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They come from the West,
Covered in ashes,
Suit cases of soot.

They call them Californians,
Nomads from the west coast.
They come from burning cities,
On bare foot.

They've got stone faces,
Hardened gazes.
I can't imagine how it must be,
To have your home,
Burned from gables,
To ground.

God bless the Californians,
Lot of lost souls from the West Coast.
How did we get here, prayers to those fleeing the California wildfires.
our emotions
are just like
wildfires sometimes
they have
the power to destroy
and consume us
yet sometimes
they have the
power to
rebuild worlds
Ira Desmond Jan 2021
As we got older, it became clear
that we wouldn’t have the luxuries

of drink without worry,
of sleep without restlessness,

of raising children
without fear for their survival.

It became clear
that we would never garner

the respect of our elders
no matter how dearly we pined for it,

and that the world itself
would smolder

while those responsible
rested comfortably in their graves,

and those of us to whom
our forebears’ sins were bequeathed

would be left to choke on the smoke
and ashes

of a promise to posterity
allowed to burn instead.
Orange shining through the window
We head outside to take a peek
Blue sky's to the North
A dark haze from the South

Small particulates drifting in the air
You reach out, and a piece lands on your hand
It looks like plant matter, only grey
You gently touch it with your free hand

. . . Ash.
September 2020 wildfires light up the west coast. My perspective from a small coastal town in Oregon. Miles from active burns.
We awoke to specks of white ash over our cars
the cloudy grey sky bore no sun just its heat
and the ocean breeze that cooled in my younger years had become futile
California burned
and although L.A  city did not
it was indeed a table that received a mantle of pollution
Hurting from torture

The Earth whimpers to the skies

Who turn their frosty cheeks

Betrayed, the Earth weeps

Black ancient tears

Remorseful, the skies let down

A corrosive shower of sorrows

Bloodied fog settles, suffocating

Maniacal, pushed off the edge

The Earth sets itself ablaze

Black ancient tears, fueling

Hysterical, the Earth smiles


                As its demons burn


                                Hysterical, the Earth smiles

                                 Black ancient tears, fueling

                                  The Earth sets itself ablaze

                            Maniacal, pushed off the edge
                       Bloodied fog settling, suffocating
                           A corrosive shower of sorrows

                           Remorseful, the skies let down
                                                Black ancient tears

                                   Betrayed, the Earth weeps

                              Who turn their frosty cheeks

                        The Earth whimpers to the skies

                                            Hurting from torture
Jellyfish Oct 2017
you remind me of a certain someone,
someone who i was close to like no other,
who caused me so much pain and stress.
exhaustion is a mess and I won't do that to myself again.
why would i put myself in a situation that i've been through before? i won't do it, not when i've already met the end of this road in my past. the road surrounded with wildfires, i barely made it through.
Morgan Paige Aug 2017
Evacuation Alert: Tranquille Valley.
Get out. Bring everything you love.
Ash is falling from the sky,
and the smoke is too much to bare.
The fire's rampage has charred
More than 200,000 hectares,
in 133 days.
It's not safe.
Evacuate immediately.

Evacuate me.
Get out. You are everything I love.
Incinerating everything in your path,
You tranquillize the atmosphere
with your absence.
You smoked me to the filter
You left me to burn.
63 days, and 21 letters.
You're not my safety anymore.
Evacuate immediately.
pc Jan 2016
I don't need calm -
I want stampede in my mind
I want sparklers in my soul
I want wildfires in my heart

I don't need calm -*
And I wouldn't want calm
If the roots of my madness
Will be springing from your veins

Luna Oct 2015
and maybe if we burn
I can show you
all we are made of
is fragile skin and bone
we can drench ourselves
in kerosene
like the first rain of spring
we can find god in the rain.
all of these scars mean nothing
if we burn
all we are, are skin and bone
muscle means nothing to gasoline
love means nothing to wildfires.
i watched a movie that inspired me to write this.
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