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ScribeMeAName Feb 2020
Speech is cheap.
Silence is gold.
So we are told.

And yet many advice,
But in practice they lie.
Empty words,
Empty minds.

God's language in silence you'll find.
Peace and serenity, for God speaks with sincerity.

Even a fool may seem wise when quiet. For silence is golden. A speech so powerful, it can never be stolen.
Mark Barecki Feb 2020
Children of the revolution
Illusions with deadly end
Children of darkness 
Dreamers about crystal pure suits
Traitors lovers kissers liars
And I
Back to the roots
But Master leave that
So then again
Time believe in nothing
May nothing breed better gift
Eternally things goes uknown way
S H Violet Feb 2020
We are never at rest,
even when we take a moment
to get lost inside ourselves.
We are in orbit.

I’ve done my best
to keep pace with the spin,
adapting to the life
in constant change around me.

One day you came
through the fog I was navigating.
Cold, gray monotony
turning prismatic before me.

Still I knew,
the spin doesn't pause.
I just hope you find a way
to be the thing that lasts.
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2020
Soul washing
Is entirely different
One doesn't need
Any guidelines
Not any rituals
Not any sacrament
Not any particular time
Not any change of clothes
Not distinct air to inhale
Not any price to pay
Not the holi water
No, nothing
As such

Touching lives
Just stay human
Genre: Spiritual
Theme: Devotion
The two become one, Thoughts and words in a rhythemical display of Love.
Even in our fallen state, we can ascend to heights through the power of Love, for Love is a power unto itself. If we seek to transform the world, our eyes must look beyond the veil, and our hands and hearts must become the very instruments of a "Love Supreme" like John Coltrane, our humanity towards one another is a music that reaches into the Throne room of The Heavens.

From our Eyes, below to that which is above, may our words and actions reignite the forged fires of the Soul. Let the words of our mouth Spiritually be of medicinal use to "The Soul of The World".
It is our charge to keep, and a calling that we all must answer at some point in our lives to provoke change in the powerful name of Love.

There is a greatness in beyond the chaos we see. No longer do have to accept that our fate is that of hate, despair, and disrepair. The human spirit was not forged with complacency, but a tenacious expectancy with a hope breaks down barriors like the "Wall of Jericho" and the Berlin Wall.

We are the Hands of God. And via the hope filled lines of poetry, we can write into history a New Genesis. With the consensus that the human condition is made well by the infallible touch of the heart.
It is my fervrent prayer that we remember Love like the air we breathe, and we extend Grace and Mercy one to the other forming a bond that is not easily shattered by divisions that corrupt our spiritual eye sight. There is nothing greater than the Lazarus affect of a resurrected Love.

A Love Untold, yet Unfolding in the symmetrical lines of poetry. From my mind, heart and hand, may we see through each others Eyes that a Life of Love is Sublime.

Kevin Mitchell..
Tina RSH Feb 2020
You come to me in hunger
preying on my flesh.
I nuzzle your weary feathers
Now they feel robust again
And fly you high to the sky.
I am not your food dear.
There's only so much of me I can give away.
Kenshō Feb 2020
giggling i dash
phases and i slip passed
cloak caught on mara's thorns
no one looks within
but only at what is worn
follow the barren arrow
toward the ancient barrows
where the winding ways become narrow
and all is resting still

Nothing is what for i asked
where simply i am present
no future or past
And ones mind isn't molded
like an egyption tomb
explicit in caste
but warm in the womb
display shoshin in bloom
to inherent the present's heirloom

and when all is like before it begun
does any other stand higher than one
because if we fight over either
we're bound to be done
Forbiden Fruit Feb 2020
"I want to meet you
in a place,
Beyond the fabric of
Time and space,
A place where there's
No right or wrong,
A place where we sing
The melody of our own,
A place that is known
Only to our ears"
Marla Feb 2020
It flows through the veins of the forgotten.
It lives, yet has not taken air in years.
It is ashen of colour,
Hard-hearted of thought,
It lies dormant until it doesn't.
It feels lonely.
You mean it makes them feel lonely?
No. It makes them feel loved,
For feelings are love,
Even the ashen ones.

It flows through the veins of the forgotten
Where the sun will never reach it
But every now and then
A wind breaks through
And brings autumn leaves
Or spring blossoms
Violet snow
And for a day it exists in colours
And on the quiet days
It recalls
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