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Jul 2020 · 524
tatianah Jul 2020
It’s happening
This is it.
This is where it all changes.
This is the part I was dreading.
I’m sorry for all of it you know.
I don’t think I’ve said that enough.
You are a really important part of my life
I’m happy we met.
You helped me forget about the bad times and embrace the good ones.
I know I’ve said this as a joke here and there but I love you
and thank you.
May our memories never fade and we love like there’s no tomorrow...
Aug 2019 · 135
What’s wrong with me?
tatianah Aug 2019
I push people away.
I get sad that I’m alone but I push people away.
I do this to myself.
It’s all my fault.
I wanna talk to someone but I won’t let myself.
In my head it’s like I’m a burden to everyone.
Like I annoy them.
I want to get better.
I just can’t.
Mar 2019 · 241
I'm A Mess
tatianah Mar 2019
I’m not good at speaking.
I never was and that will always be my flaw
Everyone will hate me because i can’t express myself
Can’t you see i’m trying?
Is it really that bad?
I’m trying my best to talk and express myself but no one gets it
I feel like i can’t speak anymore
Everything i say is the wrong thing
If i say anything remotely right it all goes downhill
Then today i had my teacher point out that i can’t spell and sometimes my brain just stops working
It's not okay
I’m not okay my brain will be slow but then it wont catch up
But then i can’t tell anyone because no one gets it
No one will understand
Then i’m just another girl begging for attentions bc i cant speak about what i'm feeling i can’t verbally say what's going through my mind because nothing comes out
Then they get upset with me because i can’t tell them right then and there what i'm feeling that i have to wait till they aren't in front of me that i have to text it and it'll be a long paragraph
I hate myself for it
Bc i can't just be open about what i'm feeling bc i dont know what i'm feeling
And that's the hard part
Everyone wants me to know what i'm feeling so i can deal with it when that's the hardest thing i've been trying to do
Dec 2018 · 401
Make it stop
tatianah Dec 2018
It keeps hitting me like waves.
Sometimes i forget all about it then out of nowhere it all just starts crashing back. Two years amounted to nothing in the long run.
I was patient and understanding but i guess the little things got away from me too…
She seems happier.
It's what's better for her i can't stop that. She stopped loving me i should be fine.
I don't know why it still hurts so much.
I just want to get over her.
She was my everything now she's somebody that i used to know.
I want to stop feeling i want to hurt someplace other than emotionally.
I've really been holding myself back from punching the wall.
Two years.
How can you stop loving someone just like that?
Everything going through my head.
It's all telling me it's my fault.
I hate seeing her.
I hate not being with her.
I hate this. All of it.
I just want to stop feeling.
Jul 2018 · 409
tatianah Jul 2018
When you hear lonely you think of Someone alone in a room crying or feeling With no one beside them.  
You think of a person that was once there But are now gone.
You think of the nights where they cried themselves to sleep.
But do you ever think of the days where they have to walk around like they are okay?
What about when they catch the scent of that person walking by.
Yes nights are difficult, sometimes you can’t sleep.
But the days,
Getting through those.
That’s the real challenge.
It’s instinct to hide everything inside.
You feel like you have to,
Like it’ll be better.
Who knows maybe it is.
Or maybe your killing yourself by not telling them.
Jul 2018 · 610
tatianah Jul 2018
Some people are used to feeling everything
Others feel nothing
I don't feel anything anymore
I feel like everyday I force myself just to smile
Sometime i find myself happy but it always fades
Everything fades
I wake up and find everything pointless
Music would be my escape
Now nothing works anymore
My life is pointless
Jun 2018 · 355
I miss you
tatianah Jun 2018
Is it bad that I miss you?
I wake up and I miss you
Before I go to sleep I miss you
Every moment between then I miss you
What does that say about me?
I’m clingy?
I’m reliant and dependent...
I miss you
I love you
But do you miss me as much as I miss you?
You’ve become such a big part of me
But it’s easy for you not to talk to me...
May 2018 · 390
tatianah May 2018
I don’t get it
I was having a good day
I was happy
I messed it up
I don’t even know why I said what I said
I was having a perfectly good day
I messed it up
I don’t know why she’s still with me
This isn’t the first time I’ve done this
I feel like I’m forcing her to stay
I’ve said sorry so many times,
I think it’s lost it’s meaning
We were really good
I messed up and went back to the old me
Laying in bed in the dark,
Listening to music,
And crying for no reason
I don’t know why I’m like this
I wish I wasn’t like this
I wish I wasn’t depressed
I wish I was moody
I wish I wasn’t me
Apr 2018 · 324
I’m just tired
tatianah Apr 2018
I’m tired of it
I’m tired of wanting to cry and Not knowing why
I’m tired of the sadness ruining my day
I’m tired of being a burden to the people around me
I’m tired of being here
I just want to leave I want to be gone
I want to stop being tired
I just want to disappear
Dec 2017 · 242
Better off
tatianah Dec 2017
Better off without me
Everyone is better off without me
Some will think **** one less streak
Others hey I remember her
One or two people will say hey I kinda miss her
I never really did impact anyone
I was never that important
No one actually cares
It’s better if I’m gone
No one has to worry about me
All I do is bring people down
They are better off
They all are
Everyone is
I should just go
Be gone
It’s not like anyone will care
tatianah Dec 2017
what if one day you wake up and realize you don’t want me anymore?... you’ll see me the way I see myself and you’ll leave me.
What if my worst fear comes true ?
What if you realize you truly are better without me?
That all I ever did was bring you down never made you happy
what if you realize and admit that everything I say about myself is true... you’ll see me for the trash that I am and you’ll leave and be happier without me.
I couldn’t say anything tho all I want is for you to be happy but if that’s not with me then I can’t stop you
I love you and I don’t want to lose you but will you be better off?
Will you want to leave me for someone better?
You seemed happier the day we didn’t talk.. were you?
What if I trap you in this relationship am I? I’m sorry if I don’t let you leave if you truly want to you can go yes I’ll cry but if it’s what you want I’ll idk I’ll be okay as long as your happy
Nov 2017 · 232 scared......
tatianah Nov 2017 scared......
I always thought that was a sign of things getting better... but will they?
I always thought things would be okay will they?
Does she still want me?
I cry at the thought of losing her but what if she doesn't want me?
What if she's just with me because idk what I'd do without her or how I say no when she tries to break up with me?
She could be tired of me
Tired of me shedding tears for the smallest thing
Getting angry for the smallest thing
Getting sad for stupid reason she has so many reasons to leave
Why is she still here when she could find someone better?
She deserves better
I just I just can't let her go even if it's the right thing to do
I love you
I miss you
I'm sorry for everything
It's all my fault
You shouldn't go through this
I'm sorry...
Aug 2017 · 214
tatianah Aug 2017
Just leave.
Just run
I wanted to many times
But i stayed
Maybe i should've ran
Would've been better for everyone
I was so happy
Now I'm back to feeling like ****
I don't even know why i do this
I should stop
I'm just being dramatic
Another thing I can add to my list
I'll put that right next to ugly and pig
Aug 2017 · 368
Maybe it's me
tatianah Aug 2017
When you realize
maybe that's it
maybe I wasn't enough
maybe I was to stupid or immature or annoying honestly can name 100 things to hate about myself
maybe it's because I do that
maybe Its because I'm me and their tired of it
maybe I'm the problem..
Jul 2017 · 197
tatianah Jul 2017
You never wanted to say bye
That’s all you do when things get rough
We would always talk
I feel like I’m bothering you
I would always make you smile
I forgot what happiness looks like on you
Maybe you loved me once
Maybe I made you happy
Maybe you’re tired of me
Maybe you don’t find me funny anymore
What if you see me as one of them?
What if you don’t want me anymore?
The questions that keep me up at night
Those don’t let me sleep
That haunts me every second of everyday
Questions that **** me
Jul 2017 · 239
tatianah Jul 2017
No one asked for it
It was forced
Now we are expected to live it happily
And even better yet,
We force new being into this world as well
I was a mistake and my mother knows it
To be honest I still am
If she could she’d go back and never have me
I grew up thinking I was a mistake
Now I know I am
Whenever I try to be happy it all fails
I hate myself
I always have
I never saw anything good about myself
No one ever loved me
Yeah I could say my mother loved me
But only at times
Other times I felt like she hated me
I never had the shoulder to cry on
There was just music
Music was the only thing I had
No one even bothered to ask me what was wrong
If I was okay
Or if I needed help of any kind
All I had was music
Music to comfort me
Music to make me feel better
Music to make me forget my troubles
Music is the only thing that was there for me
Jul 2017 · 237
Which one?
tatianah Jul 2017
Before I felt this way, I was fine
Now after I felt it, I’m confused
If I be who I want to be…
No one will accept me
All I have to do is hide the real me
It shouldn’t be that hard…
I wish I didn’t feel this way
I wish I could just be me
I can’t though
If I do
I will disappoint everyone around me
I don’t want to hurt anyone
But I have to be me
What do I chose
Be me
Fake who I am to please everyone around me?
Jul 2017 · 259
tatianah Jul 2017
Whenever I’m mad I don’t just stay mad
The past comes
And haunts me
Tries to **** me
But I’m much stronger
Stronger than anyone knows
Stronger than I know
People would know if they bothered to ask
But no one cares
I try to be strong
Sometimes I am
Other times
I’m not so strong
We all have to be strong
But in order to be strong we have to be weak
Jul 2017 · 419
tatianah Jul 2017
Tears fall down my face
Not of sadness
But of anger
His words have no effect
I have grown a wall
That no one can break
The only way I can escape now is
My music
My only escape from the world
Once it starts I get lost in a different world
Where money
And problems don’t matter
I wish I can live here forever
But I can’t
Sadly “hello world”
Jul 2017 · 439
tatianah Jul 2017
A hello always ends in a goodbye.
A goodbye always means a new hello.
what if you don’t want to say goodbye?
What if you don’t want to leave?
What if you don’t want to be alone?
However, what if that’s the only choice you have?
What if when you try to be close to someone they leave?
Now you are forced to be alone.
What would you do then?
Perhaps think to yourself “people always leave.”
Perhaps say it’s okay, it’s better to suffer alone.
Perhaps tell yourself it is because no one wants you.
Then you tell yourself,
You are a mistake,
That you should have never been born,
And you believe it with everything you are.
What if you tell yourself that every night before you go to sleep?
And believe it every second of everyday.
And it kills you.
It kills you to know,
Everyone leaves,
No one likes you,
No one loves you,
That no one will be there for you.
Even if you desperately need that shoulder to cry on,
Even if you desperately need someone to tell you, “it’s going to be okay”,
Even if you just want to fit in and stop being such an outsider.
However, you know you will never fit in.
No matter how hard you try,
Yet, you try anyway
You try to be like everyone else,
You try to be normal.
But you know you’re not
You are not normal.
You are not like everyone else.
Even though you desperately want to be.
So you feel accepted,
So you can feel like you belong,
But maybe you just don’t.
Maybe you are just not meant for this world.
You tell yourself,
Maybe I shouldn’t be here.
No one will care.
Maybe you believe that.
That no one will care.
That no one cares.
That no one will care if you are gone.
And you believe it.
And you cry yourself to sleep every night,
Wishing praying hoping it will get better,
But it won’t,
And it’s not.

— The End —