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she whispered to him, softly,
and asked to be laid down.
down on soft ground.
on soft soil.

she remained calm, studiously
watching her breath,
slowly pouring out
the life found
within the compounds
of her barren soul.

as she slithered her
fingers through the lively
green that surrounded,
she shed one singular,
embracing tear.

as the heavy droplet
trailed down her face
and touched the dense
earth, something happened.

something so pure and beautiful.

that one drop gave life
to the land around her,
it bloomed the flowers
and the animals rejoiced.

it cleared the skies and
filled the rivers.
it made the world a little warmer
than yesterday, and gave her
spirit a home, amongst
the others who had
done the same.

it was time.
her sacrifice, although in
short scene seemed unfair,
served a greater purpose.
so he let go, and let her rest.
alone and at peace.

she went.
with a smile
at the surface.

he understood what took place,

the exchange, of life.

i'd like for readers to comment on what they think this poem might be about and repost if you enjoyed, thank you!
Robert D Nov 2019
Putting my thoughts on to paper
Letting the words flow out on their own
Never knew I'd like writing
Breaking out of my comfort zone

Harder than it seems
Trying to express what I feel
Opening my heart and soul
Trying to keep my words real

Looking to what I wrote
From ending to the start
These words have heavy meaning
These words are from my heart

It helps with my hopelessness
Gives me the ability to cope
Writing these words down
Gives me the ability to hope
Isaac Nov 2019
they look at it like x marks the spot
in a cradle of apprehension they are caught
in a chrysalis of fear and self-fulfilling prophecies
disturbed sleep descends like cold blankets on colder memories

they fiddle with the dirt with their calloused toes
an imprint of hope on the sands with their soles
the fleeting winds chide them with gales in the night of day
once a broken mind, a broken heart you’ll stay

turned head twisted neck on the floor broken back
from the burdens of many, their condolences in a sack
tugged along for many years to come,
a mission long lost, aimless as the sun
travelled paths leave marks like many stains
of fights long lost and won, of broken limbs and pain
weathered faces carved into fallen pebbles chipped off a boulder
made for something big, something more, just resting on your shoulders
maybe it’s just my horrible sense of direction
As she speaks her voice cracks
It shakes
As her lips begin to move
In such ways she never imagined
She spoke truth
She fell in love with herself

The good and the bad, we have it all

Riddled by insecurities, the good escapes

The mask of duplicity, beguiles the stray

Lacking in empathy, losing every way

Sheer, is the veil of the soul, free flowing

Embellished with the goodness of love

Let it shine & let it glow

Be at peace

Never let it go

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