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Gideon Mar 8
Reach high into the air, towards the trees
bearing the fruits of your labor.
You have tended them with care for so long,
and now they are heavy. Laden with new growth,
they are begging to be lightened. Reap the benefits
and harvest the rewards of your hard work.
You deserve to imbibe on the nectar of your toil.
Dom Nov 2024
i no longer cry
about the dirt under my nails
the smell of work on my underarms
the nicks on my knuckles.
my body now sings
the hours spent laboring.
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Sunlight’s code shines bright on me, thoughts of light beaming down.
Expanding my connection to source, as it enters me through my crown.

New senses through perception, not unlike being able to hear.
Seeing through all the falsehoods, of any encounter I’m near.

Gathering complexities of experience, like I’ve never felt before.
Collapsing this illusion of theirs, by simply walking out the door.

The knowledge that has been entrusted to me, has brilliance and lets me see in.
But the flip side of that is the darkness that’s here, always trying to get under my skin.

The burden is balanced by what I put in, these gifts I do not use on me.
This world that we live in, all has a cost, except love which will always be free.

If you happen to meet me out on the road, observe the things that you feel.
For I am but a reflection of you, identifying things to reveal.
Kenedie Sep 2024
In the field full of flowers,
Only one you must choose.
Depending on the one you pick,
Determine how you live life and go by its rules.
Dandelions, violets peonies and daisies,
And ***** poppies which make you go crazy.
Flowers of every kind lined up in a row,
But would anyone dare to choose the lovely rose?
Its beauty is splendid, the petals unique,
But it’s also full of thorns, so most do not keep.
But I’ll pick the rose, from the flower bed,
I’ll hold it in my hand, even as my blood drips, red.
Beauty through pain, isn’t it all what they say?
Pain for the pleasure, I guess that’s my way.
The thorns pierce my skin, with the flower in my palm.
Alas I won’t care,
I’ll be caught in the roses sweet song.
I’ll carry my rose for others to see,
I’ll suffer in silence, no one to hear my pleas.
A sacrifice must be made for the greater good,
So I had to pick the rose because no one would.
The scarlet drops run down my arm leaving a ****** trail,
I hope someone would follow and my pain won’t prevail.
Perhaps I have held the rose for so long,
That I no longer feel a thing.
I can only hope when I set this rose down,
Someone won’t pick it up and start the suffering.
The lovely rose
leeaaun Dec 2022
if wait is not worth the
then why humans
die wishing
one day
it will all get better
does that ever get better?
Lorraine Colon Apr 2022
A poor wingless bee in dire torment
Sat brooding beneath the lemon bower:
"How shall I ever know the rose's scent,
And sample the sweet nectar of her flower?"

"And what value do you place on these?"
Asked a wise old bee perched on a stone;
Suddenly there appeared a swarm of bees,
Eager to hear the wisdom of the drone

Cried the wingless bee: "My days are drear,
Longing for the rose's scented dew;
Without wings how can I hope to draw near?
How I thirst for her . . . if only she knew!"

"Climb, my lad," advised the wise old bee.
"Brave the stinging thorns and twisted vine.
Only through courage and tenacity
Will you savor the bliss of her sweet wine"

O, what angst now stirred within the bee
As he scaled that stem toward the sublime!
But what delicious hospitality
Awaited him . . . because he dared to climb!
Zack Ripley Mar 2022
In a world where power is the ultimate reward, remember: you can be just as effective
with a shield as you can with a sword
Thomas Steyer Feb 2022
Blue ****, sparrows and some rather pretty birds indeed
Gathering around their special wooden box of feed
Respectfully waiting for their turns to pick a seed
Then they fly away and I'm thrilled about my good deed

For I'm the supplier - in their eyes the Mighty Lord
I know a few things but mainly where the food is stored
Feeling a little superior is my reward
Though most times they believe I deserve to be ignored
the dog
resting peacefully
in his crate
is content
with being
shut in;
only permitted freedom              
at the behest
of another

there was not always
such serenity
behind these bars;
there was howling

cag­ed like that
could not have been
from finding comfort

there were rewards
on occasions
though it was unclear
just why
these were offered
and when
the next might appear

with time
it became easier
to simply accept
the limitation
and wait
for the next
moment of joy
to come around

however long
GaryFairy Sep 2021
I will award one poet with $50 USD via moneygram, paypal, donation to charity of your choice, or any other safe and secure method.

make me

feel something
know something
try something
hate something
love something
accept something
discover something that i am missing

this is not affiliated with any website or organization, but just $50 of my money that I want to share(i have all i need)

i promise i will try not to be prejudiced in any way, and i ask that anyone enter, no matter education level or any other "levels"...the winner will be decided by what moves me, and will have nothing to do with styles, forms, rhyming, etc

i may ask a few to help me verify certain things and if you would like to help me with this big money contest just msg me here. I may decide on having more winners, but the 50 dollar top prize is for sure(barring i don't die)

You will also win my prestigious Future Poet Award(a piece of paper?) Even if you hate me, you can get my money! Anyone who enters is a winner and i will post poems on my FB poetry page(BIGTIME). Contest ends November !st and payout will be within 10 days after contest ends. This is for real! Don't miss out on MONEY.

no cheating!
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