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Monday, January 27th, 2020

The crux of spiritual efflorescence originates from the seat of the soul. The self is the nexus to transcendence. Humanity has historically looked outside of itself for the change it hopes to sire.
We must ameliorate our ailed cognition before our words can wax healing. When we genuinely ease the suffering within, light shall exude & emanate from our entities. Therefore, introspection, a spiritual mandate, is enquired from the firmaments.
Though pain can at times burnish a fervid sting upon our sensory crux, we must allow this to penetrate us fully. Before the healing can genuinely burgeon, angst must take its course. Moreover, layers of hurt must be processed before reaching our luminescent heart.
The Heavensward loves us aeonically so: Jah, the Cosmo- Plexus of Empyreal Love. Therefore, trust that in the silence of solitude, our spirits will be dovetailed with the Most High God. The Great Apothecary knows our maladies. The God of Freedom is also conscious of the instant upon which to unfurl manumission.
Liberty, or much of freedom, finds its inception upon the Mind's Sky. How can we be free unless we truly fathom it to be? What a fallacy, a probabilistic impossibility! Without awareness, one cannot seize that which is rightfully —their birthright.
Trust that you are free and always be just so. When you do, no soul will be able to expostulate otherwise. Belief, therefore, is power, is emancipation.
Love endlessly. Liberty never leaves the one who bathes in the Baptistery of Esprit d' Amour. Know your worthiness to honor, heartsease, what's more, the grace, the virtue, & the excellency of life. Carry on, surrender naught, fight the fine fight, run fully the race. —Se' lah.

Rise Heavensward,

Transcend fear & doubt,

Banish all hesitation,

Elysium is Within,
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

-Anaïs Nin

"Now Jehovah is the Spirit, and where the spirit of Jehovah is, there is freedom."

-2nd Corinthians 3: 17

“A man is not called wise because he talks and talks again; but if he is peaceful, loving and fearless then he is in truth called wise.”

-Gautama Buddha

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love."

1st John 4:18

By Sanders Maurice Foulke III
Candra Creviston Jan 2020
So much I want to say so much I want to do,
I can't think straight.
I have to remember to say,
I'm sorry to the one's I let down or hurt the most.

A mother's love is never changing,
when I say I love you it remains the same always.
I'm your guardian angel and  I will always have your back.

So don't worry boy's your momma will be okay.
In those last day's I will spend it with my kids.
My baby boys who have grown up into young men.

So don't worry about your momma,
I'm in a better place.
I will have my wings and fly like my brother and be free.

So in my final hours don't cry for me,
I won't be in pain.
I will always be with you even when you can't see my face.

In those final hours of my last days,
don't cry or be sad.
Think of me as an angel who has her wings, smile and say,
"that's my momma an angel with wings."

So in my final hours all will be okay,
I will always love you for eternity.
Remember your momma always has your back.
I'm your greatest fan,
you can be whatever you want to be.

You're amazing never change for anybody,
you're perfect just the way you are.
This goes out to my boys,
a poem a reminder that your momma loves you always.
Poem found at link below
Hannah Jones Jan 2020
Maybe this
is the look
of fading intimacy--

As we continue
to light candles
gold flickers on
dimly-lit tableware
Bread (the same as always)
still needed
still sacred


Time is where
the ties that bind
are woven
over and under
a basket
meant to carry
budding life
through denial

--Intimacy faded,
but not away:
rather, blazing affection
morphed into subtlety,
into routine
like breathing:
as you think,
you struggle,
so best to let the body
do the work
it was made for.

To be this close
is to recognize only your body
your breath
your words
for any Other
is close enough
to be completely entwined,
To separate
is to die
and this partnership
is life itself.

When passion cools
may strength be seen
in what is not heard.
Sometimes, in the gentle glow of an afternoon mass, I'll get a glimpse of how some people call this relationship "romantic". I want that.
Erik Luo Jan 2020
No matter where I go
I always see you
No matter where I look
I always know you
No matter what I do
I am doing it for you
No matter what I feel
It is my love for you

You are the trees and the sky
the night and the light
the voice and the cries
the face and the eyes
the bottle and the wall
the paper and the claw...

I walked down the street
and saw you
so I turned the other way
and saw you again

I walked back and forth
without time
til I forgot who I am

As I see you again and again
Not knowing sometimes
The line between us
faded away

And everything becomes clear
Of course it is this way
It has to be
It just is
'Birthing poetic breaths into being.
Bringing forth cosmic consciousness.
Disguised as my incarnating dreams.
What a gift to me?
To become each and every day a better version of me.
These are the poetic thoughts always stirring about in me.
This is the 'Namaste  Child's State of Being.'

Copyrighted (2016)
The art of manifesting poetry onto the waiting page.
riley minteer Jan 2020
i drew a line in crush'd corals
to separate the right from wrong
disregarding past-life morals,
none are right and nothing's wrong

forget-me-not, daisy, chain
laced around your throat
a kind of leaf'd, vile, locket
that doubles as a noose

please do not forget me,
i've cut up both my knees
i'll take upon your burdens,
you burden me with ease.
-riley minteer
(from “mind soul heart”)
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
riley minteer Jan 2020
we picnic during solstice,
neon-chartreuse vertigo
vision morphs and bends,
we're weightless, astral high
in constant ego death,
eyes so lunar dilated
bits of stars surround us
on the f*cking moon

seven violent truffles
i’ve been high for so long
i rise, thirteen a.m.
in a drab and dreary coma
when i take another sip,
like a wilting lilac-
then spring begins so soon

everything inanimate
speaking in slow tongues
living and observing
from their place of immobility

slow kisses to your skin,
it melts on my lips quickly
like cathedral waxes
in the carmine breeze

everything is alive,
sobriety is so silent
we get high on the roof,
an ashen rocked collision
seven violet tablets
violent constellation
vibrant vein pulsation,
euphoric crystal lines
a new cosmic collusion,
peripheral discernment
we ascend to highest heavens,
just to plummet to the sea.
-riley minteer
“everything is alive”
(from “mind soul heart”)
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
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