the gravatational constant is the love
If One can dance
With the beats of
Their own heart

Never have to fear
When to stop
Genre: Inspirational Abstract
Theme: Way To Live Fearlessly
To that destination
Where your wish is
Genre: Inspirational
Theme: Wonder Lost
I remain puzzled by my own puzzles,
of pieces the universe strung together through its orbits,
of the shades of blue and pink and steel grey it painted
on my wrists and my cheeks and my tiny feet
for there is no reason why I should crave silence,
yet my ears thirst for it, and the noise of life too
I long to let loose, yet I keep my chest sewn shut
I have so much to say, but speaking drains me
because the warm and the cold runs and spins and stirs
and standing here, I remain confused
as I wonder what to be
and wander through the land and sea
searching for who to be.
an identity crisis, or just chronic ambiversion?
Never before,
Rain drenched so pleasing
Moon appeared so angelic
Soil smelled so alluring
Air passed so graceful
Sky floated so beautiful
Calmness felt so sublime
Never before

Silence exists
In coded virtue
Reflected a new dimension
On translation
The sage said
Genre: Observational
Theme: Meaning Of Life | Nature and Mankind |The Understanding
 Nov 2018 RonliSong
Ariana Bagley
I love him
I tell myself
I know that
We will be together forever
I don’t believe that
We could be separated
My thoughts tell me that
He’s the love of my life
Sometimes my heart lies and says
I could live an eternity
Without him
Like my friends say
“We’re perfect for each other”
And you can’t tell me
He’s not the one.

Now read from bottom to top.
 Nov 2018 RonliSong
 Nov 2018 RonliSong
Misfits, outcasts but it is
Them who we shall outlast,
Forgotten, we don’t fit in,
Some would call us pioneers,
Changing ways not doing
Things, proper, how maverick.

But no not I,
I choose to stray away
From the flock,

Not from a need to be special,
Or edgy but a need to just be,
Different, to not do these things,
They all do or at least not the
Same way in which they do,
An urge to rebel and repel,

I don’t want to be normal,
Never have, but nor do I wish
To be abnormal, just something,
different, you could call it

A unique style, or poor taste,
I have both yet neither of these,
I am me, not just an individual
As we all are, but independant,

See the world needs people like him and her,
But also people like me, you see
We deter,

From the norm, they don’t
Understand, no one truly does,
Going left when they go right,
It’s simply a buzz,

You question me while keep
Walking forward never looking
Back, always ahead,

Reassurance? I need of none,
You probably still don’t understand but for those
Who do my work here is done.
But it is not work, simply fun...
Being truly alternative and different is a rarity yet so easy to accomplish. If someone could be just like you in every way easily, then you are replaceable...more so than those who are truly different. Be different, encourage your weird wild side, don’t be afraid to stand out, stare in the face of adversity. Be loud, be bright, be quiet, be dark, be you. Lead but never be lead, listen and learn but don’t follow, be true and live your life to its fullest, don’t leave your memory’s hollow.
 Nov 2018 RonliSong
I’ve been thinking,
About life, about me
About, everything,

Things I do, things I say,
Things I think, how I feel,
How I act and how I speak,

And I realise how much
Of lie, I am, I live a lie,
Never being truly honest,

Because I can’t, and I can’t
Even say how sad I am or
How much, I hurt because

I can’t, and who’d care
And I’m scared, and if
I did, If I were to open
Up and say how I truly

Felt all of the time,
It would hurt to much,
It would be too hard,

I can’t get through,
It’s too hard to do,

I give up.
Sorry if this is a bit attention seeky, I’m not going to **** myself soon so if anyone worries, thank you but I’ll survive
 Nov 2018 RonliSong
What is my value?
To anyone and everyone,
How much would
Someone give, for me?

To have to me alive,
To have me in their
Position, or to just
Know me,

Know how I feel,
What I feel,
Know how I think,
What I think,

How much would
They give,
For my happiness,

How much would
They give,
For my satisfaction,

How much would
They give?

What would they give,
For me?

How much would,
You, give for me?

How much am I worth...
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