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Melaka Jude Jul 2016
The life of a writer isn't always a breeze
There are bumps and potholes along the way
The fear of lack of creativity
And the fear of rejection
Are always among his troubles
But once that pen touches the paper
He is free

All his feelings
Whether it be pain,sorrow,joy or anger
Are instantaneously converted
Into a story or a poem which will be cherished for generations to come
A piece constructed by comparing feelings to real things that make everything seem so weightless to him
For once that pen touches the paper
A writer is free

As free as the eagle
Soaring through the evening ski
As free as the cheetah
Running through the Saharan plains
As free as the dolphin
Swimming through the vast depths of the ocean
For once that pen touches the paper
The writer is free
Nathan Collins Jul 2016
Where are you
Amidst the trees?
No, not you
You noble valiant thing

I thought you were a king
Not a refugee
Leaping from page to page
From thought to age
Evading the tinkerer's jail
Of memory
Paid ransom by some other script

Take a rest
You've been running for infinity
But you've finally run right into the wrong time:
Pass into potential's clearing
long enough
For my swift stab
"Penned" to paper

Shall we begin
The inked interrogation
To see what lies within, o suspect
Accused of rhyme?
Del Jul 2016
I am not a writer, I am just trying not to fall in love.

So I write the words that will bleed out your name and hope it would be enough to silence the echo of your voice inside the cracks of my chest.

I am not a writer, but I want to remember.

So I write about the day I met you, forever encrypting the numbers in my mind. Repeated in whispers inside my head.

I am not a writer, but I want to understand.

So I write about your expressions, how rarely they come and go. I write about your ghosts, hoping she would haunt you no more.

I am not a writer, but you make me want to be.

So I write about you, and it is the saddest story you will (n)ever read.
I wish I could talk the way I write...
I wish I knew how to tell you what's on my mind...
I wish I could...

Because I would tell you that I'm scared shitless to lose you, that I can't help but to selfishly want you for myself at times.  
I would tell you that my heart wants to jump out of its chest every time you say you love me, and that I feel butterflies all over my body when we kiss... I would tell you that I wanna hold on to every single moment spent with you and save it like a treasure in an old wooden chest. I would tell you that fighting with you makes my heart ache deeply and that your pains, I feel  them too. I would tell you that my heart is in your hands and that I'm scared like hell that you might let it fall and break in pieces... that I don't even want to think of that happening with you...
I would tell you that this distance we're about to experience frightens me... and that my eyes fill with tears when I know it's soon coming. I would tell you that I try to be strong in front of you, but that my soul screams inside as my heart cries in silence... I would tell you that you have all of me, even if you didn't want it; that I love to sleep on your chest because that sound of your beating heart soothes my constant anxiety... I would tell you that I love to wake up before you in the morning and give you one thousand kisses as you awake when breakfast is ready... I would tell you that knowing you won't be around every night makes my heart cry... that my loneliness scares me.... I would tell you that I don't mean to push away ... this is just me coping with it... the distance scares me... I don't want to hurt... I don't want you to hurt... I just wanna tell you that I love you... I'm deeply, uncontrollably, passionately in love with you.
emma jane Jul 2016
“Have you written about me yet?”  you asked.
“I write about things that make me sad, you’re not one of them.” was my response.

But even as you made me sad,
Even as my heart started to crumble.
I never could write about you.

I am a poet I string stars into constellations
And weave words into stanzas.
I need someone whose eyes can be twisted into metaphors
And the mere sound of their voice makes my hands tremble so gracefully
That I can make my magic with a pencil.

I was in love with all the poems I wished I could write about you.
How badly I wanted to sculpt you with sentences into something
Too beautiful to call mine.
But you are not a poem.

Yes, your eyes are quite a gorgeous blue,
And your arms are strong.
I’m sure you would make a beautiful painting,
An inspiration for someone else’s art.
But not mine.

You wanted to believe all of my broken pieces
could fit in a cardboard box.
That's what attics are for, to hide ugly things.
You're beauty was skin deep.
And thats how you wanted me.
I didn't want to be empty.

“Have you written about me yet?” you asked.
“I write about things that have meaning, you’re not one of them.” should have been my response.
This is not my best but I have been in massive writer's block and this is kind of an explanation why.
Real grief is not shared nor uttered.
Real grief is bottled and fermented in it's host.
Rebecca Lombardo Jun 2016
How do you let go of a dream you never thought
would die
Can you live through the pain of knowing it was all
just a lie
Pain seems to be a constant in life

Yet, I work every day to make myself believe I am so
much stronger
I look around at all of this sadness and wonder
How can I face this for even a moment longer

In the middle of the summer I'm wrapped in my
blankets, trying to get through the chills
I hide away from anyone and everyone.
Let them believe what they will

I feel like there's a weight attached to my leg, dragging
me down further and further
Please stop! I beg as my life becomes a blur

Sometimes I wonder why I continue to put my life out there
I wish I could accept the negativity without a care

It's clear to me now that I continue to let the past repeat

Wouldn't it be amazing to finally overcome such a debilitating defeat
Rebecca Lombardo Jun 2016
Did you let go because it was too hard
Could you feel where you went wrong
Or was it everything it should have been and more

Have you stopped to count the hours since it last
    occupied your soul
Or have you let that dream wither and die

So much to say, so few ways to say it

Look into her eyes
Is she staring back at you
Do you meet her gaze

What happened to her
She is an empty shell of what could have been

It must be done now, before it's too late
Before she fails to turn the tables and her foolish mistakes
    are the only legacy she leaves upon this world
Amanda Francis Jun 2016
I want to fall in love with you!
Not because I love you,
I love the idea of you,

I want to fall in love with you.
Loving you distracts me from not loving myself.
I want to fall in love with you, to send this writers block to hell...
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