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Joseph Schneider Jul 2014
Though altercations of a secessionist sound stern,
Their minds are stuck and never learn.
Through a disabled rebellion their built,
Words designed to deplete one's self are spilt.
Although it's said consummation executes in the leaning vice of the secessionist,
The desecration becomes the birth of the segregationist.
The segregation of closed mindedness with those of the voice.
The voice has sculpted our worlds obedience choice by choice.
The voice has seen demons at their best and angels at their worst,
There is a reason why this world hasn't burst.
You see, our world is seen through a lens,
This lens doesn't defy our worth and script the uncleansed.
It simply sets a standard for the closed minded to follow,
The voice, doesn't have a standard to follow, this voice makes the lens for those left to follow tomorrow.

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved

Don't be a product of society's system. Be unique and become a Voice.
Arturo Hernandez Jul 2014
There was a small boy, in a little town,
Unknown to most people.
He was soaring, I remember,
As if running through to freedom.
He spread his arms between the crowds
In his navy blue pants and sweater,
His bright white polo
And his shiny shoes of patent leather.
The school bell rang
So he tucked his wings to grab his bag,
And he climbed up the steps
As fast as a little boy can
But the gate had just closed right in front of him.
He had his little hands
Gripped around the metal of the gate
And shook them wanting to get in;
He pushed his arm but only got his shoulder though.
There was a man
With no emotion in his face,
Watching him trying to find a way in,
But the man didn't move an inch.
The boy put his back against the fence
And I cried before walking back.
Nothing he said would change his mind.
That was me then but now I'm the man in the other side,
Having forgotten what it was like to spread my wings
And want to fly.
Cyrus Agons Jun 2014
The journey of our souls and mind
This rotting world makes the path confine
The ruling of fear destroys are ability to divine
The schooling of false wisdom keeps the generation in their line
Where is the true wisdom?
Do we dare to find?
The mindless drones that we have become
Following the ones who choose our path
A shame that few know that not doing so is wrath
The dumb whittle away on their machines to the system and point to the wise ones and laugh
That's the agenda; slaves to the system
No minds to think for ourselves
Accept the fact that your inner soul needs help
Accept the temporary bond you have with your shell
Accept the sore in the center of your heart before it begins to swell
Break away from the omnibus system and you shall be well
Aches in ones spirit foreshadows Hell
Live today as if your last
One mustn't focus on the past
Future is the major independent variable in this universe
Form the open mind that one desperately needs as not doing so will make it worse
it's ok May 2014
The stars were once so friendly,
dancing with the moon to radiate on each
satellite, plant, galaxy solar system
The stars were once so bright,
But that was before they saw a bitter life form
And they dimmed a little
They met the city lights, and saw they were
least important with such beauty,
A planet with stars of it's own,
which lead the stars to dim enough
But then the far away suns noticed
Hatred, and the beloved planets
not being taken care of,
water sources being drained,
Fake satellites being place all over,
The forbidden moon having
Earth's stolen elements stabbed into
Planets hid, and now
All the stars are all a dot to twinkle
Still holding onto that last piece of illumination
and lately, the moon seemed a little dimmer
How many times
How will you write
About a glorious light
It's mighty bright
When will you realize
it's worse off than you
                                        Let me be when I stargaze
            The sky will look back at me and reminiscence
carolina haraki May 2014
She liked watching the waves
Curl around her pale body
And pull her into the ocean’s world
She liked watching the birds
Descending off the golden coast
And then disappear into the sunset’s horizon
Sometimes,she dreamt of flying with them.
She dreamt of leaving everything behind,
She dreamt of falling in love everyday.
She dreamt of feeling like she could see the world,
In a different way.
The seaside made her feel this way,
But people didn’t.
They crashed her dreams
And watched her fall down on her knees
With evil words they filled her mind
And made her life a stressfull life..
So she ran,down the seaside,
Into the ocean
Into the waves
And she kept dreaming
Without restrains.
forgotten May 2014
All alone in this state of desperation
am I the only one, willing to fight
As if im waiting at this old station
waiting to be spiritually elevated into flight

too bright to be trapped inside this mediocrity
waiting to escape the grasp of this city

I can feel the potential within me
my teachers claim that it is and has been

My parents ask only for me to conform
I deep down know that I will never
Instead I ask for a complex reform
I beg for change

We are being blinded every day
I feel my eyes slowly closing
I feel my nails digging into my eyelids
Begging for them to open

I then wake up
and do exactly what the system has taught me to do

With remains of the abundance of scars
on my eyelids

and no change
fight the system.
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