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Amanda Brown Aug 2019
Does your heart still flutter every time you think of me?

Do you think of me every time you see a couple holding hands?

Does your stomach drop at the thought of us never being in each other’s lives?

Do you miss me?

Does your mind still race like a track star when you think about how we ended up like this?

Do you want me back?
Processing thoughts and unanswered questions.
Jayla A Murdock Aug 2019
She is distinct
known For her vernacular
They say it's different for her "kind"
For her style, they say is peculiar yet captivating
Compared to the expected.

Is it who she is?

Surrounded by those who are "different"
So they say
But in what way
Looking different on the outside,
But she wasn't too blame
Or put to shame

Is it so she is?

Trying to find her place in a world so black so white

Is it so she is?

Is it who she tries to be.
Aditya kumar Jul 2019
I feel alone
In the sea of emotions
I feel alone
Being surrounded by categories
Various Variations and varieties
In the world of worries
I feel alone

Traveling like a corpse
Without any objective
Diving deep
In the ocean of thoughts
To get a one
Which be held by me
Imprisoned by them
Still alone
No one to hold my hands
And pull me out
Of the sea
Which drown me down

I found a star
Sparkling in the dark
In her eyes
I found a scar
Scar of fear
Encounter of darkness
Making her eyes heaven
On earth
Emptied by the soul
But overflowed by love
Darked upto core
But dazzling the life of others
In the joy of giving birth to a smile
On the face of me

But still
I feel alone
Lovelyn Eyo Jul 2019
No matter how LIES races
On the track of life
the TRUTH would surely prevail

Sara Kellie Jul 2019
At Prophets gate
in front of a jury.
Cannot be judged when
we have the same story.

Defined by our actions
yet separated by thought.
The battle lines drawn
based on **** we were taught.

The matrix created,
money to be made.
Dependent on memory,
reflected in grade.

Well how did you do
with the lessons you had?
Did you repeat the mistakes
of your Mum and your Dad?

So who is at fault?
We're all pawns in a game,
consuming their poison
for fortune and fame.

and now that it's over,
here is your prize!
That's right,
you get **** all
'cause everyone dies.

Poetry by Kaydee.
You come with nothing.
Trapped in a fake society based on greed and divided by race and religion.
You die with nothing.
Devin Ortiz Jul 2019
The finish line is a delusion.
We run the race at our own pace.
Some walk. Some run.
Some crawl. Some quit.
Everyone dies, no one wins.

Suppose there is no other side.
Suppose you just keep going,
Until you don’t.

Is it an uphill battle?
Is it all downhill from here?

A little of both, a lot of neither.
Going, going, gone.
Don Bouchard Jul 2019
As she emerged from years of abuse,
Became aware of the ******* he'd placed,
She knew it was time to go,
Filed the papers,
Moved in with a friend,
Tried to see another end.

Love does not die easily;
Her heart yearned
Some better way,
But ends must come
When there's nothing left to say.

She left everything to him;
He'd forced his will in choosing every piece:
Furniture, fixings, knife and fork,
Appliances, decor, automobiles....
She wanted none of it anymore.

Love does find a way
To die, though the dying may be slow.

"It's good we didn't have any children,"
His mother said. "We didn't muddy up
Our pure Norwegian blood line."

Love finds a way to die.
Dhriti Seth Jul 2019
I hope you don’t judge me
By the pigment on my face
I hope you see more in me
Than the inches around my waist

I hope you stop believing
That age is a handicap
I hope you don’t seclude me
If we’re from different places on the map

I hope you don’t feel
As if I’m a threat to you
Just because my choice of partners
Is crucified by taboo

I am not the inferior gender
I demand equal place and pay
And when someone wrongs me
I hope Society doesn’t push me away

I hope you don’t shun me
Because my gender is undefined
I hope you don’t try your best
To crush me in the world’s grind

I hope you open your eyes and see
That our He was always the same
We need to stop all death and destruction
That happens in His name

I hope this system of division
Hasn’t stuck to your mind
And when it comes to basic rights
I hope I am not left behind
                                        - D.S.
Hey guys! I'm new here so would really love to make new poet-friends and be a part of the community. Please be sure to leave a comment. Rip the poem apart if you like, constructive criticism is my salvation and is always eagerly awaited. Thanks a lot. Hope you have a great day and a great week.
Until next time,
Dhriti Seth
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