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Would you believe me,
If I said I was from the future,
That I came back in time,
Because my world ended?

I didn't cherish my little earth,
Because I figured it could never leave me,
And then it did.
Stop this anger and fighting, just take a moment to appreciate this wonderful world we're lucky to have.
Rose R Feb 6
The world is going to end
And we are all going to die
Or, the world is not going to end
And we are all going to die anyway
In the meantime between the two
All we can do is all that matters
Love, live, keep climbing this mountain
Until the birds stop migrating
And they altogether stop singing
Until the creatures disappear
And we are left only with ourselves alone
Until the sun stops rising
And the warmth leaves for good
Though the world will keep spinning
(And we won't know why)
(You'd think it'd stop spinning,
At that point,
Once it all goes to **** for us)
But the world is going to end
And we're all going to die
So might as well keep on living
All the same as before
Fighting for every moment we can have
For freedom from these cycles, these
Cages where we are the birds
No longer singing nor winging
Or, the world is not going to end
And we are all going to die anyway,
But as the creatures still roam and
We are not yet on our lonesome
All we can do
Is all that matters
Love, live,
keep climbing this **** mountain
Until one day we are able
To see the sun on the other side
Once more
Bekah Halle Dec 2023
I don't think I spend too much,
But then I spill out my shoe
Collection, an addiction, sorted by hue.
Cupboards flung open to reveal the gradient of such
And don't get me started on bags and the clutch!

Rivers of life run deep,
But then I look at the contents of my journals;
The "now and not yet" cries reveal how hormonal
Am I. Dim focus on the eternal creeps
To cover more of the heart, I try to keep.

New year near and nearer;
But a return to stillness yearns.
When we hide, these addictions burn,
Igniting guilt, shame and all,
Where are you simplicity? Is this the fall?
As 2025 draws near, I review this poem again and think not much hs changed. Can '25 be different?
i live in a world where self acceptance is a social crime
where honesty is a joke
i live in a world of blank stares and self gratification
i can be a hundred different personalities and no one will bat an eyelid
no one will even notice
i live in a world where no where is safe
where asking for safety is a sin
i live in a world where no mistake can be erased or forgotten
for everyone has an online record
dictating if and when i can move on
i live in a world where suicide becomes a necessity
or a fun thing to do
or a distraction
i live in a world that is utterly *******
the world i live in
old willow Aug 2020
By the window, the lonely petals drifted,
so did my mind.
I dare not say I am virtuous.
Experienced humiliation, I obtain humbleness.
Live plainly, before lavishly.
Life often contradict itself,
look at death, therefore comprehending life.
Anna Magill Jul 2020
“You don’t have a soul, but you are a soul and you have a body.” ​- C.S. Lewis

So my sweet soul, a scintillating song
Where golden stardust collides
And flowers pulse through my veins

The body, still as a stone
How the being it becomes

From the dust of our ancestors
Built from the Earth, the beginning of time

Who are we? I must ask

When we saw the first speck of that bright light
Pulled from the mother’s womb
To a world of despair and destruction

We are that gold, laced through the porcelain and glass
Binding our broken world, we are that gold, I say

Born perfect to an imperfect realm
Good-hearted and kind, I know who I am now
We are the souls of the land, cast down by a gracious hand

For a short time, I will stay

But one day, my body will become still once more
And my soul will be again welcomed by my creator
This is based on the quote by C.S. Lewis and my views on our souls.
Anna Magill Jul 2020
She brings sadness and sorrow.
Everything aspiring to bring her down.
Nobody cared when she fought alone.

She doesn't need to be remembered.
She is willing to endure the pains,
To be bound by the chains.

For she doesn't cry,
She just smiles and spreads her arms.
She will protect all she loves.
Willing to sacrifice for everyone.

To her, fame is meaningless.
Even if the battlefield is dyed with blood.
Even if everyone is against her.

She will exist because of tomorrow.
This poem always reminds me of the regular people out there that are so selfless and someday how I wish to be that way too.
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2020
So sensitive skinned
Passions keep me from world's lies
My heart unscripted
I made a promise to myself that on my 25th birthday, Ill be making changes to myself, slowly but surely. Ive often hated myself for being so 'sensitive', I thought if I killed that part of me, Ill be happy. Now Ill be kinder to myself and embrace it as an asset, not a flaw. I will finally be tackling some old fears and demons. Its my very passion, my own fire that keeps me warm from the chaos of the world around me and the relationships of wonderful friends and family that keep me sane and grounded.
I want to be as real as I can and present the best version of myself everytime too.
As I said, Im working on new collection which I hope will be posted soon. Still got alot to research, haha! But I will be going back to continuing some collections here!
Stay safe and well everyone!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
George Krokos Aug 2013
Worldly kingdoms emerge, rise and eventually fall
but there's one kingdom that does outlast them all.
It is eternal which means it has no beginning or end
though most people in the world don't comprehend.

It has been written and talked about in so many scriptures
yet in the external world doesn't form part of any fixtures.
No matter how grand a structure or building is erected that it may represent
or how many people daily, under its roof for worship, they devoutly frequent.

The kingdom of the everlasting Soul is to be found within us all
and doesn't really have any roof, floor, pulpit or containing wall.
Its own image and essence is all of a glorious Eternal Supreme Being
that with Its own grace, knowledge, light and love one can be seeing.

All we have to do is to acknowledge Its presence and look within,
live our daily lives in accordance with the Truth which is Its Twin
that the highest practical wisdom is based on known to mankind
and has been handed down from ages past for humanity to bind.

This doesn't mean that It belongs or is particular to just one religious belief
but encompasses them all through which people seek to find worldly relief;
because of Its glorious Eternal nature It also has unfathomable or infinite attributes
and beyond the limited mind of man to comprehend though philosophy contributes.

Even the laws of every country or state are based on the Truth;
though due to age old corruption is hardly discerned from youth.
As people have a strong tendency to seek and satisfy there own selfish interests
that go against the universal principles inherent in the wisdom the Soul bequests.

These universal principles are really the backbone of all spiritual aspiration
that have to be adhered to if there's to be any further evolution or realisation,
of mankind's true nature and individual or collective higher moral development
which is a unified and holistic existence that by the Truth of the Soul is vent.
Private collection written in 2010.
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