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the current prognosis
is looking very grim
twitter's share price has
taken quite a trim

already RIPs have been
posted on the net
which has so saddened
the twittering set

it hasn't faired well
against Facebook
that is why its flimsy
foundations shook

after a while the minute
by minute style of it
proved not to be such
a fabulous hit

investors withdrew
from the iffy trade
they became aware of its
sinking lade

stocks aren't going to improve
so the pundits say
would seem that the chirp
has faded away
melli7 Sep 2016
It's two thousand and
sixteen -
isolation has never been so
difficult to achieve no
call no Unseen text certainly no
lost letter will do the

there is no excuse to give your motherbrotherfriend for
staying a resolute
island in the internetted
sea of archipelagos, so
overcrowded with
bridges and boats that I cannot see the water unless
I make the
JGuberman Sep 2016
In light of all the gun violence in the USA,
I'd prefer my democracy unleaded.
Oscar Mann Aug 2016
Silently the social media hero strikes again
The swift and ruthless keyboard warrior
Crushing political correctness
Debunking liberal drivel
Overpowering the opinions of the obsolete

He grows and grows
With every post
And tweets make him feel
Like the torrent of thoroughness
Raging through a landscape
That needs to be cleansed

Outside lies a hostile world
With prying, judging eyes
Online, a world of possibilities
Where virtual battle cries
Are the prelude of a rally
Between the devoid and the deluded

But through his own gaze
Focused on the reflection
On the computer screen
A social media hero rises
While outside, the world passes him by
Kelsey Lauren Aug 2016
So, I see you posted a picture on twitter.
When I see it I become quite bitter.
You see, because I was in that picture.
You cropped me out.
This is the last straw, no doubt.
"My best friends!" You titled it.
But who am I to throw a fit?
I get thrown to the curb a lot.
To everyone, I am just an afterthought.
You were my top priority.
But having friends for me,
has never been a reality.
NicoleRuth May 2016
Words typed in a haste excitement
Ignorant to the woman on the other side
Ideas attacking her feed
Uncaring of the broken pieces of her soul

Facebook pinging like a shrill cuckoo bird
Reality crashing like fallen jenga pieces

Instagram popping with pretentious new pictures
Eyes shutting the painful past memories

Twitter tweeting like a babe  hungry for milk
Body twitching to the tune of ancient whistles

The virtual screaming all day of accomplishments, love and money
The self turning to final dust at the turn of this technological century
bk May 2016
Selling your tears as a parfume
21:18 - 23 ott 2011

kiss me like a stranger
18:44 - 24 ott 2011

I'm the queen of the lambs
18:57 - 24 ott 2011

i'm made of rotten sugar
16:49 - 27 ott 2011

I hate you
17:18 - 7 nov 2011

Loneliness and other stuff like this
22:15 - 7 nov 2011

spiders > people
14:47 - 13 nov 2011

Too weird to have friends
19:47 - 14 nov 2011

19:25 - 15 nov 2011

I was Mary's little lamb in front of the slaughter
19:45 - 28 nov 2011

Please send me your dead roses&broken; keys, I collect them
19:30 - 12 dic 2011

So maybe you could **** me off in one of your songs?*
21:01 - 12 dic 2011
doing my cyber exorcism
Amanda Francis Apr 2016
Fluorescent lights absorbing.
My glass cage surrounding.
Smart phones and silenced minds.
To strangers WiFi connection binds.
Likes substitutes compliments and comments conversation.
I turn myself inside out for empty validation.
Cyberspace is like a vacuum, they can't hear you scream.
Forced smiles, you lie and hide behind pixelated screens.
Who knew
A twitter hash tag
Would inspire me into new heights
Totally unexpected twitter
The #NeverEverQuit hash tag from the Texas Rangers is my favorite thing of all time. Or at least one of them.
JR Rhine Apr 2016
Marching on thru our circuital seas:
A moat lurking beneath tremendous Facebook walls,
delineating our impalpable fortress of solitude (irony).

We slog through the trenches like Lee's troops,
drudging on a fatal course
to an awaiting Grant in Appomattox (destiny?).

Soldiers falling at the wayside,
from wounds, starvation, disease,
hashtags for dog tags draped around cadaverous necks--
Perhaps you can identify us by what's trending.

Had we the strength to shout,
and tear down the walls of Digital Jericho,
would we have been able to do it,
in 140 characters or less?
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