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Diksha Dhiman Sep 2020
you are worthy, you are capable of achieving your wildest of dreams, you are beautiful and you have a purpose and you deserve to love yourself completely.
Mei Sep 2020
Cheer up now, being too little in the eyes of people is nothing compared to what your thumb can do,
Always remember that you can make a moon disappear at the back of your thumb in just a wink of an eye.

So when you feel that you're of less importance, that's nothing to be really scared of.
There  are few things little things that we don't often see its worth but cause unimaginable destruction, Just like how a tiny dew drop
and a distant sun ray from the sun can burn a whole forest.
The precious and deep looking eyes
look for a land of love
the woman says here he lies
in the deep blue sky above.

He touches me with a sense of hope
that my love is a land of vast eternity
he uses the most tightened rope
which pulls me with certainty

Two people a single soul they say  
however, hate or love are feelings that bend
like life is a very very long day
as in a moment, memories descend
I close my eyes to that story I hear
that very well struck a chord
the characters to me were very near and dear
to me and thy lord

Please play me a very minor fret
that just sounds almost right
and with this tune, we shall get set
to play it pure and to play it white.

Look into my luscious lips
and to how deep red they are
pray for the best of me u see
with a different taste every time
sometimes sweet sometimes sour
A poem on what it feels like in a land full of love
Mystic Ink Plus Mar 2020
You are

Welcome In

The new
Genre: Inspirational
Theme: Realm
Author's Note:
Readiness is when your mind is ready, all other senses follow. And what if you are your inner inspiration, honor and integrity? Get more time to appreciate it. You are the truth.
Kada Oct 2018
God created everything with a divine purpose,
Nothing that has life is a mistake.
                                                        ­        -Kada
You aren't a mistake.
Alaynah Sep 2018
To the ones who feel
Less than
you’re so much more

To the ones who feel
i’ll remember you

To the ones who feel
you’re worth it

To the ones who feel
like you don’t matter
You do

The world is such a beautiful place
With you in it & it wouldn’t be the same
Without you
Meghan Young Aug 2018
Hey you.
Yeah I'm talking to you reader.
I bet if your reading this you either are really depressed or simply bored.
But I have a few words for you.
You are good enough.
You matter
You are not alone
Whoever is hurting or if it's your head..
Just know and remember those words. Rip this page out if you have to re-read them over and over.
Please stay strong.
Know that I'm here for you.
Your story matters.
It's ok to be selfish, especially to save your mental health.  
Know that it will be ok.

You are loved.
Starr Feb 2018
This is for you who
no one has told
You are beautiful.
This is for you
who sits all alone
You matter.
This is for you who
feels invisible
You are loved

You who cries every night,  
shed your tears no more.
You who hides beneath
your covers,
do not be afraid.
You who feels lost and
out of place
You are loved.

You are loved.
Starr Dec 2017
They may say that you aren't pretty enough.
But true beauty is in your heart,
not your face. You don't need to hide
behind that mask of make-up.
You matter.

The number on the scale doesn't matter.
Your dress size doesn't matter.
You matter.

Your voice deserves
to be heard.
Your opinion matters.
You matter.

Don't let anyone say
you aren't good enough.
You matter.
A pretty face doesn't matter. Your weight doesn't matter. You matter.
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