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Ritz Writes Feb 5
Teach me mother how to say NO..
To raise my voice and swim across the oceans.
To value safety over politeness.
To feel comfortable in my own skin without seeking any validation from the outside world.
Teach me mother to hit back, when I'm mistreated, when my feelings are not validated and disrespected.
Teach me mother to know what I want.
To be brave, stand tall and bold.
Teach me mother to believe in my dreams, to dream of a better world.
Because when you're gone, I'll carry the legacy, that doesn't have to be out of pain and suffering.
Mother, teach me to be my own hero so that I won't tread the path taken by you again.
As a woman, I empathize my mother.
As a daughter, I am angry.
Cné Dec 2024
Hmmmm, who are you….
In my closet of old skeletons,
you snoop and you pry
Seeking clues in my words,
to unravel me, you may try
But I ask, with a curious stare
Who are you,
to question who I am,
and why I care?
Just a snippet that came to me. “Who who are you?” asked the owl.
Ritz Writes May 2020
The 4 am drive to the airport
Sealed with melancholy and unbarring silence.
Sweaty hands interlocked;
Afraid to let go.
For two hours of staying wide awake wasn't enough to absorb the repercussion we would soon be battling with.
And the new faces are just a mirage, collected stories and memories still imprinted in closed notes; the counted days of our momentary bliss.
The wait never felt like a burden, rather worth the wait to enjoy our last bite of meal.
Tight hugs and kisses, as I walked through the door with my bags and suitcases,
Never thought one day, that was the final draft of our story for five years back.
"No matter how much suffering you went through, you never wanted to let go of those memories." ~ Haruki Murakami ❀
imparo Jan 2020
You didn't know how you should ask,
I didn't know how I should tell
And so, things didn't work out well.
Ritz Writes Aug 2019
Teach me how to love Mama
As you cradle me in your loving arm.
Teach me how to feel the pain in this fragmented mortal realm
Where love decayed and a wistful nostalgic era replays
On the mind of every human;
To dwell in peace.
Teach me how to face the music Mama
In life's journey as I embark on my coming days.
Teach me how to put myself to sleep Mama
When you'll be gone
The days won't be the same anymore.
Ritz Writes Jun 2019
In the land of strangers and suspense,
air filled with excitement to explore what lies ahead, may I find my path with you to hold me when I am lost.
May you be my guiding light to lift me when I fall and begin again where we've left.
" Grow old with me, the best is yet to be.." ~ Robert Browning ♥
Ritz Writes Mar 2019
Sweet revolution on your tongue
Loosing the urge to run.
Escape and savor the moment of bliss
Dwelling in peace.
Insanity awaits flooding into our soul;
Futile to resist
As we embrace and fingers trace
The goosebumps on my skin
Like a blind man reads braille.
Carpe Diem!
Human Desire. ♥
Jesse stillwater Dec 2018
Mushrooms popping
up everywhere
moving pine-cones
like unturned stones
not even the weight
of lapsing maple leaves
can keep them down
as they reach up for sun

Four legged soul-mate
friskily passes them by
on her way to sparse
apples the deer didn't find
looking for a moment
to feel sun's slithering balm
where the mushrooms
bask in a warmhearted calm
Jesse — 2018
a walk outback
a minute ago near sunset
Mortecai Null Nov 2018
After seeing her stars and collection of astronomy posters, Ellis once asked if she wanted to be an astronaut.
She simply replied, “What would be the point? It wouldn’t be any different than watching it on television.”  
Ellis found this to be a pretty daft assumption but couldn’t find any real reasoning to contest it.
This memory came back to him.
He attempted to empathize a second time as he stared at the ceiling stars when the idea of the glass of an old television mimicking the glass of a cosmonaut’s helmet came to him.
As he peered through the glass, it became apparent it wasn’t that being in space didn’t feel real, but that the television was more real than people gave it credit.
Even other screens, which rarely projected the experience of walking around living, felt more real than reality.
One doesn’t need to travel to see the world, and one doesn’t need to be near someone to feel close to them.
A line that has always be present, that very glass pane, began to weaken.
Ellis began to notice a headache as he traveled down the cavernous hole of existential metaphysics.
He looked down at Ada.
This vision had blurred unknowingly while lost in thought, and he frantically attempted to re-establish himself as a being existing in this plane of reality.
Julio Lopez Oct 2018
I don't got a heart
I got a punching bag
Come and hit it if you with it
It won't make me sad-
As a matter of fact it won't even make mad
Girl I got a punching bag
Rolling down Ocean soon we'll be blunt smoking
Toking, you know that talk that I'm talking
She a stoner like me, yeah she rolling easy
Riding with me for the time being
She has got my heart beating
She has got my bag swinging
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