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Jessie Schwartz Feb 2018
Steadfast…by Jessie

Ride the horse into the ground, beat it with your crop.

Drive him deep into the sand, until he finely drops.

The massive beast lye panting; all lathered and nostrils flared.

His heavy chest expanding then collapsed from lack of air.

But you poked and kick the gentle beast, just wanting one last ride.

As he stood, you jumped his back; he tried to take a stride.

His eyes rolled back, his legs gave way, he had no more to give.

He fell again and that was it, the beast no longer lived.

Not content with what you got, still you wanted more.

You poked and beat him with your crop until his flesh was tore.

Day’s went by and time had passed, the corps lay in the sun.

You never left, you were determined, to beat him tell he’d run.

Riders pass the solemn sight and swear that they can see;

You standing there, still beating, a lifeless ****** steed.
Don't beat a dead horse!
Death is an in interesting music
It needs somebody to pick
To invite her to dance slowly like
She's on clouds riding a bike
That no one will notice her
a woman
still left
extra once
again there
when her
man set
her black
dye in
addition to
her twice
swept hair
thus threw
her lion
on the
back of
a ninth
street line
Love 'Ya Lions
Debanjana Saha Dec 2017
Through the speedy ride
Onto the roads
The wind chills gushes
Through my hairs
Bringing out the tender smile
From within.
Winter is back with chills and thrills.
Debanjana Saha Dec 2017
Its not the places
Nor destinations which we reach.

Its not the ride which
you take me through

Not the hills, the greenery, the unknown path.

Not the empty roads with the starry nights above!

Through the thick and thin.
We share our part.

It's not the rides
It's not the wind chills

It's not the romantic air
It's not your humor

Not your every other thing
which makes me laugh,

It's you, who is more than
anything to me than earlier times.

The twinkling of your eyes
Shining bright like the stars,

I would like to drown
into the ocean blue with you

Even if I don't know how to swim
But would love to enjoy every bit of it with you.

Would like to taste your lips with every other tasty meal
Which we both might share.

It's all magical dreams with you
And I never would like to wake up without you.

Time slips by, from night to Dawn
And again daylight vanishes
Into the night.

But it's always less of a time
Feels like I need more than years to discover you.

I don't know whether it's love or just passing a good time.

But whatsoever it might be
Keeping my fingers crossed

I would be awaiting how much ever
It takes to be with you all over again.
It's been a dream full of one full month being with my closest friend whom I love. It's like I could see it each and every day for a month but again I will have to wait till how much I don't know. Just like how I have to wait for a full moon all over again.
Triscuit Dec 2017
Sunlight swathes the car door window, warming my shoulder with southern heat.
Tunes hum, rattling around in the radio, patiently waiting their turn to serenade me next.
The anxiety coats the air like warm milk in your stomach, clinging to the interior of the vehicle.
Words are few, silence abundant in it's absence, it only pauses for brief discussion.
There is not much left to say, the worst is over. New chapters begin, the fear seeps out and reality creeps in.
. . .
Gowtham Ganni Dec 2017
Bewildered . . .
Love - such an
enthralling ride
I rolled
in on
my hog
while today's
traffic was
through the
bog like
wheels in
heresy laid
upon the
road in
stride as
she was  
a notorious
surprise what
wagered my
tires in-between
A Harley -Davidson
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