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Laura Slaathaug Jan 2018
Why is the color of death black?
The color of night
of inside a cave
of your mother’s womb
of behind your eyelids.
The color of no color.
For some, it’s white–
of crumbling columns of ash
of salted soil where nothing grows
of days when the sun shines
too bright to see
when you look out your window and
can’t see your mailbox
when you leave home and
drive through clouds of snow
blowing across the highway
of snow dusting the air from
the backs of semis
of ice buried under snow
and you see the fields and trees,
the world shrouded in white
and wonder if
you’ll be buried here too.
slowly the fog creeps
in our township's sleeping streets
dense is its heavy shroud
we cannot condone those
who trash a writing zone
they waltz in and litter the abode
as if it's theirs alone
well excuse us for not liking
the bad state of our cone
before they turned up everything
had a tidiness in tone

the ******* has no sense
of where it should hang out
it just delights in strewing
its self liberally about
we're all wishing that it'll
be on the way out*
cause none of us are
fussed at its piling tout

our environment is under
a waste cloud
may we soon see a lifting
*of its grotty shroud
Mark Teo Jun 2016
Deeper, darker
Tell me why
I hold within
The southern nights
Ablaze upon a crumbling pyre
Hopes and dreams that soon will tire
That lock within a silent wish
Entomb a life beyond all this
The fields of bloom mark
What has died
A heart of color
A world denied
this came out pretty easily XD
Viseract Jan 2016
Too long I have spent,
Shrouded in shadow
That I have forgotten the sunlight,
And within my pain and suffering grow

It is time to shake off
This lethargy that binds me
And blinds me
With lies and such atrocities

I yearn for the light,
But the shadows are all too familiar
It clings to me, my family,
Even though it brings pain and such things similar

Shadows are an absence of light,
Therefore no good comes with it
Yet shadows are always with me,
And I am finding it hard to split

I will try with all my might
To crawl out of my shadowy hellhole
And bathe myself in brightness,
Whilst I reclaim what the night stole

(My Hope)
I am trying to get better, guys. To stop constantly thinking dark and unhealthy thoughts, to become a better person, and as such this will impact my poetry a little. Hopefully for the good. I hope you don't mind the change, whether pleasant or not. Happy Holidays!
eyes of sea
caged wingbeats
the only hint
behind the visage of indifference
the shroud that daylight imposes
and darkness disperses

for beneath lies
whispers of oblivion
that draws forth tears
mixing sleep and wakefulness

granting more peace
than the glittering sands
written in 2010
Bury me at Midnight
Throw my ashes to the sea
Let my body tumble from the mountaintop
Let it be , Let it be

Let the stars cover me
Let the clouds enshroud me complete
Let the rain soak me one last time
Before I am lost to memory

Hurry before there is a dawn
Before the Sun's fiery storm
Take my bones away
Let it be , Let it be
Mark Steigerwald Nov 2014
Like waves on the seashore
sadness washed over me.
Like moving shadows
despair set in.

Waiting to drag me under,
waiting to crush my soul.
It is a void of darkness
fathomless depths I could not reach.

Like wildfire in the night sky,
it could not be quenched.
Its cold icy grasp soaked me to the bone
gripping my frail heart in its clutches.

Where were you my love?
where were the winds of the wylde,
that used to sweep through my heart.

Where were you my stronghold
my safe haven from the things of the dark?

Like the cold winds of winter
you left me to die,
you cut into me like a noose
squeezing the life out of my soul.

For me without you the end was near
the light was gone
the darkness set in.

To whom then
could I lay those burdens?
To where then
could I have rested my head?

In the silence of my defeat
I laid my burdens down.
I swayed the pale flag of surrender
and I hung my head
low towards the ground.

For how could I see the light,
when all that was ahead of me
was a shroud of mist and gloom?

When all that my future foretells
is my doom,
creeping nearer and nearer.

I looked into my future
I saw tears, and I saw blood.
I saw wicked winds
Ripping into my body
tearing it apart.

Crushing my lungs
choking me of love.
Ridding me of my joy.

Then out of the shroud of my despair,
in a mirage of reality
a light appeared in the distance.

A glistening star shined for me.
Mocking the darkness
scorning the fear.

Steadily as I watched
it grew in volume.
It crept closer and closer
to my beating heart.

As it came nearer
it exploded alive with color and life.
Suddenly as I gazed into that bright beacon,
that beautiful pure light.

I saw through the realm of my eye
glimpses of beautiful things,
shining halls and glistening walls.
Golden streets,
and glorious beauty.

Fields of green
of violet.
Flowers of yellow
of blue and crimson gold.

"Is this the end"?
I cred and cried
"Is this the moment where mortality
and eternity meet"?

From the shrouds of the deepest sorrow
I had emerged.
On the wings of this glorious star,
my heart now soars.
Suddenly as I earnestly watched,
the star grew brighter and brighter.
As this took place, from somewhere
in the midst of the glory
came a voice deep, soft, and forgiving.

"Welcome my child,
welcome my friend,
Welcome home to the life
I have made for you.
Come and your troubles
shall be washed away.
Take my hand
and follow the light of this dazzling star.
The light of my heart
the light of my life.”
The Jarl Nov 2014
On the surface I am happy.
Its quite the masquerade
I'm the jolly friend, always smiling
To find a way
To veil my true feelings in a shroud of dismay
Because the surface is crumbling
Under the roars of self-hate
How I feel about myself, mostly.
Endless Horizon Sep 2014
Foolish men.
You trust all that is around you,
you rely on the deceit, the deception,
like it is worth dying for.
You foolish men.
You’ve gotten so good at lying
that you can’t even tell the difference,
between your truths,
from your hollow lies.

I once believed that I can live happily ever after,
just as I’d watched in the movies.
I thought that I can have powers, cast spells,
and travel to a time before my own existence.

I once believed that,
I can fly on broomsticks, that I can make objects move with my mind.
I believed that I should just leave my cares behind,
that I should run away,
instead of facing the problems of life.
That even if words would afflict me,
or if the world persecutes me,
I should do nothing.

But we shouldn’t believe everything
that passes through our ears,
for we invest too much in these.
We should remember,
that we pour over worlds that have been imagined,
and that we watch scenes that look all
too good to be true.

Do not let these falsehoods keep you restrained.
But instead, let them make you better.
Let them make you bolder, fiercer,
and let them make you achieve.
Achieve in what was thought to be impossible,
what was thought to be unobtainable,
what was thought to be unachievable.
Don't let these lies keep you down,
because it is "I once believed" for a reason.
And that reason is,
that you didn't let the lies succeed.
My spoken word poem for school. Sorry if it's a long one :)) I know the topic is going in all directions and I'm sorry we had to do a poem on a specific topic and I just tweaked it a bit to make it seem hello poetry material so. Hope you guys get the message behind this one.
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