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Ariel Nov 2015
As she swirls in the air
She holds dear what she took
Sunlight glinting in her hair
Clutching to her chest the leather bound book
Awaiting the monster to rise to her lair
As he comes to ***** her life,
Intent on his prize
Beneath cool waters he shall hide
Until it is the time
When into her dying eyes
He shall look.
Based on a story I'm writing.
Unknown Oct 2015
The sun shines every single day
   No matter what
      Even through rain
         So why cant you do the
            Everyone shines in their
               Own way
            Even through the snow        
         Surrounded by the cold
      Eventually youll know
   Nothing stays. It all goes
The only way you should stay
There was a moment at midnight
lit by stars shining bright
shining down
    the moon lit night
the face from above
holy and right
just and pure
relieved of sin
shame set free
let it be known the light in side
that shines bright in the darkest of nights

we must come together
as the stars of Abraham
  we will shine brighter than the moon lit night
tonight is the night to make known the presence of sanctity in your soul.

one minute past midnight is tomorrow. so choose today who will be when you awake from the sinful slumber of this world
God came to this earth. His name is Jesus. He is the Christ of Salvation. He shed his blood for the sins of the world and all time. He conquered death and resurected Himself and showed us His power. Repent and seek knowledge from Gods Holy Word. He is sufficient. He will bless His children, as many as the stars, with eternal life in the presence of His glory. It is our choice to obey or disobey. And He is the judge of our consequences and the redeemer of our repentance.
AlluringEnigma Aug 2015
You rose in the sky above,
of my left
You smiled at me
And i was glad to see;
You offered me to stay awake
& I'll give you heat,
You kept me from cold
Which could froze me like a snow man
And I was a shame to say
You sparkled like white rose,
Just beside me
Your tiny friends wre with you
As I was just to step on the frog
You brighted like the rising Sun,
You stole my sleep
As you stole my thoughts
I was just staring at you ALL night,
\\\*I just write it for how to feel just in front of them & I hope You may like thisss
Dive down into
the Sea of Words,
flip my mermaid tail    
to the passersby.

Dive down deep
to the bottom
of the sea, the
very deepest depths
of this salty sea.

When I come up
to the surface again,
starfish weave shells
into my auburn hair,
while sirens sing
new words to me.

Vast expanse of
emerald waters,
Sea of Words
you are my home.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Just between you and me,
I'd rather be a saint than a poet...

But to see the world like this:

A huge, shining consonant, lying on its side,
over the very ordinary clothesline,
that's something, isn't it?
©Elisa Maria Argirò
Like a shooting star
Beautiful, yet so very far
Made of my wishes, hopes and dreams
Everything inside my heart
For a fleeting second
Seems you're just close enough to touch
Then there you go again
And I'm left wishing and missing you so much
Waiting until you're back in my sights
Covered by the darkness of night
The only thing that could make me happier
Would be flying by your side
Shining brightly together
As the rest of the world admires our beauty
From a distance, forever
Long distance love can be hard, but I have faith we'll be together soon. ❤
AlluringEnigma Aug 2015
I am drowning in the sea
the sea dont let me because,
nobody knows ;
who I am
Am I ,
round like the Sun shining in the day,
Am I,
half like a moon shining in the night,
But still the question is
Hannah Jo Jun 2015
I just want to be a light in your life.
Keep shining. Even when you feel nothing but darkness, speak with love and light.
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