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 Sep 2021 toBelieve
 Sep 2021 toBelieve
I want to spin
Myself into a
Just to
Because without the storm, how would you know what calm is?
 Nov 2017 toBelieve
 Nov 2017 toBelieve
I wonder if you're ignoring me...
Did I do something wrong?
Do you actually like me, the real me?
Did I say something wrong?
What if's cloud my mind...
What if it wasn't me you where into...
What if I read your messages wrong? Got the wrong memo?
What if I'm not good enough, to many problems, odd...
What if you never liked me to begin with?
What if... What if... What if...
What if I'm wrong?
 Nov 2017 toBelieve
I told you I wanted to die...
You immediately said no...
Didn't ask why... Just a no...
Why so direct, no hesitation?
You surely don't actually like me... Like I like you...
Maybe I've been living in an illusion...
I'm getting anxious...
I'm crumbling, I don't think you've noticed,
I'm distancing myself again, pushing away...
I'm getting bad again, I don't know what is worse...
You ignoring me, or me pushing you away (everyone away)...
I'm a wreck, a lost cause, maybe you should give up on me...
I would if I where you... I'm not worth it... Trust me... Please?
 Sep 2017 toBelieve
User cannot be found.
I suppose it's better that way.
User cannot be found.
So I wouldn't try to say "Hey"
User cannot be found.
A hole grows larger in my heart.
User cannot be found.
This is absolutely tearing me apart.
User cannot be found.
I'm sustained by the memories I keep.
User cannot be found.
And by the dreams that haunt me in my sleep.
User cannot be found.
I hope you're doing alright.
User cannot be found.
And that someone is appreciating you, holding you tight.
HTTP 404 Not Found Error
If you all enjoyed this one, I urge you guys to check out my other poetry, as this one to myself is good but I'm much more proud of some of my others. Thank you all so much for your support and kind words. Glad you all could relate as I just wrote how I felt.
 May 2017 toBelieve
Some days I am happy
Some days I am sad
Some days I just wish
I never had the days I've had
Some days I am crying
Some days I am weak
Some days I am yelling
Some days I am meek
Some days they are pleasant
Some days are truly dark
Some days come so easy
Some days are really hard
Some day I will get over it
Some day I will move on
Some day I will totally get it
Some day I will be strong
Some day it will be over
Some day I will have regret
Some day someone might
love me?
For me
Some day
*but not just yet
I'm thinking, this may be the last days, the very last moments of a once proud soul that's been eaten by the fires of Hell... a nubby snack... How ******* hard is it to post a poem here... Some days it's like trying to put shoes on an angry toddler...
 Nov 2015 toBelieve
- TIME -
 Nov 2015 toBelieve
Long long time ago,
When this very moment,
is a chain of past,
I will ask you  - my darling,
If tomorrow
will last.
In memory of The Moment.
 Oct 2015 toBelieve
Elle Sang
Il est difficile de dire adieu
Lorsqu'on veut rester
Le temps passe
Les souvenirs s'estompent
Les gens nous quittent
Les sentiments changent

Mais le coeur n'oublie jamais
Passer à autres choses
Ne se fait pas en un jour

En quoi ça peut m'aider
À vous dire vrai
Je vois son visage
À chaque fois
Que je ferme les yeux
Que je me reveille en larmes
Parce qu'il n'est pas là

J’ai comme les idees embrouillés
Les reves et les espoirs brisés
Les yeux embués
Les poings serrés
Les jambes paralysées
Le coeur brisé

J’ai tente de t’oublier
Un bon nombre de fois
Et je n’y suis jamais arrive
French is not my maternal language so please bear with me if there is any grammatical error.
 Oct 2015 toBelieve
Maya Akiki
Je croyais que c’était marrant de voir brûler tes cendres
Je croyais que ça faisait du bien
Tu m’as dis en une étincelle que brûler valait la peine
Mais tu te moquais de moi
Ça ne me faisait pas de peine de te regarder t’éteindre

J’ai su que te sentir en moi me faisait rire
J’ai su que ça me faisait du bien
Tu n’as rien dis, tu t’es laissée brûler
Tu t’en moquais de moi
De ma peine de me sentir m’éteindre
 Oct 2015 toBelieve
Kara Subido
I still hope that we could regain
the love that we once had for
each other.

I still hope we could say
all those ''i love you's'' and have
the courage to mean it.

I still hope that until the end of this
battle it'll still be you and i.
 Oct 2015 toBelieve
I'll celebrate today
Like I'm meant to stay
I'll laugh and play
Along, accepting broken praise
Please still know
I'll be thinking of you, my favorite foe
Surrounded by faces and voices
But still I miss your noises
Shouldn't want to spend my time with you
Shouldn't give in to your deception
With you, I always make an exception
It started with a stumble
Suddenly I was falling in with your rubble
Just a fragment of your heart
A sliver of your chest
Whatever happened to the rest?
Happy birthday to me
And all I should be
But still I'm wishing
I could be celebrating with thee
I wrote this on my birthday a few weeks ago
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