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Zach E S Apr 2015
To go to sleep upset.
No words will be met.
Our silence is clear enough.
Like a duet.
We share this stage.
Full of rage.
And can't admit it.
xx Mar 2015
It was always the "good night"
That makes you leave
Impatient for the sun
To come and for you to see
How it steals your darkness
From those eyes of yours
But you always keep it closed
And walk the road alone
Nessa dieR Mar 2015
Messy, blind, deaf and dumb
Goofy, stupid and stubborn
It's all I've been for you
It's all I have become
Haggard, skinny, ugly, insane
Goofy, silly, slow, in pain
All this I have been told
completely uncontrolled.
You noticed this
But said no words
You could've warned me
**I deserved to know.
Steele Jan 2015
I took the path less travelled by,
and found to my chagrin
that the path I walked was paved in good intentions
and devoid of friend and kin.

Though in walking those trails, I only meant well,
The herd is the entity that most oft prevails;
The lion devours the lone gazelle,
who of the well worn path did not avail.
Pride precedes the fall.
Jodie LindaMae Dec 2014
It's always been easy
To see your spark
That causes the glowing embers
Inside of me
But it was always a temporary thing before,
A lovely thing I would tend to cling to
Even when the world conspired against me.
I am alive tonight,
With wires flickering in my being
And your absence in this bed tonight
I was never one to succumb to love
But I will succumb to you,
O wretched destroyer of my walls.
Because of you
I have stepped from my comfort zone
Into uncertainty,
Into obscurity.
How vain it is
That I say we are the cult film
Amid others so dry and lame.
Classic rock music
Teaches girls like me
To stay away from men like you
But today I am proud of my
lily Dec 2014
the walls you've built
were made of stubborn bricks
and were very high
but i will take down
one brick at a time
though it would not be easy because you're just as stubborn as the bricks
but i won't give up
because i am stubbornly in love with you
     with me

Is like

With a
~you CAN break me down~

Number 7 in my series of truths. Click mytruths to read them all, Thank you.
Aggie W Nov 2014
I begged you not to.
So many times.
But darling, so stubborn,
So naive, like a movie,
A romantic comedy,
You fell in love with me.
LA Brown Oct 2014
I am haunted with the breeze that was you...

Barely noticeable, a memory long gone, a faint whisper in the air.

Without any warning it becomes gusting with a voracious rage, cloaking my very being with rapacious eagerness, consuming me in whole.

I crumble to the floor like a tear-stained rag doll, destroyed by  my unwillingness to admit, I miss you.
Kandace Sep 2014
My acts of stubbornness had played
through my mind like an endless

I let myself believe that I could have
moved on without you, but then I
drowned in the shallow crevices of
my mind, haunted by regret.

In every twist and turn, I saw images
of you and her, happily reuniting, as I
was left in the dust.

Only then did I realize that our lives
were never meant to conform to my
thoughts of a happily ever after.

But if only I had risen above my
pride and anger, would you have
loved me then?

If only I had accepted your apology,
where would we be now?

If only I had been a solid enough part
of your life, you would not have
moved on so easily, right?

If only all my efforts had been a good
enough reason for you to fight for
me, would you have withdrawn your
sword on what could have been?

I had questions, but all the answers
had been embedded into the heart
of somebody else's.
Where I wrote this: still lying on my bed, tapping away on the Notes app on my phone, and struggling to find the right words to use.
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