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AADI Jan 2020
you'll search for me in everyone....
Ashlyn Yoshida Jan 2020
I have grown older since then.
I have watched everyone grow older since then.
I have watched the tears fall heavily like rain.
I have watched them all cry over it.
I fell in love with something that wasn't real
Me. I did. My fault.
He made everyone else love him too
And betrayed them all
One by one
Or perhaps at the same time.
He was...terrible.
But I am, too.
M Grant Teague Jan 2020
You will be hated
Tormented through time

Importance granted
Debt to be paid

Leech, your meal will end
Not another free drop

Your abuse and hate seen
My tolerance burnt

Now listen or don’t
Your reaping has come

I will name you
Christen you:

Alek Mielnikow Jan 2020
I need you to call my name.

I want to hear it escape your throat.

You know my name. It is the one
that sounds like the stabbing of
steel shovels into sodden soil.

It is the one you addressed
on all those notes and letters.

Say it. Say it now.
Cry my name.

You will say it, even if
it spills from your teeth
and stains your ******* skin.

by Aleksander Mielnikow | Alek the Poet
You're ******* right

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Patricia LeDuc Jan 2020
He took me to a field for a picnic…so he said
To share his cup of bitterness when he snapped

No One heard but the wind
As I cried and begged for my life

No One felt but the earth
As he dragged my body to the ground

No One saw but the sky
As he choked the life out of me

No One knew I was there
No One knew of my pain

The wind stormed
The earth trembled
The sky wept

Lightning struck as he ran
As No One took revenge
Written 1/4/20 First poem of the year
in memory of Jennifer Farber Dulos
Joseph Rice Jan 2020
Don’t look at me with his **** in your throat
I don’t have the heart to see the joy in your eyes
While you guzzle down greed's breed seed.

Don’t moan at me with his **** in your ***
I don’t have the heart to see the pain in your eyes
While coal miners ******* into submission.

Don't cry to me when you inevitably ****** him
I don't have the heart to see you regret your life
While you beat, burn, bury, and drown mankind.
Sabika Jan 2020
I want to stab a knife to your canvas
And maybe as expected,
Instead of flesh and bones
I find snakes
Slithering, swirling frantically,
Kissed by fear in their evil eyes,
In their terrible surprise
Fire has exposed them!

I want to dash red paint on that fake smile
And watch you gurgle on your own blood
As it pours
Thick, black
From between your teeth.

I want to rip out your lying, beating heart,
Blackened by your sins and selfish intentions,
And watch your hollow eyes finally
Show true emotions.

And I will not stop picking
You apart until you cry
“I give up!”
But how can I trust a
Isaac Spencer Dec 2019
Empty, hollow, shallow feelings,
Broken, beaten, battered reeling,
Lost, misguided, never healing,
Break the bones, the skin is peeling,

Ripped off, torn up, burnt out poet,
Heard it, thought it, said it, wrote it,
Think they know you- they don't know ****,
If you bleed don't ever show it,

Tiny, whiny, briny children,
All these, faulty, salt and **** em',
Hateful, wasteful, makes me ill then-
Chill em, grill em, poems? Steal em,

****** off, ******* up, stressed out poet,
Did you know before I wrote it?
Think you know me, get your throat slit,
When I bleed, believe I own it.
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