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Poetic T Mar 2020
Cradled by there eyes
as they convulsed me
                  in to oblivion,

with every downfall I was
closer to

Pools of crimson collected in
   my fractured sockets and
my tears
                       drowned within.

They mourned my silence,
       inscribing one last syllable
upon my stomach...
As blood flourished forward from
                                  my dead lips.

Droplets were like rain descending,
as I painted the surrounding
                                           with death.
They were covered also,
for they were close to the cradle
                          when it fell silent.

I kissed each one with claret,
     my mark was upon there façade.

Wild flowers drank upon me,
       seeding them with my last breath.
Where beauty once flourished,
Now blushed roses grow.

I'm a garden of remembrance
to what was,
                    what never shall be.

But my death has sweet aromas to it,
       for all one at a time came to see
What had befallen me.
              Guilt, remorse or curiosity..

To hide a truth, others may fall upon.

But where they expected death,
                                     they saw,
a sight of maroon beauty.

"Curiosity is a  live wire in water,
            with a please read note floating
above it

           "*You know there going to read it,

And with that, they picked a rose pricking
there finger upon my vengeance.
I could ******* aura that I kissed upon
there last actions
                             so long ago.

There was no scream, just like you can't hear
             a tree fall in a silent forest.

I now feed upon them, for there all here, in
my garden of eternity rotting slowly..
   But there still alive under the surface..
my thorns negating there vocals.

       I'm there cradle and I'm rocking it,
                                      oh so slowly...
Hafsa S Feb 2020
There's an itch at the back of my throat
Something you said today
I find it hard to swallow
My stomach is turning knots
My tongue too flaccid to make a sound
The poison of your vile words
Have left a bitter aftertaste in my mouth

Someday, not far from now
You'll choke on your own words and die
Prossnip42 Feb 2020
I can never be timid
Start to the finish
Even through the blemishes, my heart is replenished
Violent images was somethin' in store
It's kinda heavy, holding steady
I'm ready for war
The confetti, a party time
I'm sorry, I apologized
It's obvious you ignored the truth
Just to acknowledge lies
And honestly this is a promise not a threat
So you better watch your comments
While your conscience is left
Forget the politics, the dollars in your wallet
Just know I'm coming home for everyone I have a problem with
Don't look astonished cause you knew that it was coming
You lookin' at me dumb
I suggest you start running
You can increase your pace
But I'm just chasin' you down
Losing patience, you blatantly choose breakin' the vows
Tomorrow isn't promised, and that's even if you live today
Watch what you say or someone's gonna need a grave

Look, I really can't pretend this time, I'm sorry Lord
But this time revenge is mine
So be afraid, because this is the big payback
For your charades, and every game you played
I can't believe you took my kindness for weakness
I've been gone for years but fear has got you speechless
So rest in peace, you're about to receive a secret
Your family is looking for authorities to speak with
You need luck cause right now life's lease is up
So keep it up, I'll be behind you creepin' up
The disconnect between us comes from disrespect
You better listen or your family will be missing next

Oh Lord here I come, I'm just holding on
A bullet is on its way
Tell the world I'm coming home
Someone's gonna need a grave
Poetic T Feb 2020
We may falter we may fall,

                          But if one of us is able to rise

          from the ashes

then others didn't fall at all.

For they live in me and I'm vengeance

                                         watch them all falter.

They will evaporate like rain,
                soaking the earth as they fall.

We may have faltered,
                                       but you fell before
              you thought i'd have fallen but I

like the fallen, we all stand tall...
F Alexis Feb 2020
"Double, double toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble."
You know this rhyme, have heard it prior
But now, hear this - my verse to mirror.

A foolish child, to do such wrong
And string your minions, too, along
Your violent acts, and words of spite
Have earned you this most sorry plight.

The shots were fired, stakes were claimed
With such conviction, smeared my name.
And all for what? So I would leave?
Ah, what a pretty web you weave.

A novice, true, but you did try;
I'm twice as cunning, thrice as sly.
Your dues unpaid, and still you reached
So, let me practice what I preach.

The coven black has since convened
(Your kind is not the first we've seen),  
Determined what the price shall be
You know your crimes, as well as we.  

The modern witch is not betrayed.
What reckoning we'll see this day!
A sickened child, a woman not
Let's mind your place, as you forgot.

You think the eye I've turned was blind?
That I'd not return your work in kind?
Behold, my dear, the rule of three
All that, with nerve, you've done to me

Will come back now, and triply well
In this, my carnival of hell
You've paid admission, in advance
Forfeited hope of second chance.

There is no hiding, though I'm gone.
But I'll allow your victory song.
I possess, you see, your DNA.
And so the distance does not weigh.

The balance calls for consequence,
So new endeavors now commence.
Step right up, come right this way!
You've stirred a game, and now we'll play.

Your god is dead, but devils live
And just when there's no more to give
Again I'll strike, my darkest work
And still again, until you've learned.

Do you believe in magick, girl?
I'll let you peek our secret world.
We know no limits, no restraint;
The power here, not for the faint.
No mercy here, nor bargains made;
Your debt to us will soon be paid.
You still may beg, but per decree
Blood calls for blood.

So mote it be.
WA West Jan 2020
The noise was incessant, a jungle in a suburban street.  Their uninhibited laughter and carefree glide as they strutted down the pedestrianised street. All jumping in turn over the bollards at the end of the street; shrieking at each other. They didn't give two *****, cocky little *******. They were all hair, charity shop jumpers, and self centered to boot. One of them parked his sporty ****** car in the back-lane, like he was trying to colonise the space between his house and theirs. This prevented his easy access; he couldn't get out effortlessly on his bike any longer (several thousand pounds, carbon fiber, a serious model) or unload his shopping. In a semi-lagered up state; post-Friday night drinks up the town he had gotten himself into a revengeful state. He wanted to show the little ******* that he was not to be messed with. Thinking he was just some bald middle aged fella in a parka, he'd show them.

He let his resentment get the better of them, keying ''****'' into the car. **** them, a keying well deserved, don't want keying then turn Black Sabbath down. He had felt briefly guilty the next day; eggs on toast and coffee wondering if he should have done something so drastic. He was ultimately mild-mannered and avoided conflict where possible. His guilt diminished when the music started up again; he hadn't had a moment's peace since they moved in. He felt like they were insects on a hot day; constantly invading his personal space and making him feel uncomfortable. They woke him up constantly; he hadn't had a decent night's sleep in weeks. His skin was getting paler, his eyes bloodshot. They should try looking at excel spreadsheets for hours on end, punching in formulas on 3 hours sleep. None of them had worked an honest day's work in their lives, little *******. He hated their flat caps, berets and other arty accessories. Sometimes he thought about lining them up like dominoes in height order and pushing them off the Tyne Bridge. Or feeding them to the dogs at Brough Park- **** little *******. Sliding up the street- carefree and laughing at nothing in particular. Laden down with cheap cider and frozen pizzas. His friendly notes had been ignored, if diplomacy fails then it is time for military action. Politeness was no use anymore. They obviously couldn't care less about keeping him up; night after night, making him miserable. He put on his black Adidas tracksuit and his Berghaus jacket zipped up to his face with the hood up. He put a ball-peen hammer down the back of his jogging pants, he smeared joop on his bald-head, on his ears and on his neck. He walked next door ''Once in a lifetime'' playing in his head, jumped over the little garden wall and banged on the door. As he banged on the door, he heard the clanging of a snare drum bursting out of the window. He didn't have time to react as the stonework from the window ledge above fell on his head. He never did get a chance to make his grievances clear.
Kyle McClure Jan 2020
screen shocker,

clean talker,

no mean stalker,

fleece offered,

a peace offer,

so soft,


chief taught her,

don't trust a falsified fabric,

that's when they stormed the gate,

swarms of locusts filled with hate,

it was too late,

blood painted the palace,

blood stain don't come out of,

carpets and drapes,

hate don't discriminate,

shows up in fleece falsified fabrics,

***** for the addicts,

*** for the nymphos,

message in a bottle,

floats swiftly across the ocean,

want and need,

words for devotion.

materially I see,

past the oak trees,

past you and me,

to a comfy new couch,

laying flat on my tummy,

stab the knife in my back,

my eyes were closed,

showered in roses,

blood red,


I'm dead.
Sorry for this one. It's dark but sometimes I like the dark best.
Joshua Penrod Jan 2020
The knife dripped with her husbands blood.

His phone buzzed on the bed side table.

She’s next, the wife thought to herself.
Carlo C Gomez Jan 2020
we smelled your scent
we signed a lengthy confession
we drew a composite
and picked you out of a lineup
yet still you walked away
scott free

...time we implicate you
a little bit more
Poetic T Jan 2020
While you were playing FIFA
I was scoring with you mum.
Could hear you through the wall,
as I came in her net, I'd home
goaled in her just for fun.

But it wasn't to disrespect you,
I never wanted to hurt anyone.
Your dad came home when you
were at collage, and I told him
shut the door and sit in the corner
               till I'd finished his wife off.

See he didn't shout or run his mouth
off, cos I knew who he'd been doing
behind her back,
                    none other than my mum.

Now my dads a good man and he loves
my mum, now I'm not making excuses
for her but your dad knew we were happy
and played the unloved man
                   that just needed love.

Well your dad thought she had morning
breath, but na, she's taken my length after
I off loaded in her ***.

But I stayed and watched as your pops  
kissed her passionately.
Dang that must have been a salty kiss
          breath like the sea with raw sewage
and a hint of peppered sweetcorn.

            Now this isn't about you,
this is about men should respect another's
mum, ok I didn't yours, but she knew
that I was a length and your dad was just
             a millimetre short stop.

And I always hit her spot, so god knows
what my mum
                      saw in this old punk.  

After that day, he never did any odd jobs
around my house, and I confided in my
mother that I knew and that I didn't want
anything, I wasn't telling dad. and she cried
and said it was only a kiss and only once.

But she hadn't instigated it, and she'd been
a little drunk. But I saw him ******* coming
out the bedroom sweating? Ye he'd been doing
some DIY, why what have you done.

Nothing Ma, I just told him he wasn't welcome
anymore, are you going around there's again?
Na mom, I'd played a game done to many home
goals, and they suddenly moved on.
   I'll miss my friend but I'll deffo miss his mom.
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