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These are not merely words
Spun across a page
In unequal syllables
Phonics enraged
Chaotic break downs
At their peak...
Oh no, no no
These are my words
Eccentrically unique
Traveler Tim
That carrot, what could be said a little girl gave her,
                    Well we wondered why an anatomically
Correct Miss Snow lady had such an amicable smile.

Her nose always seemed to descend to below,
                         She had a friend but his carrot was as
Limp as could be, it wasn’t his fault it’s the cold you see…

But never fear, where there is ingenuity there is away…
                 In their morning Miss Snow seemed to ice up below,
But she seemed to have a rather defrosted glow…

For when it was time for this artificial carrot to wind down,
              She evaporated in pleasure but Mr Snowman was still there
***** but no place to go. Poor Mr Snowman,
                                                          we'll blame it on the cold…
Her words were
as sharp as
the Reaper’s sickle,
severing my soul
into two separate shards
then splitting them
again and again
till all that I was,
was splinters
of my shadow self.
YES, I can
move through
the challengers life brings.

YES I can
move through cave
of darkness with your candle of heart
to transmute with light.


Yes I can.
Yes you can.
Hello fellow writers feeling plagued with
depression and sadness
fear and judgement and loneliness
and abandonment and betrayal.
Come now and move through it using it as a tool of opportunity
to unwrap and know your greatness.
Come read my poem and affirmation
and use it if you choose to see the new day and feel the power of it.
(I watched the news today
Oh boy.....)

Hands tied
I can only stare
As the Media force feed us
This world of despair...
Attributes assigned
These devils share
Threatening us with terrorism
The commonalities we fears

Expendable at bay
The lepers we must despise
Insecurity the infection
Growing in our minds
The will of the rich
The voiceless poor
Blood stains
The harlot's of war
These are
"Our" governments
Ruthless money ******!!!
Traveler Tim

War is money
An old friend spoke to me today
Actually an old crush, I should say
Tall and lanky, blonde and blue eyes
Kind and smart, not like other guys
He has someone now
Lucky girl she is, anyhow
I have most definitely missed out
I rejected him over one doubt
He could have been mine
If only I didn't misread all the signs
Now I'm listening to him complain
About some class causing him pain
How I wish I could say more...
Than "yeah, that class is such a bore."
"You know what's funny?"
--this phrase indicates that no humor lies ahead,

"He said he would die for me. . .
and now he wishes I was dead."
Thanks, but no thanks
I'm looking for words, not action.
I want my mind to drool over you,
I want my heart to jump at what you say,
Not how you handle me,
Not the foreplay,
But if you can verbally make my day
How much should we risk
For an overdue twenty minutes of fun?
It might just be adrenaline running
Between two somebody's,
Both replacing a someone.
15 tapes over 15 years, moments and
occasions, vacations and holidays,
one per year in 60 minutes or less.

I took them to a little shop downtown
and got them back as DVD’s,
then I gave them to you at Christmas.

I kept copies for myself
but I have yet to watch them
for fear of forgetting the reasons
it all went to hell.

You told me that you often get confused
between what's real and what's on TV
and about whether the events you remember

are actually being remembered,
or are they just being recalled from
watching the DVDs?

Maybe that’s why you
don’t remember the same
**** as me.

Maybe you believe that if it’s not in
those home movies then it must not be real,
and therefore never really happened.

What you are not realizing is that everything
in those home movies is a wanted memory.
There are no jagged edges and
no accidental recordings,

no scenes of betrayal,
no secret relations,
no sordid behavior,
obsessive compulsions,
no sick fascinations,
her ephebophilia*,
no lack of affection,
no painful rejection,
no moral transgressions,
no threats of her leaving,
no demon possession.


what you see in those movies is just
a compilation of best behavior.

The absolute truth is that you live with an
evil so dark that you question your sanity,
as I did for so many years.

The juxtaposition of  
her sensational gas-lighting^ with
the pleasantness of your DVD
dominated memory has caught you in
the vacuum of her black hole.

When you exist within the proximity of
such overbearing darkness you tend to
attempt to create your own light to live by,

but your light will never be bright enough
until you create space between it and
her vacuum that constantly snuffs it out..

Just know that I will always love you

and all I ask is that you take note of who it is
behind the camera lens of those memories,
and who it is that created them for you,

and maybe one day you'll understand all of this,

because I know that I don't.
Ephebophilia- Is the primary ****** interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19

Gas-lighting - To manipulate someone by psychological means into questioning their own sanity

Sometimes this **** just bubbles up out of nowhere and I need to get it out..
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