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Ces Jul 2020
Arched back
aching knees
pinpricks in my right leg
a thousand questions
running in my head
as I navigate this vast
of the Internet

A world where ideas

and where people lose
Michael King Jul 2020
You are not the cold seed you fear in your nightmares,
not a blind thought, caressing the cloak of the reaper.
As you have gazed at the trees at night, so too
have the creatures in the leaves gazed back at you.

‘We do not worship the dead’ they cried, laughing,
and an echo flows past you, barely heard.

Should you join the ranks of the spirits,
crying out your regret in a vain attempt to be heard?
‘You must rebel against yourself’ the creatures warn,
curious what you will do next.

You search for a soft spot within your own self, but
what is there to feel? The wind, the barrenness?

A searing nova of heat threatens to blind you.
Crackled light, followed by pillars of black static roses.
Nothing left now; nothing left to cling to…
but only if you can reach out, you will find a hand.

Well, a multitude of hands, rising from the ground,
covered in scales and pinions, and red as a crimson sunset.

Voices, screeching from beneath the ground,
telling you unbelievable tales of glory, honour,
asking you to grasp their hands and they would show you;
yes, they would show you the way to their own grave.

‘Then the choice is yours’ the creatures tell you now,
‘live or die. We are only eyes waiting for the sun’.

Choices… always a decision to burden you again,
but this is an easy one if you would look inside your mind.
Live or die, walk or fall, strength or tears. Fear is your enemy
in the end. The running ruin of scattered thoughts

Invest yourself in my sneer, if only for a little while.
Maybe you will fade away,  and truly know the scourge of living.
Wrote this year's ago,  and recently edited it with a friend.  Changed the title and some of the body.
Aer Jul 2020
what is it really?
is it really just a ticking of a clock,
an indication of the day?
is it really just a reminder,
something to be taken for granted?
does it move ever too quickly,
or too slowly?

what is time?
is it a sound telling us
when to start,
when to end?


time is all of these,
yet none of these
all at once.

time is ever-changing,
it moves,
flows like the wind.

time is a boat,
taking us in for a ride,
floating on, ever slowly,
on the water called life.

time is a conductor of music,
telling us when to start, when to end,
when to move more quickly,
when to start again.

time is a rare diamond,
every second as precious
as a single star
in the night sky.

time brings change.
it shows us, ever so slowly,
how to live life,
how quickly to move,
how much we change
over such a short period of it.

time is essential,
without it, where would we be?
we wouldn’t change,
we wouldn’t age,
we wouldn’t move faster, slower—
we wouldn’t be pressured,
we wouldn’t really be living.

so what is time?
it is all,
yet also none of these,

all at once.
a poem from 2016, when I still wrote long poetry.
Leisha Dias Jul 2020
Placed beside you
Or did I hypnotically walk to you
Was it a game of fate and destiny
Or was I simply charmed by your spell
Was I meant to be here
Or did I want to be here
All I can decipher right now is that,
I lie here and you beside me.
At such close proximity
Feeling you at every edge
Like two pieces of a puzzle.
A piece of puzzle with curves and edges
Rough curves and worn out edges
But did I really fit in?

I tried hard,
Just as I tried all these years
At all the wrong places
Chiseling my sharp edges into curves
Curves that would now fit perfectly
All the while, losing a part of me.
Just making me question,
Is this yet another wrong spot
Didn't seem wrong to the world
Then why do I still feel like a misfit
Like a square peg in a round hole
Or has this constant trying to fit in
Leave all my edges frayed
I no longer recognize anymore.

Still lying beside you,
Still dont seem to fit in,
Still questioning,
Is this yet another wrong spot?
Nupur Gautam Jul 2020
When the sun sets will you be my moon?
Will you be my rainbow in the monsoon?
When I act childish will you bring me candy and balloon?
Will you help me open up to this world when I hide in a little cocoon?

When life seems to be weighing me down will you lift me up in your arms?
Will you help me calm down when my over-scrutinizer brain rings all the false alarms?
When I drown in misfortune will you be one of my lucky charms?

When you touch the petals of my soul will you cause them to blossom with care?
When I'm surrounded by the darkening dusk will you be a starburst of light with a glare?
When despair washes over me will you be the candle of hope which lights up with a flare?

When I crave your touch will you caress me with the fire of ecstasy?
When I feel insecure will you praise me like a piece of art in a gallery?
Will you hold me tight as we watch Augustus die and my eyes turn watery?
I'm sure your answer to all those questions is "YES" because having you in my life is nothing short of winning a lottery.
Zack Ripley Jul 2020
I didn't tell you I loved you
Because I thought that you already knew.
I never told you you meant the world to me
Because I thought it was clear to see.
Or maybe that's just the way I wanted it to be.
But now that you've gone away,
I asked myself if it's too late to tell you these things.
A voice answered back.
"It's never too late."
Lexi Snow Jul 2020
Please stop saying you’re the best father in the world,
because you’re not.

You’ll be another girl’s first father daughter dance.
I love knowing someone else could be your daughter.
But hey,
it’s okay because I can just watch from the sidelines.
It’s fine,
I’ll cry from the pain of not understanding on,
what I did wrong to lose you?
To find out that it wasn’t my fault,
yet you choose someone else’s daughter before your own.

That’s okay. I’m not mad.
I’m confused on what to do next,
like do you think I will invite you to big events in my life?
Do you think I will tell my partner to ask for your blessing?
Do you think you will walk me down the aisle?
To answer all those questions with one word.
No, you won’t be there,
you don’t get to come and go when YOU please.
That’s not how this works anymore.

It’s my turn to say the truth,
you’re not around in any way.
Communicating takes two,
I shouldn’t be the one to start everything;
I shouldn’t be able to remember all the bad moments under your roof.
I shouldn’t feel like were a horrible father to me,
but guess what?
I do.

Can you be able to explain why I cry when I think of you?
No? Because neither can I?
I make friends with people that act more fatherly than you,
why do I have to find replacement fathers?
I shouldn’t have to.
Whenever someone talks about their father,
I just want to scream because I have nothing good to say about you.
I’m sorry, I know it hurts but look at my side of this.
I’ve been fighting with the idea that I can have you in my life.
During this time, my answer became as clear as water.

Say goodbye to your daughter,
because she isn’t coming back.
Bye Father.
Talking with my friends, we all had a trend within our lives.
Samara Jul 2020
wanting to be seen,
wanting to be heard.

   all I've ever wondered,
   all I've ever learned.

      is that it's too much to ask for,
      that it's too much to give.

why then do you take from me
in every hour of your need?
brandon mater Jul 2020
why have we wasted time
why do l still cry
why do you lie
why have we pretended to love
why do l feel like a ***
why do you run
why have we been blue
why do l feel used
why do you use
but why do l still love you
maria Jul 2020
Are you sourounded by your dreams or your nightmares?
Written on June 17, 2020
© ,Maria
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