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Mike lowe Jun 2015
Temptations are hiding in the lines of her skin.
She is the only book you can read in the dark.
She could destroy most men with just a flick of her hair.
But she can really rip your soul out with her stare, eyes brighter than a supernova and her smile, more mind blowing than the black holes she creates.
Her body, is the creation of infinity. Her voice is the reason there is no gravity in space.
She is acid rain running down your face and leaving you with that bitter taste.
She is the feeling of warmth, in an ice cold embrace.
I would imagine she is the reason men like me are here to write her into poetry. She is simply, just, a woman.
Poetic T Jun 2015
I have clandestine thoughts that were
But an itch needing to be scratched.

I had impulses that like A puppet
Were controlling these incessant urges.

Seduction of the moment willed its way,
I must  now follow thoughts gone astray.
This can be taken many ways, it is the imagination of the reader to decide what this may be about.
harmony crescent Jun 2015
They only fade
Never die
Not until the day
We fly
temptation is always just around the corner
abyssinia Jun 2015
I tried to run back
But dark clouds circled above me
Blocking my view from different angles
My knees buckled
Tried to give up
But my heart whispered “ it’s not over yet”
And I kept on moving
Meanwhile an avalanche of gust  roared on my ears
Tempting me to surrender
For my knees to say halt
For it to go slack
But I kept on moving…
Instead of waving a white flag
Eiliv Advena Jun 2015
What I can feel
I've never felt before
This burning desire
I just can't ignore

It must be a spell
Cast from hell
What else could this be
Who has taken hold of me

This evil temptation
I cannot resist
You must truly be
The most evil witch

Your enchanting eyes
And irresistible lips
That dark blonde hair
And those beautiful hips

But I have to resist
I have to be strong
Before I do something terribly wrong
Poetic Artiste Jun 2015
I write with my eyes closed,
When feelings are no more than colors,
floating in the darkness of my imagination,
Where fingertips flow fluently across pages,
I can only imagine catch the fallen words,
I write with my eyes closed,
and with an open mind.
Freedom is for my own hands to find.
There are times you believe you are ok. You fool yourself enough the world believes and when you are in the closure of your own being and leave expression solely on feeling free, then and only then will it show you are a little unsteady.
Cee Valenso Jun 2015
Captivating, conspicuously charming
A fragrance so enthralling
Bewitching the senses
Enticing the unfocused soul

Hypnotizing, hardly hypnagogic
Such unparalleled grace
A peculiar dancer
Coaxing the mind to perplexity

Anodyne, aberrant anesthesia
Resembling an ethereal angel
A touch appealing to tame flames
Surreptitiously gathering fuel

Sacrosanct, superficially sacred
Donned with deceptive modesty
An ambiguous spark
Threatening to begin a wildfire

Efflorescing, escaping encumbrance
Soon, a firm grasp on freedom
The freedom so prematurely served
Too early to be maximized

Incantations, whisper incantations
Silence the demented demons
An unconventional ritual
To fortify the continence
Ebbing continence
Another attempt made
Stall the impending debauchery
Enunciation is needed -
Esurience is never innate, but provoked
Janine Jacobs Jun 2015
Thoughts of you raises a pleasuring pain
While the devil's whispers roar within
Its deafening persuasion to ignore what is right
and lust after that which can never be mine
Torture so sweet, I beg at your feet
To crawl under my skin and consume me
Knights Jun 2015
Living at the edge...huh?
What's it like when you're actually at the edge?
What's the emotion and thoughts going through your head
Having such control over your own life
Should I jump
Your mind wants to be satisfied
Will you beat the temptation and actually survive

Should I jump

*Or stay alive
Kim Yu May 2015
A lifetime commitment
  To distant hopes,
A fall to the depth
  Of the ever-sloping slopes.
Everyday we search for eternal love,
Forever young the inevitable temptation
But forever the sky remains above
Evidence of desirous human emotions.
Forever can be enjoyed
  Like a fountain of one’s desires,
Forever can be feared
  Like Hell’s eternal fires.
Forever is a fantasy of the mind
And an eternal torment to the heart
Forever is depleting any resemblance of our kind
Yet we seek forever as it tears us apart.
We are so obessesed with forever which blinds us from remembering that we are temporal residents in bodies we occupy.
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