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Kyle Dal Santo Sep 2017
The hotel light flickers "Vacancy" on and off,
And I'm like, "I feel you"
In more ways than one
Like my head
Some days it's filled to the brim
With fascinating ideas and inspiration
And some days?
Nobody's home.
Like my heart
Some days it glows with a welcoming light that burns fierce and screams
"I wish to love!"
And other days it's vacant, empty,
Broken and neglected.
Like my dreams
That can bring light to the darkest of places
But other times are inaccessible,
Bleak and busted
Like my friends
Who can be a guiding beacon
Through my darkest moments
But they can also leave me out in the cold
Like my good days
When there's always somewhere to go
When nothing is impossible
Like my bad days
When the world turns on me
And tells me I don't belong here
Like that flickering "Vacancy" sign
Some days not even the darkness can enslave you
And other days
You're on your own.
Kyle Dee
Nicole Aug 2017
words are caught in my chest.

trying to crawl their way out through my head.

but my mind refuses to let them break its walls down.

the strength behind the pain

that made me this way is enough to stand back

and watch my heart be buried alive.

underneath all the things left unsaid

it tries to beat its way through but the words cut deep

and the blood runs thick from its veins.
Anthony Reynolds Aug 2017
Stuck in the moment of here and now
The writers hand becomes clouded by self doubt
He turns on his music for his mind to allow
The power of his words to crash about

A waterfall of his life flows from his wrist
Explosions of emotion fill up the page
Every new story a different experience
Showing why he stays in waters so shallow

Self love finds the sun to scare
Those doubtful clouds of grey
Bringing him strength to write
A heart aching pain away
Had some bad writers block and threw on some tunes to clear my mind
Lindsay Thomas Aug 2017
I’m on the outside looking in,
Reading the lips of the people inside
Longing to be a part of the conversation.
Amanda Aug 2017
My hand has forgotten how to fall into bed with pen again
after the tenth year in a row of seeing a lake in the middle of road
it throws itself down in a thud
to plant half-moon flowers all down the avenue of tight flesh
but it had to learn how to walk again
or at least beg its way through the thick of the dirt
after this pyretic dry spell
that lasted longer than they'd agreed.

They used to share a queen
treated all dingy apartment flooring
like royalty
and my right hand
took the right side
closest to the window
then changed its mind when it rained for a week straight
and everything for three miles was grey,
the chaos settled between black and white,
and all that scares me,
because when my stomach does knots
it's only infinity
and when it flips
it goes ******* nuts
and you were so bored you started counting specks of sunlight,
each meant something big,
like the end of the sting in your step
while all of the opal-winged embers
that turned my fingers gold to the bone
were snuffed out under the rubber madness of my shoe
left me with just blue and stiff and lonely
missing that the quiet creaking in each knuckle
when my stomach empties itself out on the desk in front of me
and I decide I have nothing good to say.
T Jul 2017
Ripped apart.
A void that needs to be filled.
Feeling nothing,
but the constant disappointment that rises up with every word written,
with every thought shattered like glass
Left on the floor
For someone else to walk over
For someone Looking for something,
but never finding
and never knowing why,
always needing,
only ever understanding
That nothing feels right
And every idea is ephemeral
Chopped up into tiny pieces
Then gone in  Seconds
Drifting away with every thought
Flying high like lost birds
And they never seem to find their way home now
The words are never together
Covered with scribbles that look like waves
Yet they don't flow like a river
They crash and smash into each other as they were a stormy sea
They Jump around the page
And when spoken aloud
All the words clash
Falling to the ground like droplets of rain
And it's over again
A page is filled with nothing but scribbles
And ideas that never fully form
Half done before it's given up and ripped out.
A pen is picked up
A page is turned
and everything starts again.
I wrote this when i had writers block
don't be disappointed if
you think
you don't write enough.

you are walking poetry, a
breathing epitome of art.
you make up for it every
second of your life.
to all poets out there ~ thank you for sharing your works, your heart, your thoughts. and tbh i would love to meet more poets around the world!
le demidieu Jul 2017
I started to think of something
but then nothing formulated .
I looked into the nothingness and decided to work with it ,
i found that within it there was something to say.

I found truth within it and i almost found myself
But i rejected to know what i was
for i too could be nothing within Nothing.
I was having a little poetry block so i tried doing whatever came to mind .
If you would create something,
you must be something.

The poet sits at his desk, his head empty of stories,
the inkwell running dry and the quill motionless.
He used to write about heroes on deadly quests,
rescuing stranded maidens from castles and forests,
always slaying a dragon or two along the way,
but heroes are surprisingly hard to come by these days.
He must adapt to the shifting paradigms in his culture,
all the heroic stories have been lapped up and forgotten,
now people demand some originality in their reading.

He scratches his head and muses on a dream he had,
an actor in a play suddenly consumed by stage fright,
freezes mid-performance as the crowd grows confused.
The audience mutter amongst themselves if this is part of the performance
but those who have been before assure them this is something new.
The actor is covered in flop sweat and his mouth quivers,
anticipating his next line but time is escaping him.
As audience members begin to stand up and shout at the actor,
the memory of the dream fades away and the story goes unfinished.

The poet slams his hand on his desk, knocking the quill to the floor.
He slams his hand down again and the blank piece of paper
sticks to his hand and he cannot shake the thing off.
A moth flies in through the window and attacks the candle flame,
burning its wings and shedding its dust upon his desk.
He thinks maybe he should write about this evening,
the lack of inspiration and a fight with a leaf of paper,
but no one wants to hear a story about that,
the readers demand action and intrigue and mystery,
all of which is lacking for this poet at his desk.

Men’s best successes
come after their disappointments.

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