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Anonymistress Dec 2019
My heart will not concede the spite I should be wielding for...
There are moments in life that could tear you apart. After taking it all in, is it worth your troubles? The answer is hardly ever yes.
Jennifer Powell Dec 2019
you may have cut me deep

but I danced in each pool

of my own blood

and with each drop

I fell in love
Grey Dec 2019
My life is like an iPad, once so full of energy and light.
Once so quick to learn, to play, to grow.

And then –

The light flickers out.

Why would anyone see something in it?
Why would anyone try to mend the unmendable?

memoona kazmi Dec 2019
I am the sun rises
Not knowing i was their dusk
That dies silently
Hiding all their secrets
In the diary of my scarlet heart

I am their moon
I used to think
Not knowing i was their **** land
That they always walked on
With wishes to reach the sky

I am their purple flower
I thought
Not realizing to them i was cactus
They want to get rid of
To make space for the real flowers

I am their friend
I used to believe
Never really knew
I was the come and go person
The cigarette break
The always idol person......
M Solav Dec 2019
How do you
Come to know
That you’ve been drifting away
From yourself?

You listen
To the echoes
Of your voice growing scarcer
By the year,

And perhaps
You have lost
The will to make that very call
Or answer.

The mountain
Is far now
There's no other way to return
But to search

But how do
You conclude
That you’ve been on a descent
Down to earth?

You look back
And wonder
“Did that mountain of your deeds
Weigh its worth?”
Written in August 2019.

— Copyright © M. Solav —
This work may not be used in entirety or in part without the prior approval of its author. Please contact for usage requests. Thank you.
melli7 Dec 2019
If my life were a number
line—for example—

My life starts: 0
I laugh for the first time: +2
I yell at my mom: -3
I win in school: +10
I lose a job: -11

Am I really the sum of these
the absent space of
my negative numbers
in opposition to the positives


Am I more of an absolute value kind of girl?
S I N Dec 2019
This urge to write again engulfs me,
And don’t know I how to quench this thirst
To write but to write; whether it is good
Or bad I don’t know and ‘tis not upon me
To judge, thank God; but strange It is still;
This feeling, I mean; just like that out of
Nowhere and you grab your pen or
A phone and go; and you imbued with a
Feeling of doing something important,
Something worthy; like the only important
Thing in the world now, man, you know;
No good nor bad don’t exist to you:
It is just what you writes and how you
Feel about it; all other assessments saved
For later; right now you just do what you
Are supposed to, what you were born to
Do; something worth living for, maybe the
Only truly worthy thing in the entire world
That’s up to you man, though
Only to you
Mystic Ink Plus Dec 2019
And when I see you

Everything aligns
The mood
The hope
The spirit
The energy
And many more
That can't be explained

That you are

And that is beautiful
Single reason
To believe

What you are
Genre: Romantic
Theme: Your Worth || You Are Enough
Madison Greene Dec 2019
I know there are nights when ghosts of your past try to creep their way in
their whispers echo until your hands begin to shake
and you’re haunted by the pictures of past mistakes
you are so much more than the thoughts that claim you
maybe you don’t miss that part of your life
but it doesn’t mean it was a loss
forgive yourself for the days you felt unworthy
and for the way you reacted to the pain
you are more than the mistakes you’ve made
james Dec 2019
do you remember when i was made of gold? these days i much more resemble tarnished silver, buried bronze...
i dont fill these shoes anymore, i barely remember how they felt to walk in
these old words dont stick to me anymore
praise lives in the past, and i wonder
what am i worth now?
trophy series-4
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