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Anna Magill Jul 2020
“You don’t have a soul, but you are a soul and you have a body.” ​- C.S. Lewis

So my sweet soul, a scintillating song
Where golden stardust collides
And flowers pulse through my veins

The body, still as a stone
How the being it becomes

From the dust of our ancestors
Built from the Earth, the beginning of time

Who are we? I must ask

When we saw the first speck of that bright light
Pulled from the mother’s womb
To a world of despair and destruction

We are that gold, laced through the porcelain and glass
Binding our broken world, we are that gold, I say

Born perfect to an imperfect realm
Good-hearted and kind, I know who I am now
We are the souls of the land, cast down by a gracious hand

For a short time, I will stay

But one day, my body will become still once more
And my soul will be again welcomed by my creator
This is based on the quote by C.S. Lewis and my views on our souls.
Anna Magill Jul 2020
The color of Queens
The light shining through temples
Carpets so extravagant, it’s like walking on sunlight
Fires, filling the rooms with splendor
Glints of radiance, shining off of girls’ dresses
Power, money, wealth
Old Roman princesses
Jewelry, hidden in golden hair
The smell of metals, dusted from the earth
A fairy forest, shimmering with magic
Untold stories of riches once great
Crowns so refined they could melt
A raw yearning of elegance
A color so deep, it is invaluable
In a class we had to pick a color to write a poem about, I chose gold.
Anna Magill Jul 2020
He kissed her sleeping soul
With soft lips, she lost him
Like earth’s heart, the room constricted
Its body and mind
Filled with papers and pens
Scattered about the chairs and boards
That room endured long after them, but
On God’s bed, they slumber forever
This was a super weird poem I made for a class, with it definitely giving off a strange love vibe.
Anna Magill Jul 2020
The heartbreak and the hurt.
The love and the kindness.
We are brought into this world with a bang,
But leave it with only a soft whisper.

The tiny voice echoing in our mind,
Guiding us along robust journeys.
Across the mighty sea,
And around the pillars to heaven.
We always seem to look up.
To the tiny bits of light;
The angels chipping away at the sky.
We hope and we pray,
To someday be one of those stars.

Maybe we will one day.

Maybe we will find that secret place.
Where we can be whoever we want,
And be together once again.
I wrote this at the same time as "I Wanna Be There" so they kinda read similar to each other.
Anna Magill Jul 2020
The place we all dream about.
The place where our pain never existed.
Can there be such a place?

Everyone always asks
Where will we go when we die?
I always wonder, where were we before?

Before our creator shaped us into beautiful beings,
And before time itself burst into life.
When all of a sudden,
Colors we couldn’t envision exploded in a whirlwind;
And the stars built planets of great magnitudes.

To the ends of the earth,
We search.
For that place, we call home.

Is it real?
The feelings and thoughts we endure,
The rooms that fill our minds?

We may never know, I’m afraid.
For all we can do is live this life to the fullest.
Gugulethu Jul 2020
water Your hands turned to wine
brighter than the sun, in darkness You shine
the raging sea in Your presence is still
to my heart You brought peace and tranquil

father turned his back to me
but for me, Father You were nailed to a tree

sight You gave to him who could not see
though science says it cannot be
at Your word the dead are given life
in my darkest days You give me light

father made himself dead to me
But for me, Father You died so I am free

You gave the ability of motion to a man without
forgive me for the days when I seem to doubt
You put food on dusty tables and empty plates
if at dawn they starved, at dusk they ate

father never came back to me, though I forgave
But for me, Father You rose from the grave
Gugulethu Jul 2020
"Stop trying to fit your feet in a pair of shoes that I have not designed for you to wear.
Your feet will only end up bruised and broken."

So I listened this time.
I removed the shoes.

He wept at the sight of my bleeding feet.
He felt my pain.
He knew my pain.

The concept of walking barefoot terrified me.
My feet needed healing and I knew the path I was taking would not always be smooth.

The story of Two Footprints in the Sand?
Well, it's true.
I witnessed it first-hand
He carried me to the next stop.
He gave my feet the time they needed to heal.

He handed me a new pair of shoes.
Comfortable shoes.
Shoes He had designed specifically for me to wear.
They were beautiful.
Like nothing I had ever seen.

"Trust me",
He whispered in my hear.

"Stop trying to fit your feet in a pair of shoes that He has not designed for you to wear.
Your feet will only end up bruised and broken."

Remove them.

Be Patient.

YOUR shoes will come.
Orah Jul 2020
It’s TIME for judgement day to come
Is what most people are saying
It’s TIME for Christ to return
Is what most people are saying
It’s TIME for the end of the world
Is what most people are saying
But what if in reality it’s actually TIME for us to change
Real change occurs in the Heart
It’s TIME for us to be compassionate
It’s TIME for us to love our neighbors
It’s TIME for us to allow Jesus Christ to enter our hearts
In this time of darkness, I pray that each and every single one of you that got this far in my message takes the TIME to look within and allow God to fix what’s broken.
Because it’s that TIME
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