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Anais Vionet Jun 2020
High school's like a jury - let us all be judged
the righteous and the wicked and especially those in love

The jury's always watching - it has a thousand eyes
it's in constant deliberation and it hears a million lies

some think there's popular immunity and that's how the system works
but celebrities are piquant targets - it's one of the systems quirks

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury - I address you here today
to plead the cause of justice for a girl who was drugged astray

I know this girl’s not popular - she's known as "what's her name"
But the prominent guy who “seduced” her used methods vile and lame

I work cloud-like opinion and gossip pointedly outside stalls
I direct lunch-time chatter and I'm "overheard" in busy halls

I'm a regular Bader Ginsburg - you WANT me on your side
and If I'm coming for you - there's no fu*king place to hide
a true story poem
writteninribon Jun 2020
I made mistakes and ran all the mischief
but i'm here at a CET with ease
knowing that she's the first one i'll see
wrote this minutes before my admissions exam at FEU (far eastern university). i was very nervous because i was the only who doesn't have a parent or friend as a companion but just before we went in the room and were asked to keep our phones, she told me we could go out on a date after i take the exams.
Vari09 Jun 2020
School where we started our journey
Made friends, strangers nowadays
It was great fun with new learns
Building imaginary costly urn
Sometimes teachers were as cold as ice,
They always taught us to behave nice
What a nice place with no menace
Proper dress and creating no nuisance
Cracking jokes and friend’s late come
Makes us jump out of the seats and cry
It was always a part of our memory
With no everlasting garden of flowery
I remember the effect of lessons
We get even night dreams thinking
Is Alpha, beta, periodic tables a lullaby sings?
We need always give the best in every hour
Either a
Chemistry reactions with Concentrated H2SO4
Mugging trigonometric identities
Always made to work hard to get marks more
We fell once school is such a jail
Eyes half-open, shoelaces undone
Then come to a mother word
Your homework still not done
Late a minute in wake up
Have to run fast to avoid Culp
Not to have morning sit up
To avoid scolding of the teachers
Always we manage time to pick up
Our parents give us bribe
Get good marks and have a price
Friends Reunion remain to be desires
To rend seas asunder the fires
Talkback to teachers, and detention we serve
No doubt, it is sometimes what we deserve.
That what my school memories curves.
Everyone has school memories alive in his/her life. The poem depicts the same feelings.
Ella Grace Jun 2020
Keep your eyes on the page
Don’t look away
Don’t look at the ticking clock
Or the burning fire

Keep your mind clear
Try not to think
Don’t think about the deadline
Or the rising emotions

Just stay focused
Push through the block in your mind
Ignore the buzzing in the room
Stay in the zone

Keep your eyes on the page
Stop looking
Don’t stare at the clock
Or the scorching fire

Keep your mind clear
Stop thinking
Don’t worry about the time
Or the raging emotions

Just get back to focusing
Stop staring at the block in your mind
Stop listening to the buzz
Get back in the zone

You failed.
You couldn’t stop
Time just kept on ticking
The fire became wild
And your emotions took over

How could you?
I told you what to do
All you had to do was focus
Why couldn’t you focus?

It’s your fault
You should’ve managed your time
Everyone’s disappointed
Why did you get distracted?
levi eden r Jun 2020
i came in afraid. three years plus some of being afraid. no kid should live like that but it happens and it happened to me.
three years plus some, entering a new world. "these will be the best years of your life.", they told me but i couldn't help but imagine what life after death would be like. i came in afraid.

year two and i wanted things to get better but then i lost him and it was like a hurricane. my heart was ripped out of my chest and my papers have tear stains on them.
four years plus some of imagining my next life. this year was the worst. counselor offices and confused faces of adults who just didn't get it. my lowest of the low. yet i still stand.

i came in... well still afraid. 360. i remember sitting there and it all came to me. it all became clear and the thunderstorms above my head, the war in my heart,
Quiet. i see light, i see it all. i see me. warmth. closure. forgiveness. light.

i made it now. unafraid. i heard them all scream my name as i walked with pride, as i walked with my head held high in front of my entire class, in front of their family and friends.
the thunderstorms seemed so far away, they still do. i am strong. i am light.
i made it.
help me get out of my abusive home : $blipofjoy
Julie Grenness Jun 2020
Here's an ode to make us laugh,
Boomers resilient to the last,
Survived high school in  the sixties,
Where we learnt cookery,
Girls did not have *****,
Couldn't do woodwork, over it!
Instead, made a pudding of suet,
Fat, fat, fat, eating to rue it!
Feedback welcome.
Debbie Stevens Oct 2017
All my life I was lost and clueless,
growing up with no filter and foolishness.
With no family to love and care for me,
I don't know how they could leave and betray me.

No eyes focused on me because of my low I.Q,
my life has changed because of the help from a few.
With scientists helping me to become smart,
I am now realizing my life from the start.

All hopes come crashing down,
I'm going back to looking like a clown.
It was great while it lasted,
all I want to say is don't take life for granted.
I wrote this poem in relation to the book "Flowers for Algernon" as an assignment for my english class.
Steve Page May 2020
It's never clear to me where the dreams begin and where the memories begin but I know they both begin to make sense after the first dozen times and then once they make sense they cease to be interesting and begin to bore me and so I focus on waking up to both and setting both feet on the cold stone floor where the **** and the puke has already dripped through the cracks left by the dance and have left a dry yellow stain just so I know for sure I'm home and not still in the in between domain. And I try to recall the detail but fail again, so I start a new story where I'm the hero and not a victim this time and where there's no need for heroes cos everyone is in a cooperative mood which makes me mad - what's the point of a hero when there's no heroism called for - which makes me wonder who called me here at this time of the night when crows and bulldogs are the only ones awake and the only creatures who care about the size of the moon, oh and me of course, so what's that make me, some cross between a black arts symbol and a patriot looking for a fight to justify the distrust and anger I feel about the world - blast and ******, I need a *** and I need to puke so I lay back down, curl into my fetal and let nature do it's worse. The warmth sooths me for a while, but soon enough the chill takes hold and I wonder when mum will come and tell me it's time for school.
The answer is exactly 30 seconds later - and as usual she notices nothing, so imagination it is then - not such a blessing despite what the poet said.
Stream of consciousness the tutor said. Let your imagination loose she said.  Okay.  There we have it.
Tatiana May 2020
I'm a good student and that's about it. I get good grades; I am a good kid. I'm smart and people say I'm going places. But I'm going nowhere, I'm trapped by expectations. I've made decisions based on safety, and not on who I want to be. Because I'm a student, I listen to authority. I trick myself into thinking I'm free and I get to decide my future. But I'm living on regimented time, saved and controlled by bells and teachers. I'm a good student, but I'm not good at life and my ambition has been dead for a long time. I'm just a student who knows how to pass. I'm a good student but I'm not made to last.
Do you ever go through your drafts and find something you wrote in high school? Yeah, I'm feeling real bad for past Tatiana right now.
I was going to edit this into a more typical poem format but the paragraph style of it reminds me of writing short answers in tests which I did a lot of when I was a student. So I'm keeping it that way.
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