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Kelsey Banerjee Jun 2020
against the moon rays
we drank rose milk,
burned the petals beside
sandalwood and benzoin.
we wondered
how anything could be
as magnificent as this moment?

I plucked rangoon creepers
they did not slip through my
fingers into dust
like the crepe myrtles. at your feet
I laid bengal trumpets and
lavender; pink oleander,
between your toes.
smoldering agarbatti
wafted over your eyes
everything cedar smoke and fire -
no burnt offering
could smell as sweet.
Amanda Sant'Anna May 2020
Love doesn't say "excuse me"
Love finds a tiny crack
Between the walls of hatred
And then
Then love gets in.
It's potent, the blood, that sits in my stomach
Darkness enveloped, body numb
This is how it is
When your the coming up
I wish things were different
But it is what it is
When you're just a product

A lot of parties, too many mollies, feeling like a zombie
I've got to get out of this place
But I've danced to their melody, seen the un-seen
and sold my soul
I will never find peace, It will haunt me
Wherever I go

I was passionate, desperate, but paid dearly for it
And all I have to show for it are blood-soaked tears
Nevermind my body
Which is covered in scars

Heart torn out
Soul gone
Look at me now mother, look at me now  father
Did your little boy do you proud?
veevee May 2020
Everything will fade,
What you hold dear,
What you thought yours,
What generates pride.

Everything will pass,
The reasons for your joy,
The cause of your sorrow,
The illusion of self.

A brief interlude of existence,
A drop in infinity,
A fleeting moment of meaning,
A defiant blip in nothingness.

Enjoy the ride,
Cherish the now,
Shed your fears,
Do not laments pour.

Everything will subside,
Then spring forth anew.
Everything will end,
Then start in new guise.
Some reflections on impermanence of existence
Your presence is unholy, you pull me in slowly
I bend the knee
You are legendary
I giveth, you taketh
The only way to escape my body

I dug this grave, it's the only place
That makes me feel safe
I giveth, you taketh
Show me bliss, tear my wings
Teach me a lesson
I don't care what the demons bring

Feeling strong, finally found a place
Where I belong
I gave, you took
Soul set ablaze, Darkness understood
You were with me
All along

Thank you Lucifer for all the laughter
A true savior, a wonderful teacher
See you again
When things get darker
Blissful Nobody May 2020
There's no beyond, only this.
So live a little and a little more,
In this moment of absolute truth.
Find yourself from the very begining,
There is no end in this eternal moment.

There is no becoming, only unbecoming.
Learn to unlearn and be fluid,
Flow like the wind, force like water,
This body to dust and dust to body,
Knowing your eternal form.

There no learning, only unlearning,
Memories bind you to a finite form,
Break this open and find your being,
Infinite fractals in the infinitesimal,
There is no beyond, only this.
To be
Viktoriia May 2020
your gods are weak,
your gods are silent,
your gods don't speak to you
when all you need
is someone to confide in.
your gods are wrong,
your gods are violent,
your gods ignite the fire of war
and never tell you what to do
with all this rage inside your bones;
the fire seems so very holy
unless it's you they choose to burn.
your gods pretend,
your gods play games,
your gods don't walk around
among this land
of misery and death.
your gods know best,
your gods keep quiet,
your gods don't speak to you
when all you need
is someone to confide in.
and when you're on your own,
when all the hope is lost,
do they look down at you,
your everloving gods?
Those in the shadows
Are doomed to hollow
Existing with nothing inside
And no tomorrow in sight
Freedom and Money are fallacies
Society too shall follow
Society, blinded by those that be
Mind and spirit closed
Look in the mirror society
You are nothing but a joke

Billions of tragedies always following
Never questioning
Stay in your little safe bubble
While I explore the unforgivable - the terrible
So I can be alongside those knowledgeable
The ones who lurk within...
The shadows.
Off to wonderland, a nightmare of a dream
If only you could see

Nothing but a  stain
To those that be
No end in sight, for my misery
so here I lay
To numb the pain
I believed
But I was only deceived

Wonderland, the place
Where you don't make amends
A place where your beliefs
Are canned
The place
Where you'll surly know pain
First hand

It wasn't worth it
But I was desperate
Now I'm ******, forever
In wonderland.
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