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Ash Jul 2020
You are not the pages of a book, though you breathed them. If you were, upon closing, we would no longer experience you. You are a never-ending poem, the graceful break of a reckless wave. You are a perfection that loves--a perfection that we don't have to tire ourselves striving for.  You tell us to be still, knowing that you are God.  Your love is three dimensional but it only requires one to accept it.  And yet, it confounds us because You are simple goodness and we are the product of overthinking.
Mamta Wathare Jul 2020
Only you could have loved me so
So deeply
So fully
Waiting patiently
For me to cross the barriers between us
Until I realized, I was always yours
Erik Luo Jul 2020
At the end of my life
I merged back to you
And I look back at all the moments
And stood in awe at its divinity

We have planned this for eternity
To have this perfect experience
To live through our suffering
And see the depth of its meaning

We loved and we cried
We are so grateful and proud
Hope took us through this journey
Of finding ourselves and loving it

The perspective shifts
Like infinite lives folding
Like how we hug and kiss
Moving towards that emptiness

The great story that we made up
Is so beautiful that we all cried
We hurt and loved each other
So that we can be together

Through this infinite journey
Our bond is never-ending
When you become me in the morning
We both see each other in eternity

To that future we will experience
Every moment is never wasted
Every second is added to the whole
To make all the others
infinitely more beautiful

We joined hands as we merged
Our hands and arms holding tight
Like water we become one
And we know this will be forever

I love you
It echoed infinitely
From me to you and you to me
And we become this holy thing
As our being lives and dies
We became nothing
Mona Jul 2020

as soon as i flow freely
i remember
there's a gate
dragging me to the past
back on goes the cast
it happens so fast

it feels like fate
as if i am cemented into the gate
the gate to my past
any glimmer of hope dashed in a blast
it happens so fast

my life is juxtaposition
of attempts to succeed
and temptation to bleed
addicted to pain
as if by virtue of loss there's nothing to gain

life punctuated by pain
i lay in bed
to rest my head
but there is goes again
my inner critic awakens
i submit, forsaken

the space where my life begins and ends
the juxtaposition reinforced
success left at the door
and pain endorsed
Talia Jul 2020
Laying open on the table
They are pulling
A person at each limb
Tugging me apart from within
Competing for all I can give
Their nails sinking through the skin
Don’t let them in
Tension through my bones
Finds an epicentre at the core
And will rupture I am sure
under the opposing pressures
torn by what what they want from me
I am the crossroads
This strain entices me to cave
Oh self please consume me
I am impaled by these paths
that pervade my airways
Nostrils filled by roads
that suffocate me
Which do i take?
or is it that I simply break?
Erik T Blaze Jul 2020
Hard Topics more or less Essential?
To speak your mind raise your voice
Your choice

Life fundamentals which are potentially not fun to mention or list them in a Corrupt System
That is Systematically

Absurd to merge these choice words
with opposing verbs
To please the Masses

Seeing how The Watchers watch
and observe from an Orbital distance

For they have their Watchmen and henchmen but not to be confused with
Jehovah's true or 2 witness

For the rings of Saturn have
dangerous curves

These here I recognize as anti-Christ like
or anti-Christian affiliated or anything
remotely anti-Christ or anti-

Like a one world Religion

I'm talking NWO false prophetic enlisted
Tricksters mixed in with vicious
Political figures

No figment of my imagination
hearsay or a conspiracy with a twist

I'm just down for exposing
Who's Who
Call me a Conspiracist
with a list

No.. better yet
I'm more like a Realist
with a real list

And no I'm not Heaven sent
or Hell bent on the descension of
your opinions

Because I have my own Ascension
to ascend to

With other worldly entities from other
Dimensions against me
Who hate me for being Christ affiliated
and Christ opinionated

With a whole unholy Nation sanctioned
to alienate me with more hatred?
Big Mistake

For I'll just debate it as being Under-estimated
And hold true to the Essentials
of Life fundamentals
Another one of my older writes 5 years ago
Kelsey Banerjee Jul 2020
From wood to wood
teak faces painted red
I wash your feet
with salt from heaven’s rim.

I observe
the eye of god
from our window I
the carving of sorrow
it sprouts from Shiva’s
black hair, the Ganga
seeps from it like a serpent.

we go to the temple
complaints like cigarettes
in the stub box
smoke suffocates our hearts
so that we can offer
god only dead things.
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