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Lex Jan 2018
To the moments I spent alone
To the times I laughed in your home
To the times I spent with you
to the times you were there when I was blue
To the time I climbed the watch tower
To the time when we picked flowers
To the late night bench talks
To the haters who tryed to mock
To the times I cried myself to sleep
To the memories that I get to keep
To when you stuck with me during their fight
For him showing me the light
To the fun i've had

And cheers!
To the fun that's yet to come.
Another year, another start. You choose where you want to go
And most importantly
To Hello Poetry accepting me into their realm of love! Thanks guys<3
you yearn for freedom
then you crush it

you ask for time
yet you rush it

you preach equality
then ban all others

you look for knowledge
yet hide under covers

you want perfection
then you complain

you ask for sanity
yet behave insane

you say this is home
then tear down the flag

your heritage unknown
yet willing to brag

you ask for no lies
then don't believe truth

you ask for more money
our debt's through the roof

you look for happiness
and you long for peace

you hold onto a grudge
but you need release

you say you're a dreamer
but you don't believe

that we can do anything
that we can perceive
Brent Kincaid Oct 2017
Yankee Doodle used to speak
Of bravery and freedom
But now most of that is gone
And we are sure to miss them.
Once we stood for righteousness
And peace around the clock.
Now that door is all closed up
And no one dares to knock.

Yankee Doodle lost his mind
And took the country with him.
Now the hardest thing to find
Is any D.C. wisdom.

Yankee doodle we begin
To hide our heads in shame.
Certain politicians here
Have sullied our good name.
We’ve become a people who
Invade and conquer other lands,
Leave them dying in their streets
By our American hands.

Yankee Doodle used to speak
Of bravery and freedom
But now most of that is gone
And we are sure to miss them.

Yankee Doodle it takes years
And decades just to clear up
All the damage greed has done
And even more to cheer up.
Oust and jail these awful men,
Bad thoughts in their noodles.
Let them sit in prison cells
With years to yank their doodles.
Brent Kincaid Oct 2017
Hush little nobody, don’t say a word
Don’t call the SCROTUS a great big ****
Because he will never cut you a break
He thinks any critic is a great big fake.

When SCROTUS ever gets caught in a lie
He always blames it on some other guy.
He blames everybody, even you
If not, of course, Obama will do.

Cowboy up, little baby, don't cry
Congress is just like this phony guy.
Laws that hurt the people will pass
Congress loves to kiss SCROTUS ***.

If taxes favor the rich and not you
There is not a thing you can do
Congress has become an evil tribe
Run by treasonous theives and bribes.

And if Social Security goes broke
SCROTUS gonna tell you a ***** joke.
And if that ***** joke offends
SCROTUS gonna lie to you again.

So when there is no longer peace
And freedom gets replaced by a lease
You can kiss your savings goodbye.
Now you can read this and know why.
Adam Kinsley Oct 2017
I'm born to division, envision my pride
Tormented by panic and all which I hide
Bereft through my senses, I'm struck as I run
With demons as captors; my loss is their fun
Embittered by sorrow, I don't see what's next:
I'm vexed by dissension, but hide in my text

You're king of our heartache with little to show
Engulfed in our sorrow; it's all which you know
You're feigning completion, and losing your mind
A slave to your culture; you're petty and blind
In time, you are caught by the traps which you set
There's much to remember, but more to forget

We cling to the fleeting, and dawn a disguise
We're sullen and feckless; we're trapped by our lies
Amidst our ambition, we run for the door
We gave up, in silence, while searching for more
Tormented by Reason: we don't feel the same
We play with our heartstrings as if it's a game...
Joshua Haines Oct 2017
Your prayers and thoughts
  are not sufficient.
Tweeting and posting self-indulgent
  *******; you are shallow
and your not-so-subtle
  political agenda sickens me.

The President said we should unite,
  despite a year of trying to divide us.
Although, he doesn't need to say much
  because all we've ever masturbated to
is one country for all...
  except for people we don't like.

I am caught in a web where
  each strand is a headline;
where every attempt to be free
  pulls me deeper in; where
the spider is me and you
  and you and me; where
I am eaten by myself.

  I tell myself to not care
-- it never works.
Alexis K Sep 2017
I am America's Pride.
I am freedom
I am glory
I see a diverse culture of free citizens
I seek peace
I am America's pride.

I am beauty
I am motivation
I though the world's heart.
I worry about war
I cry for wounded and fallen soldiers
I am America's pride.

I believe on eqaulity
I say "justice for all"
I have people yearning to be with me
I hope for the best
I dream for a world united
I am America's pride.

I am glory.
I am freedom.
I am beauty.
I am united.
I am just
I am America's pride.
I am the symbol of America.
I'm the American flag, flying high.
Joshua Haines Aug 2017
Bottle of Tums on the end-table
surrounded by an imprisoned fan;
a lava lamp of antacids, cornered by dead precious-metal presidents.
Some greying ceramic **** matriarch
has a bulb sprouting out of her head,
radiating fat yellow on the olive corner, also onto the loveseat.

I say, I should read.
I say, People don't like
  one another, anymore.
She says, I want to be a doctor.
Work with animals, she said,
Help pets and people.

Days go by like the shush
following blurs of traffic.
Am I aging too soon;
Am I important enough
  to care.

Try to sell me some
Pyramid Scheme ****,
the man my age does--
the kid--
He wants sixty-five for
off-brand perfume. No way.
How about, he looks around,
the manager's discount: twenty.
I say no. I'm sorry. I can't help you.
He says no. He's sorry. He can't help himself.

An American filmography:

A Thief in Brooklyn, 1997,
Dirk Diggler Productions,
A 20 y/o man breaks into
apartments, stealing pills
from the elder renters.

Ghost Before Sundown, 2003,
Marythrone Image,
A woman suspects she is
a ghost and tries to come to
terms with never succeeding
in life.
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