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Kaity Apr 2018
summertime blues are rolling around
swinging and dancing in the breeze
before it's too late get out of this town
get out while you still have dreams

she quickly gathered all of her things
she made sure to clean up the mess
if only he hadn't kept the other ring
then he wouldn't have a hole in his chest

they say that nothing is ever new around
that every day is just as the last
but this is not just any quiet town
secrets lie in the dark shadows cast

summertime blues are rushing in
don’t let them sweep you off your feet
say goodbye to your innocence
say goodbye to your dreams
Biankha Sarahi Apr 2018
sunlight peeks through the window
birds compose early morning songs
a gentle nudge to wake me
to greet me
good morning
the day has begun!

sticky moisture in the air
clinging to my arms
summer time kisses on my skin
small pecks to remind me
hello! it’s me! the season of warmth!

citrus smells fill the air
orange tress have b l o s s o m e d
a sweet treat for my nostrils
my taste buds thank me too

in the yards, children play
engineers in a water hose transformation
from plain yard, to a roaring waterpark
coming to a yard near you
laughter and joyful shrieks
provide proof
of this summer time fun.

summer time smiles
summer time indulgence

welcome summer, we’ve been waiting for you
Anne Mar 2018
Exotic petals of yellow,
Hot pink and leaves of green
A sunrise of baby blues
And clouds made of cream.

A lei of Hibiscus
Whiskey and Tequila too
A paradise of softheartedness
Where the sun will never set on you.

Lilac skies in the west
Clouds made with a dash of tangerine  
A Pink Flamingo guarding her nest
A sight straight out of daydreams.

The spirits sway  
In the shadows of the palm trees
So come on down and meet us by the Cay
And let all your fears fall away.

Jo Barber Mar 2018
That ragged blue couch
Is held together by nothing
more than habit.

You walk towards me,
a warm drink in hand.
The steam floats up, up, up,
twirling and dancing
like the ballerina in my old music box.

The window hangs open,
a summer breeze blows in.
The air is soft and blue,
cooling with each darkening hour.

Do you remember it so?

It was the last summer before the funeral
and speeches, each word with less meaning
than the next.
It was the last summer of sun
and silence so sweet.
Of iced tea and long walks through the streets.
The last summer of fires and marshmallows,
and of Patsy Cline, oh so fine.

It was the last summer
on that old, blue couch,
a summer wind blowing,

with you there.
This is a revision of a former poem of mine about my father's death.
Anne Mar 2018
i see
i see Your face in the clouds
i see You're every shade of blue
in the sky
i see You
in every season
that passes me by

i hear
i hear a wise man  
i hear the wise man say
"you go your way
i'll go your way too"
i heard him say that
i knew he was talkin bout me n You

i feel
i feel You
i feel You just as the spring breeze came
but just like a robin
You got on up
and flew away

i miss You
i miss You like a butterfly misses
her favorite flower when it has died

but with the breeze she will glide
up to the lucid blue sky
to join her true love once again
on the flipside
Em Quinn Feb 2018
you were the only time,
i've ever let myself know what love feels like,
and you
d e s t r o y e d  m e.
because of   Y
I'm afraid to feel anything but sadness.
and now my heart...
it BURNS with anger,
because the love is still here in my heart.
     ******* i n g.
you made me hate me.

you made me hate  l
but still i let you manipulate me.
Em Quinn Feb 2018
three bright summer days,
letting myself fall for you...
what a sad mistake.
i'm sorry i wasn't enough.
BWriter Dec 2017
I walked through hell just to show my love what lust is,
Somehow we ended up corrupted,
My hearts full of sorrow,
Wondering where we could have been tomorrow,
Instead I'm chasing my dreams at the bottom of a bottle,
This liquors got my minds distorted,
Trying to hold myself together but I can't get off it,
Blowing up your phone calling you names,
These are the moments I'm the most ashamed,
That makes me feel like a coward,
This was never meant to make me feel empowered,
I'm the same man that brought you flowers,
We fell apart like that same rose bud,
Was it a single issue or was it an issue with us?
Or was it an issue with trust?
Now you're saying that you can't look back at us without a feeling of disgust,
The mistrust you saw in my eyes was the reason for your lies,
But that just sound like an excuse to me,
I don't know who you used to be,
Or this who you really used to be,
Now I'm throwing these other people to the side once they are of no use to me,
Isabelle Nov 2017
Summer time
summer love
as hot as the summer sun
brighter than the summer stars

summer time, summer love
but seasons do change
and summer only lasts every summer
so before you go, kiss me hard
kiss me long, the one that lingers
kiss me, the one that will get me through
the next summer
Kiss me hard before you go..
-Summertime Sadness by Lana del Rey

Playlists and Footnotes
Mari Carrasco Nov 2017
summertime has never been my favorite.
the sun is too bright.
the days are too long.
public pools are *****.
and so are those men,
you know the ones.
the ones who you can't help but catch their eye.
the ones your fifteen year old mind had been conditioned to ignore.
the ones your twenty year old self has been told to smile for.
the strangers.
the fathers.
the uncles.
the family friends.
the men that made your mother tell you to close your legs for when you were ten because you were drawing attention.
the ones who shouldn't have been looking.
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