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German Rodriguez Feb 2021
The next could be us,
Ponder the connection?

Soldiers of Lives
Peons of the Eons
Messengers of Millennia
Souls of Seasons

Hands; smooth, tender
Eyes; sensitive, splendor
Heart; calloused, hardened
Soul; damaged , darkened

Two kingdoms, one Land
Reign of Heart, leads to hand in hand
Monarchy of Mind, breeds chaos in the silence
Duel kingdoms, inner conflicts under one alliance

The next could be us,
But not quite us.
A Nexus of souls our world witnesses.
I laid awake...
Thoughts, fears and worries flooding and poisoning my mind.
The past, present and future swirling like a mist. Inescapable, I am lost and unable to find a way out.

So tired so I closed my eyes...
Hoping to find solace, to find peace...
Floating... Suddenly I'm floating in darkness,  oh what bliss.
Looking down, I see my frozen body, not dead and still alive but not consciously aware that I am not one with it. The divine universe has called upon me.

At first there was darkness and then colours... Every colour in the spectrum...
I float through space and time...
I am one with the universe.

A cluster of stars... A divine intervention and spiritual awakening takes place.
It cradled me and spoke to me like a child sitting on it's mother's lap about to be given wisdom and a lesson.
"My dear child, why do you place upon your shoulders so much worry and overwhelm yourself with the things you can't control? What should've been (your past) and what will be (your future) are the things you cannot change or control. Let the past go, let it be... Focus on the present you. Continue to be kind, compassionate and loving. You are a pure soul...
Leave the future to us and all that is yet to happen will be revealed to you in the right time.
Go forth and live your life dear child, do not worry and give it all up to us."
I smile at the cluster of stars and embrace it for some time...

I fall again, through the colours, then in the dark.
And with a jolt I am back in my body once more.
The divine universe has spoken...
I'm at peace and I'm spiritually awakened.
Based on a dream that helped me spiritually awaken
Safrina Kabir Jan 2021
I look around
And see the broken pieces of glass
The failure I have brought.

Tears in my eyes,
Blood in my hand,
Hope drains out of me
So does bleed my heart.
For the failure I have brought.

In the midst of the glass ,
A little soil is left,
Here I want to rest,
Rest for the rest.

Though a little is left,
A little life in me,
A little soil beneath,
All drained out
With the failure I have bought,

I want to rest ,
Rest for the rest of life
Rest for the rest of time.
Failure is inevitable in life . But sometimes innumerable failures and disappointment causes one to lose the last drop of hope. Again giving up is okay sometimes rather than losing everything.
Sato Jan 2021
Oh how I adore them
Their piercing eyes
Stare deep
Into me
Their hands cover my ears
So that I might see their beauty
Oh how I adore them
When they crush the lungs
Of those who love them
Stepping on them like a knife into cake,
Cutting into the veins of those who hate them,
Swallowing every last drop that comes out
Oh how I adore them
When they discipline me for getting lost,
When they smother me for glancing away from them
They’re all I desire
Oh how I adore them
They’ve taken every last drop
But they need it the most
Cover my ears, dear
Cover my eyes, love
Slit my wrists,
Make me black and blue,
Fill me with your hatred,
Make me want none but you
For if I leave I have nothing
Oh how I adore you
For devouring my love,
My compassion,
And drinking my innocence
Make me your shadow
That all who see me only see you
Make me your bride
She didn't always receive what she deserved.
But she understood that not everyone was the same.
She kept her distance a lot of the time, always watchful but not always careful.

Protect yourself and your dignity at all times.
But she was the kind, to not always listen to advice in time.

She gave out honour to just everyone around her, she encountered.
But she was careless when it came to herself.

She was the type to take it all in...
Absorbed the wrong energy from the ones that surrounded her.

She read them like a book, she said to herself.
But the words they recited to her, didn't always mean the same things that she comprehended.

She kept building walls up, to defend her fragility.
But allowed the wrong ones to tear them down brick by brick.

But she still refused to avoid her beliefs, she still gave out honour even if it was the last thing she did.
Troy Wylie-Hill Jan 2021
I am all the things I despise in others but I am all that is virtue
I am all the shame but I am all the redemption
I am all the fear but I am all the courage
I am all the hate but I am all the love
I am all the blame but I am all the compassion
I am all the guilt but I am all the forgiveness
I am all the judgement but I am all the acceptance
I am all that is human but I am one human
I am all that is separate but I am all that is one
I am reflected but I exist
I am
How do you know you've met your twin flame?

Well, in your darkest days and your darkest hours, they're the beacon of light that shines through the darkness that consumes you.

They're the hope that makes you keep living, when all you want to do is stop existing.

They're your cheerleader in your greatest moments.

The ones that make you feel loved, when you don't love yourself.

Twin flames give you a reason to stay alive and keep living.

At times when you're on your knees about to give up on your dreams, twin flames will always be there to pick up and mend your broken pieces.

They're the ones that understand and hear you when no one else wants to listen.

And makes your life just feel a little bit easier to deal with.

Twin flames are the ones that carry pieces of you no matter how far apart you are in distance, but would never make you forget that your existence has a purpose.

They're the ones that carry the burdens of loving every part of you, but would never hold anything against you.

Twin flames are your muses that inspire you just to be you, the ones that encourage you to show the world every part of you.

They're the ones that keep supporting you no matter how many mistakes you make in life.
And above all twin flames are souls, that you find are the missing parts of you that make you whole.

When you find your twin flame never let them go and return the blessings to them that they always share with you.
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