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Dawn Treader Feb 2018
Fortuitously my memories are stumbled upon,
Like smooth river rocks beneath the flow of a gentle stream,
Triggered by an anomaly in the day,
A bump in the pavement,
A loud bang,
A missed step up a flight of stairs causing a momentary stumble.
The provocation for today was innocent:
My feet pushing against the artificial pavement--the treadmill
Memories seemingly harmless take a dark turn.
I'm now running down memory lane,
A dark well once thought empty,
Gushes forth with a violent burst.
Some memories, especially violent ones, call for severance,
Or the mind will deteriorate.
Heavy breath, sweat cascading down my brow,
This is the only time I can feel her talk to me,
You see, she and I are disconnected;
And we have been for quite some time,
I increase speed, not listening to her cries,
She pleads with me to stop, I ignore her.
The only acknowledgement she gives is a stabbing sensation,
She reminds me I have a heart and lungs,
She tells me I am alive.
My body and my mind are two separate beings,
One within the other,
Like oil and water,
We do not mix.
My body and mind are two very distinct beings, and they often quarrel.  I cannot explain the feeling of disconnect other than I can only feel my body if she is in distress.  This is usually triggered by exercise.
honey Feb 2018
Butterscotch kisses,
Punches that feel the same,
All the while,
Just as sweet.
m Feb 2018

We felt it, with our hands pressed tightly against our child-chests.

It sounded nothing like a heartbeat,
But explosions being let off in the distance.
And it smelt nothing like fear,
It smelt like sweat and dried ***** caked onto torn pajama pants.

We grew to know the insides of our mouths,
with our soft gums clutched between our teeth -
We learned that our voices were safer kept stowed away there.

We picked at their hands like we picked at our scabs,
Because pulling off healing skin,
felt like pulling off a rooted burn,
And prying off desperate fingers from off our bones,
Meant prying off something that terrified us.

This was our strength;
This was our paralysis.

We felt it, with our ears pushed against the door,

It sounded nothing like a pleading mother
But warm air, creeping through vents with a sudden force.
And it smelt nothing like fear,
It smelt of fresh blood, kissing the lips of a weeping woman.

We worshipped knives like they worshiped our baby-soft skin,
Because cutting open ourselves meant cutting out what they left inside,
And watching the filth flee
down our wrists, down our knees,
Felt like draining water
Out of a clogged tub.

It felt nothing life fear
It smelt nothing like decay
It was a continual clutch of the knife against their throats

This one's for you, daddy
its bitter Feb 2018
I'd like it if you
wrestled your fingertips under my ribcage and
pressed your palms
against my sides and felt,
conveyed across
the gauze of my skin,
my heartbeat racing in
my kidneys and
if you traced,
with two little toes,
four tendons
entwining my ankles and
if your eyelashes pretended to be
newborn jellyfish
toying with newfangled tentacles
across my bare shoulder blades and
if your tongue was a diving board
for lovely words plunging
into the ebbing oceanic air pockets
between us and
if your hands were seakelp,
leathery tendrils impossibly woven into my scalp,
a short tether
ensuring my submerged lips and nostrils
never shatter the glassy surface
Ron Gavalik Feb 2018
Sins boomerang.
If I teach you nothing else
in this short life,
please remember,
violence begets violence,
hate begets hate,
and good intentions
executed with incompetence
begets harsh revenge
from the people
we claimed to help.

Sins are almost always hurled
with the strength of our passion.
When they return,
they come fast, unforgiving,
and with the determination
to destroy.
Stone and Blood Feb 2018
I had a candlelight, flame.
I traded for the stars.
But I can’t tell the stars,
from the planes.
And it gets me down.

Heart exposed, to please.
Eyes glowing, darkness surrounding.
Misinterpret for teeth.
Killing, killing, killing.
And it gets me down.

Everyone is a weapon.

Lips moving,
all I can say.
Hollow, hollow, hollow.
Hollow and gray.
And it gets me down.
A free portrait! Imagine that,
At no charge this troglodyte
Decided that I deserved a rendition in pulsing crimson, me!
He effortlessly sliced the curve of my face,
And then holding true to brute form,
Let his fists do the rest of the painting.
In a breath’s thought I fought the idea
That this strong browed man was a fan of
Yves klein, but then he caringly guided my sight
Floor-bound and I noticed that he was a
Monochromatic *******.

Now, I wasn’t expecting Monet,
But in truth the elegance of the lazy red river
Careening down my cheek and neck got my hopes up.

And then further was impressed by his liberalness
With bottomless black crimson
Where he’d only previously flirt with young pinot noir
As he took a break to wash and massage his stained hands
I clutched at the hope that perhaps he was done with the
Onslaught with such blunt tools,
As such methods could ruin the whole piece
Unfortunately, he returned
And his care for each swipe was becoming more

More impassioned, but less precise,
I asked if he perhaps needed a second break?
Perhaps I could assist him,
I wanted to give it a try myself, but my hands were

In vain,
I tried to tell him that,
His bearish skills and appearance,
Would be better suited to a life of leather, whips, and Oedipus Complexes,
But his response was,

You should never laugh at an artist
Especially the bad ones
Because then their work some how finds a way to get worse

I asked if he’d learned how to work from his father,
And whether his father had worked him in any
Manner, and that’s when I became dizzy
I think.
Apparently struck a nerve.
Jade Feb 2018
She is a wild thing.

And I say “thing”

and not girl or woman

because She is neither;

She is both,

caught somewhere in between

the liberated innocence of childhood

and the maddening corruption of growing up.

And this is precisely what makes Her

wilder than the rest of us.

Some will argue that She is woman and woman only,

leaving little room for,

what are considered by many to be,

girlish trivialities.

But these people have only ever viewed Her

from a respectable distance,

a distance from which She appears to occupy

both the form and the essence of a woman

what with Her full ******* and

the manner in which She writes poetry–

with a sort of opulent brutality.

What you will not see

is the girl

(if that is what you choose to call it)–

the lovely child-beast

that dwells inside of Her,

antlers entwined with garlands

of succulents and autumn leaves,

eyes veiled with an ethereal mist.

A deluge of stardust drips from its lashes,

raining down upon the dry expanse of Her bones,

planting dewdrops in the barrenness–

honeyed globules nourished

by free-spirited ambition

and a nonsensical imagination.

And If it weren’t for you,


if it weren’t for your

incessant howling to the moon

and the sweetly curious expression

you get on your face when you’ve been daydreaming,

then this “woman” would be just that–

a woman and nothing more,

the same way you, lovely beast,

would be a girl and nothing more

if it weren’t for the overpowering

womaness of your host.

Do you recall

how you two first met–

the night She had first made your acquaintance?

How, that next morning, you woke up to find

your Hello Kitty ******* stained red,

a sharp pain stabbing at your belly.

You yelled for your mother

in a panicked shock;

you were convinced you were dying

(and perhaps you were, for this was

the very moment you began to grow up.)

But mama told you that there was nothing

to fret about– all females bleed, after all.

But you have come to realize that

while some bleed by nature,

there are also some who bleed out

of their own free will.

At first, it was Her mere nature that

had caused you to bleed.

And, after that, Her wildness.

But She did not mean to hurt you,

to burden your wrists with the

gravity of Her sorrows.

And so you must understand this,

my beast:

like you, She is a wild thing.

The only difference is that

She is a wild thing with a broken heart.

And there are some days where She

would do anything to quiet

the melancholic fervour of her thoughts.

I can see how this alone has destroyed you,

how you have been leached of your innocence.

I watch as you deteriorate

antlers withering to stubs

eyes weeping

stardust congealing

around your tear ducts

mouth frothing with whiskey

shards of broken bottle

embedded in your palms

your body degraded

blouses with alarmingly low necklines

skirts long enough to cover up

the scars on your thighs

but short enough that they feel

the need to whisper “*****”

when your back is turned

because maybe this

lovely beast

is the only way She knows

how to feel okay.

And maybe you have simply

found yourself caught in the

insatiable crossfire of Her darkness;

because the light you possess

was never enough to save yourself,

and it was certainly never enough to save Her.


The wild in you

was never a match

for the wild in Her.

And it is here

in this state of unadulterated wildness

that everything  you are,

everything that She is–

Woman and

child and

Beast alike–

will eventually

be forced to surrender

to the chaos.

This is the place,

wild thing,

where you will be forced to

eat yourself alive.
Jade Feb 2018
Come one,

come all


join me

for a night of

unadulterated madness.
“I see a dreadful fright in your future.”

–Madame Tarot
Poor, dizzy fools.

Watch how they

go round and round

until their eyes pop

from their sockets,

until they *****

pink streaks of cotton candy

onto the sweet

horses with golden hooves

and blazing eyes.

–Cursed Carousel
My lovely Lady Tightrope

I do believe that skirt is

far too short and

that leotard far too snug.

When you said you wished

to put on a show for us,

I did not realize this is

what you had implied.

–Getting Freaky
They say these grounds are haunted

by little girls in feathered bonnets

and little boys in blue trousers.

And, if you listen carefully,

mingled in with the pervasive

notes of carnival music

are the morbid wails of these children–

children whose balloons have burst,

and whose ice cream cones have been dropped.
“But Mr. Clown, mama says I’m not supposed to take candy from strangers.”
How ironic that the ringmaster

is missing his own ring finger.

–She purred like a kitty but knew how to pounce
“Why, what terribly big teeth you have.”

“The better to eat you with, my dear.”
I present to you

The Great Dr. Whim.

Watch how he saws his

assistant in half.

Relish in the piercing

serenade of her screams,

and how they ricochet off the

tapestried walls.

Grin wildly as her blood–

thick with candy floss

and other disgustingly sweet


drips down into the

cracks of the floorboards,

slowly inching its way

towards the audience.

–Magician’s Corner
See there?

Hidden among the

silhouette of the trees

is a man with

blistered lips and

charred teeth.

If you look carefully,

from a distance,

you will notice

a gray fog curling above the


it is the smoke billowing from his


threatening to wrap

its angry hands

around any guest

who dare venture too far

from the carnival grounds.

–Fire Eater
More often than not

his daggers do not hit the target,

but instead find themselves

embedded in

the backs of our

lovely attendees.

–Knife Thrower
And to end the evening,

we have something spectacular

in store for you–

our human cannonball.

He is to fly,

but to never come down,

cut from his tether

to this earth

like a balloon that has been cut

from its string.

And at the most climactic moment

of his soaring escapade,

his flesh is to ignite,

leaving for his viewers

something resembling a firework show,

as a mesh of burning cartilage and

scorched bone set the night

sky ablaze with horror.

You say you are afraid?

But I am simply fulfilling

the promise I made to you

upon your initial arrival–

it was madness I promised,

and it is madness you have received.
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