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marisa Oct 2014
When you’ve asked yourself, “what the hell am I doing with my life?”
Five times before you’ve even had your morning coffee
Which isn’t enough, so you grab a second coffee
Because you stayed up until sunrise writing a lab report on the psychological effects of coffee
They call that an education.

When you stare at screens and sheets of paper
Until Shakespeare’s sonnets and Sir John A. Macdonald
Are scratched into the blackboard on the inside of your brain
Only to have the slate wiped clean
The second your Scantron card spells “success” in Braille,
They call that an education.

When you’re swimming in, shall we call it, the Academian Sea
And tentacles reach out and start to pull you under one by one
And the lifeguards on the shore simply tell you to swim harder,
They call that an education.

I remember walking onto campus feeling so inspired
Ready to be re-wired
Until they said my arts degree would never get me hired
Now the time keeps passing by and I always feel so tired
And for what reason?
I’ve read countless books on history and Hamlet and how to speak Italian yet it seems as though the most I’ve learned is all the different ways I can doubt myself
I am creative, I am well-read, I am kind, I am caring, but I am a history major
And in a place where 3.0s and 4.0s and future capital value is practically etched into our skin for the world to read like a bad tattoo
Apparently that means I’m not going anywhere.
There are so many days when I want my tattoo removed
So people will stop staring at the decimal points and prerequisites that distract from the rest of me and look me in the eyes for a change and see in my smile that this is who I really am

But instead I’ll probably stay up late again
Learn names and dates again
Forget them after the test again

Because when you stare at that sheet of paper if you’re dedicated (or crazy) enough to make it that far
And you cover up your tattoo with your graduation gown only for them to draw your degree wherever enough skin shows to prove to the world that they’ve churned out another one
They call that an education.
i love learning, but i have a bone to pick with the education system.
DaSH the Hopeful Oct 2014
Generation Information:
Running 'round, drugs in cases
Even if ya hate ya placement
Time moves faster with some patience
Seniles claim *conspiracy;

Wonder what kinda bombs we makin'
Raising kids who feel forsaken
Walking round with Glocks, hoping they don't get blammed next,
No Christmas anymore;
Santa Claus is hooked on *Xanax

And once you get outta Hell
Get framed and put in jail
Its hard to crawl from the bottom back up to the place you fell
We say we work in retail
But shoes ain't what we sell,
So please cover your ears
Don't listen to what we tell.
Children taught to be pitiless
**** anybody with viciousness
Shot too high
Expecting adults
And that's where the militias went
Murdered by a lonely kid who got no Love
Trained to pull a weapon if push comes to shove
Look up in the sky
They made Ravens outta doves
*Sinned so much, afraid to ask forgiveness from above
This is my Generation
cloud Oct 2014
**** the system
Its a prison
What’s the difference between a classroom and a cell?
Tell me
Ask me
If needs be
Papers, papers - more papers
A score on a test paper?
Do they define us?
How could they?
You teach us-what?
what we don’t want to learn
The system
**** the system

It’s education
We all learn the same thing
Im seeing it clearly
Then you test us
And we don’t fulfill

What is normal?
Cliques, Crews, Groups
Definition - basic

I’ve never been a loner
But what is normal?
The people that don’t ask questions?
or the people that question questions?
See the world differently?
or blend in to what is custom?

What is real?
What’s not?
Wake up
You’re sleeping
**** the system

Don’t we all just get a little
Fed up
With what they
Feed us
But I’m eating , aren’t I?
But why?
It’s the way out
It's the system
**** the system
this was a little rant i had in my TOK class one day ,i ended up getting mad and wrote this instead.
Andrew Kerklaan Aug 2014
Waiting for the bus and beginning to lose my mind...

A minute turns to four, then twelve and now half an hour has passed me by...

Time keeps ticking, the sun keeps setting and the longer I sit the more I feel my rot

Calling to hear what I already know-- The bus aint' coming...And my inpatients grows!

No further ahead, no closer to my goal...

Just left behind...

                           By the bus that never showed
I wrote this just the other day. I don't think any explanation is needed...
...Just venting.

I usually try not to sound so "sing-song" about my writing but that's just how it came out...
DaSH the Hopeful Jul 2014
The dark and mysterious
Starved and delirious
Eddie Murphy shotgun
Guffaw at the pitiless
Just another sound from the TV
The livin room consumed by the gloom that was written in
The script of a cartoon poppin Ritalin to stay in tune with the
Mood of his peers eatin shrooms for dinner pour salt in the wound
No splenda
Suspended by their necks from the system as society forgets them
The news covers an angle
And tells you who's the victim
Saying the youth is the danger please don't go near them
Creating strangers out of family endangering a strain of love cause that's the only thing to overcome the ******* on their tongues
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