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 May 2016 TheBigShut
Beyond the stars,
In the darkest times,
Behind those bars,
Or unsaid lines,

When people around,
Don't hear a sound,
From the broken heart,
Or the eyes that cried,  

Deep in the seas,
As warm as the sun,
For the one that believes,
We aren't still done,

I'll wait for you,
I'll wait and wait,  
Even if you are a billion years late,  
I'll wait,

Back with this one!!
 May 2016 TheBigShut
Ruzica Matic
Time bleeds
From the sky
A beautiful grey
A half-closed eye

Rain filled fountains
Spill over our shoes
The Moon is a plum
A tender soft bruise

There are little killing words
Hanging on a string
Stiff and starched
They cut and they cling

To the skins of liars
And the skins of thieves
Pretty petty burglars
With pocketed sleeves
 May 2016 TheBigShut
 May 2016 TheBigShut
He has a smile that lights up my whole face.
We're so lit we'll burn down the whole place.
With our passion we'll create fire.
And the love we make,
It screams desire.
I wrote this because seeing him smile makes me smile...
A couple of weeks ago my aunt asked me,
what the first thing I noticed about a girl is.

''Her hands''.

The conversation quickly turned *****,
''you just want to know what they are able to do to you''.

At first,
I thought it was funny,
almost agreeing with the statement that had been made but then,
I realised that we all want what we can't have.
Looking down on my own hands for ages thinking that I wish they could just function.
I have been looking for the hands I have never had,
in the girls I have been debating whether or not they were,
girlfriend material,
judging my looks,
my hands,
my shape and my face while other girls wants what I have.

After realising just that,
I decided that from now on,
I will stop looking at hands and look into their eyes instead.

Body positivity.
i must have been a hero
in my previous life.
i must have battled evil,
had courage in the face of strife.

maybe i was a saint,
and blessed everyone in sight,
took care of those who lost their way,
showed them how to find the light.

or maybe i was a freedom fighter,
a peaceful one, of course.
maybe I died helping people escape
from war and military force.

i must have done something great
to deserve what i have now.
i've been blessed with your love, angel,
and i'm not sure why or how.

people like you only come along
every thousand years at best,
but the universe put you in my arms
so i must have been a hero, i guess.
 May 2016 TheBigShut
Akira Chinen
All in the pursuit of love
Footsteps of misery
Walking the lonesome miles
Lost to the sands and fire
Soul sacrificed to the divinity
Of longings aches
And distant dreams
Love needs a flame
Life needs the hurt
Theres no difference
Between heaven and earth
When lost in your gaze
No distance too far
No hope too dim
No wish too frail
For footsteps taken
Towards forevers end
When all in the pursuit
Of love
 May 2016 TheBigShut
I wish to fly away
To a far and distant place
One with no fences
And one with no gates

An area where all my troubles
Seem to be replaced
With skies filled with roses
And glimpses of your face

One where everything
Fits so perfectly into place
Two hands melt together
And one soul interlaced

A world where sunbeams dance
With such a subtle grace
Patiently around our spirits
Never to be displaced

One where all the etches made
that soon find themselves erased
Can just as easily find themselves
Reborn, remade, retraced

A setting where all the love
Is so effortlessly encased
In the vivid vibrations
Of this infinite embrace

One where all the wonderful
Resides in a safe and open space
Never to be lost
Or find itself misplaced

So I wish to fly away
To a far and distant place
One that was never far at all,
But always right here in this space
I throw angry words around like punches,
Like fiery lightning in crunches of dry cereal and no milk,
I am my own lightning,
I am the icy fire of a dragons hot breath,
I do not fight with fists,
Only narratives and figuratives,
I hesitate when it gets personal,
Oh so personal that my very own words that I conjure up from my wizards hat choke me for days on end without a single reprimand,
Oh how bitter this butter does taste upon my poetic pancake,
When will I get the recipe right and not left,
Left without a decision but to drink orange juice hope so sour yet so sweet,
What comes after hell I ask you?
Certainly not heaven or life of any pleasurable kind,
No, not that pleasurable kind you with your pervy mind,
I see you thinking such things of me as you read my poetry,
What a mad woman this must be,
To utter such words that mean nothing to me,
I am certain I must be hated and disliked by many of whom I adore and cherish,
Oh how I wish this feeling would just perish,
Perish like a mess in the presence of someone with a severe case of ocd,
A case of 12 or 24 either way you get what I mean,
I am such an irritating figure with a sad face of rash doings and thoughts,
Hark my words I say for I birth them from my heart's womb.
An anonymous girl ©
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